Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 863 Inconvenient to show up?

Chapter 863 Inconvenient to show up? (1)
"Don't say pull it down!" Du Haoyang gritted his teeth angrily, with a little awkward expression on his face, he put his arm around Wang Yueshan's waist, and subconsciously clasped her waist tightly.

"Relax, you want to strangle me!" Wang Yueshan patted Du Haoyang's big hand and protested.

"You're right, I want to strangle you to death now!" Du Haoyang gave Wang Yueshan an evil look, and he said harshly, "I'll go back and deal with you!"

"Be careful!" Wang Yueshan thought of the scene where she was waiting for breakfast by a large family in the morning, and she wanted to get into the cracks in the ground. This man had the nerve to talk about it!

What a shameless person, invincible in the world!
Du Haoyang looked at the shame and annoyance on Wang Yueshan's face, and finally felt a little more relaxed in his heart, so he didn't care so much about what Wang Yueshan said to Du Haoze. In fact, he also knew that he couldn't escape those words anyway.

Judging from his various experiences of breaking up with others over the years, the relationship between Wang Yueshan and Du Haoze must be extremely boring!
Thinking of his various reasons for kicking people, Du Haoyang was arrogant for a second, and then cursed in his heart: These damn experiences!

Wang Yueshan felt that Du Haoyang was a bit uncertain today, but she attributed it to a disagreement with Du Haoze, and didn't care. Looking at the huge banquet scene, she had the urge to leave quickly.

"Hey, why is that person here?" Wang Yueshan saw a man in the crowd holding a wine glass and looking at the people around him indifferently. asked curiously.

This man, she only met once, but she was very impressed because this man was the one who sneaked into the flight attendant in the bathroom yesterday on the plane.

Tang Yu noticed Wang Yueshan's gaze, and with a sensitive side of his face, when he saw Wang Yueshan in the crowd clearly, he showed a charming smile and raised the cup in his hand towards Wang Yueshan.

Tsk tsk, she really has the capital of being romantic!
Wang Yueshan couldn't help sighing.

"When did you meet that guy?" Du Haoyang saw that Wang Yueshan was flirting with Tang Yu, and immediately turned his jealousy over.

"It's not an acquaintance, it's just a meeting on the plane!" Wang Yueshan explained that Du Haoyang was a little amused because he was too nervous.

"Why doesn't it look like they don't know each other?" Du Haoyang looked at Tang Yu and showed him a "cheesy smile", and muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Maybe it's because he's more familiar!" Wang Yueshan glanced at Tang Yu again, thinking, this beast in clothes looks so good-looking, it's really useless for his face!
"Do you think he looks better than me?" Tang Yu's appearance is one of the best in the upper-class circle, and she is well-known as Sai Pan'an, while the biggest shortcoming of this woman Wang Yueshan is her appearance, especially for beautiful men. There is no resistance. When I see a good-looking man, my brain freezes and I have no resistance.

"Is he good-looking, does it have anything to do with me? Besides, I like you better, he is too motherly!" Wang Yueshan secretly rolled her eyes, God, forgive her dishonesty, this man is really too much today Don't be awkward, she doesn't want to mess with her anymore, she won't be able to get out of bed all day tomorrow, and become everyone's laughing stock!

Du Haoyang gave Wang Yueshan a look of knowledge, and finally stopped being entangled, but he still listed Tang Yu as a person who refused to deal with him. Beautiful men are poisonous, so we have to guard against them!
Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan naturally sat at the same table with Quan Shaobai and the others, but before the two of them slipped away, Jun Haodong left as soon as the table opened, and after a while, Jun Mu Beiguai took Mo Youyou to leave as well up.

Du Haoyang looked at Jun Mubei's expression of watching the show when he left, and was a little curious to ask Quan Shaobai and Jun Nuanxin who were at the same table, but when he turned around, he found that these two guys didn't know when they left .

What is rhythm?Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan looked at each other puzzled, could it be a mass escape?

Something interesting must have happened, but the direction of these people is very scattered!Jun Haodong went towards the side door, while Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou went upstairs, Quan Shaobai and Jun Nuanxin walked towards the bathroom, who would he be with?

Du Haoyang, who hesitated for a moment, took Wang Yueshan's hand, and followed Jun Mubei decisively, because when Jun Mubei just left, his eyes were too cheap, and he couldn't be suspicious!
Sure enough, as Du Haoyang expected, when he took Wang Yueshan upstairs, he saw Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou sticking to the door of a room like a gecko. They slowed down under Jun Mubei's signal. , walked up on tiptoe, and just wanted to curiously see what happened in the room through the crack of the door, when Tang Shishi's voice sounded with some resentment: "I thought, you won't come today !"

Du Haoyang was vigilant, glanced at Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou who were tightly stuck to the wall, and muttered in his heart: Who is the third sister-in-law talking to?Who are you waiting for?The third brother is greeting the guests below!
Du Haoyang squinted his eyes hard and looked in through the crack of the door. There was a man standing beside the crib with his back to them. He couldn't see clearly. When he thought of what Tang Shishi said just now, he looked at Mo Youyou and Jun Mubei again. The performance of these two people, thunder rolled in his heart!
Could it be that these two guys are here to catch rape?

"How could I not come on such a day!" The man's voice was low and sweet, very nice: "However, it's not convenient for me to show up below."

Not convenient to show up? !

Du Haoyang became alert. From the crack of the door, he saw the man lowered his head and gently caressed the baby's face with his fingers. There was an obvious scar on one side of his face. The wound was smooth, and it looked like he was injured by a sharp weapon.

Who is this guy?Du Haoyang couldn't help wondering in his heart. He noticed that Wang Yueshan beside him was showing excitement on his face, and he reached out to push the door. Du Haoyang quickly wrapped Wang Yueshan into his arms, and quickly covered her mouth.

"..." Wang Yueshan raised her eyes and stared at Du Haoyang, but she couldn't make any sound. What is this guy doing?The one inside is Senior Shen He!

"What's so inconvenient! Excuse!" Tang Shishi's tone was a bit annoyed: "I called you so many times and sent you so many messages, but you didn't answer or reply, it's too much!".

It was obviously a complaint, but when it reached Du Haoyang's ears, it completely changed its flavor.

behave in a spoiled manner? !Depend on!
Tang Shishi, you are too unreserved!
Listening to the voices in the room, Du Haoyang couldn't help feeling aggrieved for Ling Rui. How could this Tang Shishi have a tryst with a man in private?unacceptable!
(End of this chapter)

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