Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 871 It turns out that it's not love!

Chapter 871 It turns out that it's not love! (3)
"Boss, what are you doing? You're going to get drunk!" Du Haoyang saw Jun Haodong's posture, as if he was going to fight for a drink with him, and immediately waved his hand and said, "I don't want to drink!" Shanshan loves love, but she doesn't want to go home smelling of alcohol!Otherwise, you will definitely be disgusted!
"I didn't let you drink it!" Jun Haodong threw the half-drinked dry red bottle on the table, breathed out the alcohol, and said.

"You won't—won't you plan to drink all of this?" Du Haoyang pointed to the wine bottle on the table, and said worriedly, "You'll die of drunkenness!"

Dry red has great stamina, how can it be drunk like drinking beer!
Boss, this is the rhythm of opening his eyes wide open and trying to get himself drunk!
"I'm just here to get drunk!" After Jun Haodong finished speaking, he began to gulp down the wine again, and soon, the bottle of dry red ran out!

When Jun Haodong stretched out his hand for the wine again, Du Haoyang immediately stopped Jun Haodong and said, "Boss, what's the matter with you, don't keep it in your heart, just say it, brother will help you as a consultant!"

"You don't understand even after talking about it, don't stop me!" Jun Haodong waved Du Haoyang's hand away, then grabbed another bottle of dry red wine and started pouring it wildly!
"Boss! Don't drink, don't drink!" Du Haoyang snatched the wine bottle from Jun Haodong's hand. He didn't expect that Jun Haodong went to such trouble to get him here, not to let him drink with him, but also to drink with him. It's not to tell him what's on his mind, but to let him watch him drink!
"Don't stop me! I'll get drunk later, just take me back!" Jun Haodong didn't grab the bottle of wine in Du Haoyang's hand, but picked another bottle of wine from the table and started drinking.

He wanted to get completely drunk today, maybe only when he was drunk would he not feel so uncomfortable!

"Boss, what's the matter with you, is it okay to say it? Sir, is there anything you can't think about? Isn't she a woman!" Du Haoyang knew that Jun Haodong's gaffe today must have something to do with Suzaku, but also He didn't know exactly what happened between these two people, but in fact, he could see that Suzaku clearly cared about the boss.

"Isn't she just a woman? Hehe!" Jun Haodong smiled gently, the sudden pain in his eyes was so naked that it was difficult for people to pretend not to see it.

Du Haoyang knew from Jun Haodong's expression that this problem was difficult!

"Boss, if you like her, you can just give her a hard bow. Anyway, she was originally the death guard of your Jun family. If you, young master, want to sneak into her, it's her luck!" Du Haoyang tried while Observing Jun Haodong's expression, he found that when he was talking about unspoken rules, Jun Haodong's eyes flickered, so he began to talk about his experience: "Besides, this woman is all the same. , even if she is in San Gang Wu Lie, if she does that kind of thing a few more times, her temper will soften, and if she has another child—”

"Fart!" As soon as Du Haoyang mentioned the child, Jun Haodong thought of Suzaku's abortion, angrily threw the wine bottle in his hand, and smashed it on a European-style stone pillar in the private room with a clang. The red liquor splashed all over the place.

"Boss, if you don't drink it, don't waste it like this!" Du Haoyang, who was recently brainwashed by Wang Yueshan and has achieved great results, began to feel sorry for the torn bottle of red wine, which cost hundreds of thousands a bottle!waste!
Jun Haodong didn't even look at those fragments, picked up a bottle of red wine on the table, and started to drink wildly.

"Boss! You really can't drink anymore!" Jun Haodong is the worst drinker among them. Drinking a bottle of dry red wine is already the limit. Nodding his head, he quickly snatched the bottle from his hand.

"You--don't stop me! Let me--hip-drink! When I'm drunk, I feel--hip-comfortable!" Jun Haodong already felt that the alcohol was constantly rushing up, but at this moment his consciousness was still Clearly, reaching out to grab the wine in Du Haoyang's hand.

Normally, Du Haoyang would not be Jun Haodong's opponent at all, but now, although Jun Haodong's shot speed is still very fast, when he moves, the strength of the wine is also fast. Just as he was about to grab the wine bottle in Du Haoyang's hand, his body Shake up.

"Boss, what's the matter? Tell me, maybe there is some misunderstanding?" Du Haoyang had a headache, and continued to babble from Jun Haodong's mouth.

"You don't understand! Give me—give me wine!" Jun Haodong was about to grab Du Haoyang, but there were several Du Haoyang in front of him. He shook his head, trying to see clearly, but who knew, his head became even more dizzy !

"If you don't say anything, how can you know that I don't understand? I have more experience with women than you!" Du Haoyang patted his chest and said, "If you like her, then put down your airs and pursue her! "

Du Haoyang knew that Jun Haodong couldn't let Suzaku go, otherwise he wouldn't be so depressed!But the Jun family brothers are not the kind of people who stick to their status, especially Jun Haodong, I really don't know what happened between the two of them!

Jun Haodong looked at Du Haoyang suspiciously, as if he was considering the credibility of Du Haoyang's words. After a long time, he sighed again and murmured: "It's useless! It's useless!"

The sadness in that voice shocked Du Haoyang. It was the first time he saw Jun Haodong look so sad. Even if he fought for Han Jing and Jun Mubei back then, he was cut off after losing. Finger, drive out of Jun's house, he never saw Jun Haodong so sad as today.

This Suzaku, the boss has always put her in a very important position in his heart!However, the more he saw Jun Haodong like this, the more Du Haoyang wanted to break through the casserole and ask the bottom line to understand the matter, otherwise, holding on like this, in the long run, accidents are really easy to happen!
"Emotional matters, who can say for sure? Whether it is useful or not, you have to tell me what it is? Haven't you heard of it? Love has thousands of forms, and I have seen more than you I have a lot of knowledge, maybe I have seen you like this before?" Du Haoyang pretended to recall, then patted his head, as if remembering something, and said: "I really have a woman who is somewhat similar to your situation. Knowing how to conceive my child, I wanted mother to be more expensive than the child, and then I disposed of it!"

Du Haoyang prayed in his heart while talking, this is his nonsense, don't fall into Xiao Shanshan's ears, when he used to do that kind of thing, he took stricter protective measures than anything else, just in case there would be accidents. It was a tragedy, but just now when he saw Jun Haodong was very emotional when he heard the word child, he deliberately directed the topic to this.

"You asked her to abort the child?!" Jun Haodong heard Du Haoyang rambling a lot, and he grasped the point sensitively. When he heard that Du Haoyang had the child aborted, he threw himself He rushed towards Du Haoyang, punching and attacking, "You bastard! How can you kill a little life! How can you let someone drop the child! How can you bear it!"

(End of this chapter)

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