Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 870 It turns out that it's not love!

Chapter 870 It turns out that it's not love! (2)
"Ahem!" Du Haoyang kept winking at Wang Yueshan.

"What's wrong? Are your eyes cramping?" Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoyang who was winking in confusion, and choked.

It's just that as soon as she finished speaking, she felt that the surrounding atmosphere was a bit cold, so she followed Du Haoyang's gaze, turned to look at the cold Suzaku, and coughed uncontrollably.

Suzaku nodded expressionlessly at Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan, and then went back to her room on the third floor.

After the two abnormal people left, Wang Yueshan breathed a sigh of relief, stuck out her tongue and said, "It's scary!"

"That's right, it's no problem for one woman to be Tang Shishi or two!" Because of Jun Haodong's relationship, Du Haoyang knew a little bit about Suzaku's fierce skills.

"Really?" Wang Yueshan's eyes lit up, "So much better than Shishi?"

"Of course! You don't need to treat her as a woman!" Du Haoyang said, and began to worry about Du Hengyu again, wondering if there was anything wrong with the little guy they handed over to Suzaku!
"Female man!" Wang Yueshan's eyes became brighter, "Idol!"

Du Haoyang: "..."

This woman is really getting more and more unreliable, it is more reliable for him to see his son's situation first!

It turned out that Du Haoyang was completely overwhelmed. Du Hengyu, who had been put to sleep by the nanny, was extremely friendly!

Du Haoyang looked at Du Hengyu who was still talking in his sleep, couldn't help stretching out his hand to pinch his pink face, and then said to Wang Yueshan, who was lying on the sofa in the room with no image: "Yueshan, you want to Shall we go home?"

Seeing the harmonious Jun family today, Du Haoyang misses his father Du Hao a little bit. He has been away for more than half a year, so he should go back and have a look.

"No, no, no!" Wang Yueshan was lying on the sofa lazily and boneless, but when she heard Du Haoyang's words, she immediately got up and denied it repeatedly.

"Absolutely don't let them see the child!" Although it is impossible to hide this matter forever, Wang Yueshan chooses to hide it for a day, especially when she sees Du Haoze today, she even rejects going to Du's house.

It's better to wait for time, the butcher's knife, to sharpen it a little longer.

Du Haoyang knew what Wang Yueshan was worried about and what he was jealous of, so he didn't force her anymore.

"Then I'll go back in two days." It's really unreasonable not to go home after returning to China.

"Well! You stay at home for two more days, and I'll wait for you here. Anyway, there are so many people here, so it's busy!" Wang Yueshan is also very considerate of Du Haoyang's situation, except for not going back to Du's house with him and exposing the child, everything else is fine discuss.

Du Haoyang hummed, walked to the sofa, hugged Wang Yueshan and began to move his arms up and down irregularly.

"What are you doing, it's in broad daylight!" Wang Yueshan patted Du Haoyang's wolf claws away, with an unnatural expression on her face. After all, this is not her home, and she still couldn't let go.

"What are you afraid of? There's no one at home right now!" Du Haoyang said, pushing Wang Yueshan's clothes up, and muttering, "I'm going home. I've been going home for a few days, so you can bear it!"

"Why can't I bear it!" Wang Yueshan gave Du Haoyang a blank look, but didn't pat his hand away.

"Cruel-hearted woman!"

"Cough!" Just when the two people in the room were disheveled and about to get better, there was a soft cough from the door.

Wang Yueshan screamed, and shrank her body into Du Haoyang's arms, while Du Haoyang covered Wang Yueshan with his chest. Fortunately, he was in a hurry just before he had time to take off all his clothes.

"Boss, why didn't you knock on the door!" Du Haoyang looked at Jun Haodong who was standing with his back outside the door, with a resentful tone!
"The door is open!" Jun Haodong coughed again in embarrassment.

"Hiss!" Wang Yueshan took a retaliatory bite, which made him gasp, and stared at her with lustful eyes.

Wang Yueshan felt aggrieved by someone, so she laughed unkindly and silently.

"Boss, what do you want from me?" Du Haoyang asked while enduring his physical discomfort.

"I wanted to ask you for a drink, but I didn't expect you to be busy. I'm leaving, you guys continue!" Jun Haodong didn't expect these two people to be so enthusiastic and unrestrained in the daytime, and they staged a restricted-level performance in the room without closing the door, let alone There is still a child here, so I don't even know how to avoid it!

"Oh! Hiss! You go down first, I'll be right there!" Originally, he wanted Jun Haodong to leave quickly so that he wouldn't be an eyesore here, because Wang Yueshan's rogue claw was pinching on his waist fiercely. With twists and turns, he had to succumb to her lust and changed his tone temporarily.

Du Haoyang originally hoped that Jun Haodong would be more interesting, so he rejected him, but who knows, the boss of the Jun family, who has always been considerate, actually left a sentence: "Then hurry up!" and went downstairs!
Du Haoyang got up from Wang Yueshan, rushed to the door quickly, closed the door, and then began to put on a resentful face to Wang Yueshan: "Xiao Shanshan, why do you insist on me pinching me?"

"Didn't you see that the boss is in a bad mood today? He came to see you at this time, he must be looking for someone to talk to, how dare you refuse!" Wang Yueshan glared at Du Haoyang and said.

"Don't stare at me with such ecstasy eyes! People will die! Look!" Du Haoyang said, showing Wang Yueshan his gun.

"Get out!" Wang Yueshan blushed and choked Du Haoyang, secretly cursing this shameless person!
Du Haoyang wailed: "Boss is so blind! Ahhhh! Xiao Shanshan, you don't love me anymore! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Then Wang Yueshan pushed the door out amidst the screams of ghosts.

After sending the person away, Wang Yueshan plunged into the bed, covered her face with a pillow, and stood up!

Just now, it's so fucking embarrassing to throw it at grandma's house!
Du Haoyang was sitting in the passenger seat with a resentful demeanor. Seeing that Jun Haodong was driving silently all the way, with no desire to talk to him at all, he couldn't help complaining: "Boss, you will kill people like this!"

Since he was a child, he and the brothers of the Jun family are familiar with each other's virtues, and they have always spoken without restraint.

"How about I get you some medicine later?" Jun Haodong asked kindly, with an expression of thinking for Du Haoyang.

"Boss! You're ruthless!" There are medicines that make people happy in the Golden Cave, and naturally there are many medicines that can make people quiet. Jun Haodong's words are tantamount to killing people with soft knives!
Seeing that Du Haoyang was quiet, Jun Haodong didn't say anything else, and drove the car all the way into Brother Kong Fang, and entered their exclusive private room from the exclusive elevator.

It was the first time for Du Haoyang to come to Brother Kong Fang, and when he saw the private room inside Brother Kong Fang with the same decoration and layout as that in Jinfen, he immediately felt cordial. When he was looking around, Jun Haodong had already opened four bottles of dry red, even the cup It's useless, just blow it up on the bottle.

(End of this chapter)

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