Chapter 862
"Long time no see!" Du Haoze replied mechanically after being stabbed in the heart by Wang Yueshan's distant greeting from a friend.

"Yueshan, long time no see!" Lu Tao couldn't stop Du Haoze, so he rushed over to greet Wang Yueshan.

"Long time no see!" Wang Yueshan learned about Lu Tao's life experience from Tang Shishi, and she felt quite sympathetic to Lu Tao. She also heard from Tang Shishi that Lu Tao was locked in an iron cage and almost died in order to inform her. The prejudice is long gone.

"Let's go over there and see what we can do to help!" Du Haoyang really disliked Du Haoze's eyes that couldn't be retracted from Wang Yueshan, and he was afraid that if he stayed for a while, he couldn't help but look back at those eyes. The eyeballs were pulled out. In order not to let the blood of the full moon banquet of the nephew and niece, he decided to bear with it once and took Wang Yueshan to avoid it.

"Okay." Wang Yueshan also felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so she nodded apologetically to Lu Tao and Du Haoze, took Du Haoyang's arm, and prepared to leave.

"Yueshan, I have something to tell you!" Du Haoze stared at Wang Yueshan's arm holding Du Haoyang's, tightly pursed his lips, and suddenly grabbed Wang Yueshan's other arm and said.

Wang Yueshan sighed slightly in her heart, before Du Haoyang opened her mouth, she said to Du Haoze: "Let's find a quiet place."

"Okay!" Du Haoze didn't expect Wang Yueshan to agree so easily, his eyes jumped with joy.

"I don't agree!" How could Du Haoyang rest assured that Wang Yueshan and Du Haoze were alone, and immediately objected with a firm attitude.

"Objection is invalid!" Wang Yueshan glared at Du Haoyang, and then said to Lu Tao, "You two talk first."

"Xiao Shanshan, I have nothing to chat with this person! I'll just chat with you!" Du Haoyang began to act like a baby.

Lu Tao frowned. Ling Rui's friends were all the same, they had no manners, no manners, and he had nothing to talk to this man!

"Be good!" Wang Yueshan patted Du Haoyang's shoulder and said, "Just say a few words, and I'll be back soon!"

Du Haoyang turned his head and snorted coldly, expressing his displeasure.

But Wang Yueshan ignored him, knowing that he agreed, so she followed Du Haoze to a relatively secluded corner of the banquet hall.

Lu Tao looked at Du Haoyang's gaze and followed Wang Yueshan's all the time. Naturally, he would not be bored to talk to Du Haoyang. Intellectually, he could understand Wang Yueshan's choice, but emotionally, he naturally favored his good friend Du Haoze. So he left Du Haoyang and found a seat to sit down by himself, but his eyes were still paying attention to the movements of Wang Yueshan and Du Haoze. Shishi made him pay close attention to Du Haoze, and he didn't want to be trusted.

"What's the matter, let's talk." Wang Yueshan was uncomfortable being stared at by Du Haoze, so she couldn't help but look first and said.

Didn't you say you have something to tell her, what's the point of staring at her all the time, she doesn't know how to read minds.However, looking at Du Haoze's sad eyes, Wang Yueshan admitted that she felt very uncomfortable.

However, she won't show it.

"Yueshan, are you—are you alright?" The calmness on Wang Yueshan's face hurt Du Haoze's heart. He looked at Wang Yueshan who looked very good, slightly plump, and obviously had a good life, but couldn't help but ask such a question if.

"I'm fine, and he's been nice to me too! Hao Ze, put it down, there are many women who are better than me!" Wang Yueshan used the same lines thousands of times in the eight o'clock file, but, although the lines Old-fashioned, but her sincerity cannot be faked!

"If only it were so easy to forget!" Du Haoze looked at Wang Yueshan with a wry smile: "Wang Yueshan, do you know that I have liked you for seven years!"

"I can only say sorry! I can no longer respond to your feelings!" Wang Yueshan refused very seriously. From the moment Cao Xinru appeared, she had already begun to have no hope for the future of the two of them. She tried her best. , I also gave Du Haoze a chance in my heart, but these things can't change anything in the end. She is a selfish woman. She wants to give all the feelings she wants, otherwise she will not linger at all. She has been a child who lacks love and warmth since she was a child. She looks heartless, as if she doesn't know pain, but in fact she is more fragile than anyone else, and she is afraid of getting hurt!
"Because of my mother? She can no longer destroy us now!" Du Haoze said unwillingly.

"Once some injuries are caused, there is no room for change. Although the whole thing is not your fault, but that person is your mother, this is your biggest mistake! Hao Ze, you know, I am more serious than anyone else. Care about this!" Seeing Tang Shishi being bullied by that woman Wang Fengzhen for three years, Wang Yueshan felt that she had already suffered from mother-in-law phobia.

"I'm sorry!" Du Haoze remembered that day when Wang Yueshan was clutching her stomach and fell into a pool of blood in pain, she couldn't complain to her anymore. The only connection between him and Wang Yueshan was cruelly torn by his mother. broken.

"I've already forgotten those things, so don't think about it anymore, find a good woman and live a good life." When Wang Yueshan thought of Du Hengyu's small face, the pain she had suffered back then seemed not so bad.

"Yueshan!" Watching Wang Yueshan leave, Du Haoze hurriedly shouted.

Wang Yueshan stopped and didn't look back.

"Yueshan, if he treats you badly, you must tell me, I—"

"Hao Ze, no one should wait for someone in place. Even if I can't be with him in the end, I won't do anything to you anymore. In this world, it's not that whoever leaves can't live." Wang Yueshan said coldly, These words are not only for Du Haoze to hear, but also for herself.

Du Haoze saw Wang Yueshan's back gradually blending into the crowd, and Du Haoyang quickly stepped forward to hug her in his arms, his heart ached so much that he couldn't help it.

Isn't it true that no one can live without him?Yueshan, do you know that without you, I will not be able to live!

Lu Tao didn't know when he appeared by Du Haoze's side, and patted him on the shoulder comfortingly. Lu Tao could understand Du Haoze's current mood best. I really didn't expect that the four of them would end up like this!

In the past, when he married Tang Shishi, he encouraged Du Haoze and Wang Yueshan, who were the best man and bridesmaid, to make a couple. He originally thought that the two of them would live happily ever after, just like when they were in college, but they didn't. Thinking, in the end, Lao and Yan separated, and Fenghuang left the branch to live in someone else's courtyard.Looking at Tang Shishi who was smiling happily in Ling Rui's arms in the distance, he felt mixed feelings in his heart, and he just felt that luck was tricking people.

"What did you say?" Du Haoyang put his arms around Wang Yueshan's waist, looked in Du Haoze's direction vigilantly, and asked.

"This is my private matter, Du Haoyang, you meddle too much!" Wang Yueshan gave Du Haoyang a displeased look, she didn't even ask about his rotten love affairs, why should he ask so.

(End of this chapter)

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