Chapter 861
"I'll check on him tomorrow! Don't worry!" Lu Tao probably knew Tang Shishi's purpose after seeing the name on the caller ID. Avoid Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang's.

"En." Tang Shishi responded, and then couldn't help asking: "How is Hao Ze doing recently?" In the previous stage, Lu Tao said that Du Hao Ze's condition was very bad, and he almost got a hole in his stomach after drinking.

"It will pass!" Lu Tao didn't say it clearly, but just passed a sentence vaguely, "Is my godson and daughter good these two days?" Lu Tao thought of those three soft and sticky little guys who were almost carved out of the same mold. , My heart is so soft that I can squeeze out water.

"You're good, you're not mischievous at all, it's very worry-free!" Listening to Lu Tao changing the subject, Tang Shishi wisely stopped asking about Du Haoze, and replied with a smile.

"This is definitely up to you!" Lu Tao said with a smile.

"No matter who you follow, it's not for you anyway!" Lu Tao had just finished speaking when he heard a cold voice from the other end of the phone, thinking that the phone had changed hands.

"Ling Rui, you're going too far! I'm talking to Shishi!" Thinking of Ling Rui's overbearing, Lu Tao felt angry!He was just telling the truth!

"Are you busy recently? The real estate in Beicheng isn't busy enough for you?" Ling Rui snorted coldly, thinking that he had to find a few more cases to keep Lu Tao busy. He's always playing with his son and daughter's idea!

A businessman with a bad reputation should think about making money 72 hours a day!

"I'm warning you, don't get me some messy cases, we won't accept them!" As soon as Ling Rui said it, Lu Tao knew what kind of bad idea this unscrupulous guy was coming up with. He had been working for half a month. Didn't go to see godson and daughter!It's all this man's fault!
"The most famous representative building in Huaxia Kingdom was actually described by you as a messy case. Have your eyes grown to the sky, President Lu? Since you don't like these messy things, then I will find some more for you. You like him!" After Ling Rui finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Lu Tao's answer, and made Lu Tao jump on the other end of the phone angrily!

The cheapskate!asshole!

Listening to the end of the battle between the two childish men, Tang Shishi shook her head helplessly, because she recognized Lu Tao as the godfather for the child, Ling Rui really made trouble for Lu Tao, in order to prevent Lu Tao from appearing in the Jun's mansion when he had time, Ling Rui got a lot of business for Lu Tao's company, and Lu Tao couldn't refuse all of them, so Lu Tao often called to complain.

"Honey, you said that I was kind enough to help him, but he didn't appreciate it. Isn't it too ignorant? How could you find such a ruthless godfather for our little ones? Why don't you explain it to him tomorrow Don't let him be the godfather of the children, okay?" After Ling Rui hung up the phone, he was perplexed in front of Tang Shishi, lobbying Tang Shishi to remove Lu Tao's godfather for the ten thousandth time. .

"Am I the kind of person who backtracks on what I promise?" Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a blank look, and went to bed rubbing her sore shoulders.

Ling Rui knew that his choreography had failed again, but he didn't worry about it. He stepped forward to give Tang Shishi a body massage before going to bed. This was his daily homework since Tang Shishi was discharged from the hospital.

The Tang poems, which have been enriched a lot due to production, are fleshy, soft, and feel great. Ling Rui can't put it down every time. He knows that every time he does this, he will ignite himself, but he can't stop.

The full moon banquet for the golden grandson of the Jun family was very grand!

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar faces in the banquet hall, Wang Yueshan sighed in her heart, and thought mischievously, if a terrorist came and dropped a bomb or something, she could guarantee that the entire Huaxia Kingdom would be playing for a while. Stop turning!

"What are you looking around for?" Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan closely today, for fear that Du Haoze would show up and kidnap her. Of course, Du Hengyu's little friend can't show up in this kind of scene, and Suzaku is taking care of it. Therefore, Du Haoyang was more worried about whether Suzaku, a cold and inexperienced woman, could take good care of his son?But looking at Wang Yueshan, who seemed so heartless and heartless, she didn't seem to be worried at all, Du Haoyang felt a little sad and angry!
Wang Yueshan didn't notice Du Haoyang's sour tone, she winked at Du Haoyang and asked, "Tell me, if a bomb is dropped at this time..."

"Are you just talking nonsense?" Du Haoyang cast a sideways glance at Wang Yueshan, "Besides, their lives are not as precious as the two of us. We have a family!"

puff!Wang Yueshan couldn't help laughing, it was just a joke, this man seemed too serious.

"You can't make a joke!" Du Haoyang poked Wang Yueshan's head, then looked around again, and said, "You think Ling Rui will let this happen? This banquet hall is surrounded by sharp-knife troops and hidden guards of gold powder, let alone There are terrorists, not even a horrible mosquito can fly in!"

"That's right!" Wang Yueshan looked around at the faces that could only be seen on TV, and nodded in agreement.

"The banquet will start in a while, let's leave first!" Du Haoyang watched Lu Tao and Du Haoze come in through the door, bowed his head and said in Wang Yueshan's ear.

"Leaving the table early, isn't it good?" Wang Yueshan frowned and asked.

"There are so many big people here, who would notice the two of us, besides, we still have children, so we should get away early, and save them the trouble of entertaining us!" The corner of Du Haoyang's eyes caught Du Haoze's search around , and continued to lobby Wang Yueshan with her head down.

From a distance, the standing posture of these two people looks like a couple who are whispering softly.

"That's right!" Wang Yueshan nodded in agreement.

The corner of Du Haoyang's mouth twitched, and he smiled. He had already seen that Du Haoze had discovered them and walked towards them quickly, so he quickly pecked at the corner of Wang Yueshan's mouth.

"What are you doing! There are so many people here!" Wang Yueshan was attacked unexpectedly, her face was a little unnatural, she subconsciously glanced at the people around her, but met Du Haoze's gaze directly.

"Yueshan!" Du Haoze stood three meters away from Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang, and called out softly, with an indescribably sad voice.

He saw the interaction between Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang just now, and felt that his eyes were burned and his heart was also burned, but he still couldn't control his steps and walked over.

"Haoze, long time no see!" Wang Yueshan smiled faintly, and greeted Du Haoze generously. After not seeing him for a few months, he lost a lot of weight, and Wang Yueshan felt a little guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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