Chapter 860 Wife Competition! (2)
"Is it itchy? How do you know that I won't be able to give birth?" How could Jun Haodong not know that these guys did it on purpose, although he didn't want to argue with them, but saying that he can't have children, isn't that cryptic? Say he can't?

"Brother, don't blame me for not reminding you, you really can't give birth to this!" Ling Rui raised his daughter above his head, without even looking at Jun Haodong, and complained.

"Nonsense!" Jun Haodong snorted lightly, stood up and said, "You guys are busy, I'm going to bed!" After speaking, he ignored everyone and went upstairs to the bedroom alone.

"Hey! I didn't expect big brother to be so stubborn!" Jun Mubei sighed as he looked at the closed door upstairs.

"Pretentious!" Ling Rui spit out two words bluntly.

Although Suzaku underestimated the Shen family last time, she didn't expect the Shen family to have such a perverted system of destruction, which almost caused a big mistake, but she was also taught a lesson later, and he and Shishi were not angry anymore. What are you angry about!
Besides, the matter between him and Han Jing was also hidden from Suzaku. It took six years to leave, and now the two have a tie. I really don't know why they are still awkward!It made everyone uneasy.

"I didn't expect big brother to be so hard-working!" Jun Nuanxin only recently found out about Suzaku. She didn't expect that his always gentle and considerate big brother would be so deserted, even colder than the third brother who kept a straight face all day long.

"Okay, let's all go to sleep, we still have work to do tomorrow!" Mr. Jun, Mr. Ling and Mr. Bai, who were sitting on the balcony drinking tea and playing chess, came over and said to everyone.

Everyone said good night to each other and went back to their rooms.

Du Haoyang naturally returned to the guest room prepared for them with his arms around the awkward Wang Yueshan. After putting the sleeping Du Hengyu on the crib, Du Haoyang let Wang Yueshan sit on the bed with an expression of ready to have a long talk.

"I know what you're going to say to me, but it's completely unnecessary!" Wang Yueshan said before Du Haoyang could get ready to speak.

"Have you figured it out?" Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan suspiciously and asked.

"I figured it out!" Wang Yueshan nodded.

"So fast?" Du Haoyang carefully examined Wang Yueshan's eyebrows and eyes again.

"Shishi woke me up!" Wang Yueshan felt warm when she thought of Tang Shishi's words.

"Damn, this guy Tang Shishi really loves to be troublesome, he doesn't give me a chance to show off at all!" Du Haoyang was grateful to Tang Shishi in his heart, but his mouth was not forgiving.

"Don't be cheap and behave yourself! Du Haoyang, let me tell you! I have a family, and the backstage is tough. If you dare to treat me badly, be careful!" Wang Yueshan poked Du Haoyang's chest with her finger Said.

"Aw!" Du Haoyang roared twice, his eyes were extremely evil and enchanting.

Wang Yueshan retracted her hand as if she had been electrocuted, and then gave Du Haoyang a contemptuous look.

Du Haoyang was not willing to let go, he salivated and leaned over forcefully, before Wang Yueshan objected, he preemptively pressed him on the bed, and rolled over lingeringly.

At the beginning of the cloud and rain break, Wang Yueshan lay her pillow on Du Haoyang's arm, and sighed leisurely: "Shishi's fate is so good, she can still recognize her biological parents after so many years!" Unexpectedly, Tang Shishi is actually a child of the Bai family, When Wang Yueshan thought of that Baimo, she sighed in her heart that good fortune made people, and fate was changeable.

Thinking of how Tang Shishi was pampered by three mothers, envy flashed across Wang Yueshan's eyes.

Du Haoyang gently kissed Wang Yueshan's forehead, and said softly: "You have me, and Hengyu!"

Wang Yueshan snuggled into Du Haoyang's arms, felt Du Haoyang's steady and powerful heartbeat, and felt very at ease in her heart. After a moment of silence, Wang Yueshan suddenly raised her head and looked at Du Haoyang's eyes that were still shining brightly in the dark night. Said: "Du Haoyang, did I say a word to you?"

"What?" Du Haoyang lowered his head and raised his hand to rub Wang Yueshan's hair, his voice was slightly hoarse and full of magnetism.

Premonitioning that what Wang Yueshan said might be the words he wanted to hear all the time, Du Haoyang's heart beat obviously out of order.

"It's good to have you!" Wang Yueshan looked at the Qi Yi in Du Haoyang's eyes, felt his heartbeat out of rhythm, and his words changed again, and there was a mischievous light in his eyes!

"Wang Yueshan, you don't mean what you say!" Du Haoyang's teeth were grinding.

"Why didn't I say what I meant! Do you want me to say that it's a pity to know you?" Wang Yueshan is not afraid of Du Haoyang's anger, this man is a paper tiger in front of her.

"Small sample! The skin is tight again! Hmm!" Du Haoyang rubbed Wang Yueshan vigorously, his tone full of threats.

Feeling the temperature on her lower abdomen, Wang Yueshan turned over to escape from the claws of a hungry wolf. Who knew, this hungry wolf reacted much faster than her, and before she could react, it had already crushed her Down, firmly under control.

"Du Haoyang! You go out, you have to get up early tomorrow, don't make trouble!" Wang Yueshan's body was fixed in Du Haoyang's arms, she couldn't struggle, so she softened her voice.

"It's not like our child has a full moon, what do we do when we wake up so early! You can sleep until you wake up naturally!" Du Haoyang didn't care about getting up, but still reminded Wang Yueshan of his original intention: "Don't try to change the subject!"

"Hooligan! Shameless!" Wang Yueshan kicked Du Haoyang angrily. She wanted to stop it, but Du Haoyang took advantage of it and got what she wanted, which made her moan uncontrollably.

If she sleeps until she wakes up naturally, everyone probably knows how fierce their battle was at night!

"Say it or not!" Du Haoyang climbed up that gentle arc viciously while speaking.

"Take it easy!" Wang Yueshan reprimanded out of breath.

"Say it!" Du Haoyang said without giving up.

"What do you want me to say?" Wang Yueshan muttered dissatisfied!
"Shouldn't you be stubborn? Master must clean up you tonight!" Du Haoyang gritted his teeth and spit out a few words!

"WHO is afraid of WHO!" Wang Yueshan looked desperate!She is determined not to talk about love at this time!

The passion in the room is like boiling bubbles, constantly tumbling, but no one knows who is the final winner of this battle!

However, for the two people who have forgotten themselves, is the result important?

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui also slept a little late. In the "adulterous love" Jun's mansion, the relationship between the husband and wife was a bit vegetarian, but they were tender.

Tang Shishi returned to her room, and first called Lu Tao. Tomorrow, the child will be full moon, and Lu Tao, a godfather, will naturally not be absent. Tang Shishi called because of Wang Yueshan's affairs, and Du Haoze was also invited. She I'm really afraid that something unpleasant will happen tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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