Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 864 Inconvenient to show up?

Chapter 864 Inconvenient to show up? (2)
Thinking of entertaining guests in the banquet hall downstairs, Du Haoyang's fists clenched against Ling Rui, who was full of spring, and then looked at the two big geckos on the wall that were listening with gusto, Du Haoyang became even more angry. You know it, but you don't report it, just watch the fun, shameless!
"I——a while ago, I was a little busy..." Jun Hexi coughed lightly, and said with some embarrassment.

"So busy that you don't have time to connect to the phone and reply to the text message?" Tang Shishi typically didn't believe it, and her tone was a little aggressive.

cough!Jun Hexi coughed lightly again, and nodded stiffly under the gaze of Tang Shishi's clear and invisible eyes.

"Then are you done with your work now?" Tang Shishi followed closely.

"Well—not yet!" Jun Hexi curled his tongue.

"Senior, you never blush when you tell a lie! You are as thick-skinned as Ling Rui! How come you brothers can tell lies as if they are true!" Tang Shishi couldn't help but give Jun Hexi a hard look. , with anger in his voice.

When Jun Hexi heard Tang Shishi mentioning Ling Rui, his face flashed unnaturally, and then as if he didn't hear what Tang Shishi said, he teased the third brother who was lying quietly on the crib. A piece of tenderness: "They are so cute!"

"That's it! Don't look at who gave birth!" Tang Shishi knew that Jun Hexi wanted to change the subject, but he finally showed up. How could she let him go so easily, and let him go back to see her no matter what. See grandpa and parents.

"You are an uncle, you don't come here with empty hands, do you?" Tang Shishi said, stretching out one of her little hands towards Jun Hexi, thinking about it and thinking it was impossible, she simply stretched both of her little hands to Jun Hexi. In front of Hersey.

Uncle? !Du Haoyang looked at Jun Mubei in a daze, and found that the man ignored him at all, so he continued to eavesdrop on Wang Yueshan with his arms around him.

When did senior Shen He become the uncle of the babies?Wang Yueshan blinked her eyes in surprise.

It seems that she missed a lot of interesting things during her time abroad!
"What are you doing?" Jun Hexi looked at Tang Shishi asking for a gift, with a lively expression, and a frightening light shining in his eyebrows and eyes, which made him want to tease her.

"Why, you didn't really come here empty-handed, did you? Jun Hexi, why are you so stingy!" Tang Shishi stretched out her hands a little tired, seeing Jun Hexi in a daze as if she really didn't prepare a gift, she was also in her heart Climbing through a bit of embarrassment, in fact, she didn't really want a gift, she just wanted to delay as much as possible, who knew that this would really make things difficult for others!

"I'm stingy? I don't know who it is, and I still owe me a meal!" Jun Hexi didn't expect that he hesitated for a while, and was misunderstood by Tang Shishi as stingy, and couldn't help but refute .

Tang Shishi was embarrassed, thinking why this guy remembers this every day, it's the year of the monkey, she has already forgotten it!

"There is a seat reserved for you at the banquet below. How can you rely on me if you don't go?" Tang Shishi gave Shen He a blank look, and just about to withdraw her hand, she suddenly found three heavy boxes in her hand.

How could Jun Hexi not prepare the child's full moon gift? It's just that he originally wanted to take advantage of the crowd, come up and take a peek at the child, put the gift down and leave, but Tang Shishi waited for him.

"I'm not like you, cheapskate!" After Jun Hexi finished speaking, he stopped looking at Tang Shishi, and turned his eyes to the three soft and sticky little guys. These three little guys look really good. Handsome, almost carved out of the same mold, it hurts people's bones at a glance.

Tang Shishi curled her lips, opened Jun Hexi's gift, and looked at the three exquisite silver pistols inside, and couldn't help but feel moved. Needless to say, this pistol must have been designed and made by this man himself, especially the pistol was originally small. There are also gems falling on it, which are full of jewels, not like killing things at all, but more like pieces of ornamental objects.

Mo Youyou, who was outside, heard that there was a gift, and moved her head to the crack of the door. When she saw the three exquisite and small pistols, she couldn't help but glisten, and she swallowed. want to!

She also wants to spend the full moon and receive gifts like the babies!

Looking at Tang Shishi's expression, Jun Hexi knew that she liked this gift, and she couldn't help but feel relieved.

He didn't answer his father's call that day, but after receiving a message from Ling Yue, he really wanted to fly back to City A immediately, but how could he come with nothing, so he thought about it and designed these three by himself. Small pistols, as a full moon gift for children.

"I said, don't think that you brought a gift, let's forget about it. Since you are here today, don't even think about slipping away!" Tang Shishi put the small box next to the three babies, one by one, and pointed at Jun Hexi said with a strong attitude.

Although this gift is very suitable for her, don't think that this can buy her off!Today, she obeyed her grandfather's order and must bring him home.

"Are you sure you can stop me now?" Jun Hexi couldn't help teasing Tang Shishi's eagerness to fight.

Tang Shishi, who just gave birth to her confinement, has not recovered her body. She is round and smooth, and she is more than two times fatter than before. Looking at her like this, Jun Hexi really doubts whether she can use her unique skills. Tang Wuying feet!
"Why should I stop you!" Tang Shishi snorted lightly, obviously very dissatisfied with Jun Hexi's suspicious gaze, although she didn't show anything on her face, she complained in her heart: Isn't it just a little fatter, It doesn't affect her performance at all!

However, it wasn't her turn to perform. Someone would do this physical work!
"A net has been laid here long ago, you can't get away!" Tang Shishi looked at Jun Hexi and said with air.

"The net of heaven and earth?" Jun Hexi couldn't help chuckling, is this arresting criminals?

"Don't believe it?" Tang Shishi misunderstood the expression on Jun Hexi's face, and shouted at the door: "You guys come out soon!"

The four people who were originally lurking at the door quickly avoided when Tang Shishi's eyes swept over.

It was quiet outside the door, without any movement.

Tang Shishi frowned, could it be that Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou didn't keep up?

Outside the door, Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan looked at Mo Youyou and Jun Mubei who were standing still, and cleverly made props for the scenery.

"Hoho! It seems that the personnel on your side are not in place yet! I'll dodge first, so there's no need to send it away!" Jun Hexi watched Tang Shishi's face darken, smiled enchantingly, and walked towards the window.

"Don't even think about it!" Let Shishi immediately go up and grab Jun Hexi's vest, who knows that Jun Hexi's shoulder moved, the vest was taken off by him, but the person was like a slippery loach, skimming to the edge of the window sill .

(End of this chapter)

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