Chapter 872 Obscenity (1)
Jun Haodong's eyes showed madness and bloodlust.

"Of course I'm going to fall!" Du Haoyang avoided Jun Haodong in fear, while pleading: "I don't love her, she is not qualified to bear me a child!"

It turned out that the problem was really with the child. Unexpectedly, there was another child between Suzaku and the boss!
"I don't love! Haha! I don't love! Haha..." Hearing Du Haoyang's words, Jun Haodong straightened up and fell on the sofa on his back, laughing loudly on his back, just smiling, but his tone was sad and depressing, Du Haoyang looked There were two streams of crystal clear liquid flowing out from the corners of Jun Haodong's eyes and sinking into the hairline.

"It turns out that I don't love you! Haha..."

"Boss!" Jun Haodong's tears made Du Haoyang completely panic!

This is the first time he has known Jun Haodong for so many years, and he saw Jun Haodong shed tears. A man does not flick his tears easily. This time, the boss must be really sad!

With the cliché to such an extent, Du Haoyang has already made up the conflict between Jun Haodong and Suzaku.Unexpectedly, there was a child between Suzaku and the boss!
The men of the Jun family kept themselves clean, and the boss actually allowed Suzaku to conceive his child. It can be seen that he liked that woman very much, but that woman was so cruel that she fell off his flesh and blood!
Jun Haodong was lying on the sofa, and the alcohol had completely taken away his sanity. He was already as drunk as a pool of mud, but a man with good manners is also very graceful when he is drunk, not to mention he has such self-control. Originally, Du Haoyang was thinking about a super strong person, let him vent, don't hold it in his heart, but who knew, he was lying on the sofa and fell asleep.However, even though he was asleep at the moment, his brows were furrowed uncomfortably, and one hand was still placed on his heart. Such a posture made him a big man, even looking at it made him feel distressed.

Du Haoyang looked at Jun Haodong, sighed, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, the boss really came here to get drunk, he didn't expect to be drunk!
The word love is really terrifying. It can not only make people ecstasy, but also kill and make invisible. Even a perfect and powerful man like the boss is so fragile and vulnerable to emotions.

Du Haoyang was just about to pull Jun Haodong up and carry him back, but unexpectedly Jun Haodong's cell phone rang. Du Haoyang saw that the caller ID was from Ling Rui, so he picked it up without hesitation.

"Brother, where are you?" The banquet over there was coming to an end, and Ling Rui hadn't found Jun Haodong, so he called to ask.

"Third Brother, it's me!" Du Haoyang exhaled and said.

"Haoyang, are you with Big Brother? Where's Big Brother?" Ling Rui didn't expect Jun Haodong's cell phone to be in Du Haoyang's hands, so he asked a little strangely.

"Brother Kong Fang and I are with brother, brother is drunk!"

"Drunk?!" Ling Rui frowned in disbelief: "What happened?" Jun Haodong has always been a person with strong self-control. How many years has it been since he was drunk?
"Aside from a woman, what else could hurt him like this?" Du Haoyang thought of Suzaku, and his tone was a little displeased: "I'll take him back now, don't worry!"

"I see, I'll send someone over to help you!" Ling Rui's voice was a little heavy.

"No - okay, then I'll wait!" Originally, Du Haoyang wanted to refuse, but the tacit understanding between brothers for many years made Du Haoyang quickly understand the deep meaning of Ling Rui's words.

Although it will be a bit difficult to get a drunk back home, it is not a problem for him at all, Du Haoyang, he is not so crispy, Ling Rui said that he needs someone to help, this person, needless to say He also knows who it is!

After hanging up the phone, Du Haoyang simply sat on another single sofa, looking at Jun Haodong, who was half lying on the sofa, with deep brows.

Suzaku came much faster than Du Haoyang imagined. It took less than 10 minutes to appear in the private room. The speed made Du Haoyang feel unbelievable. Of course he didn't know that Suzaku had followed Ling Rui's call from Ling Rui. Instructions to arrive at Brother Kong Fang at the fastest speed. Although it will save a lot of time by taking the secret path, this is indeed her fastest speed.

But this speed made Du Haoyang feel a lot more at ease, because in his opinion, Suzaku could appear so quickly, at least she should care about the boss in her heart.

"Young Master Du!" Suzaku first glanced at the drunk Jun Haodong lying on the sofa, and found that he had just fallen asleep quietly, then secretly relieved, and then greeted Du Haoyang expressionlessly. .

Du Haoyang let out a cold snort from his nostrils, and looked at Suzaku in front of him, with an undisguised deep dissatisfaction on his face!
Suzaku could feel Du Haoyang's hostility, and then looked at Jun Haodong who was lying on the sofa and seemed to be sleeping uncomfortably, feeling distressed, why should he do this?If he didn't want to see her, she wouldn't appear in front of him.

"You, support him!" Du Haoyang put away his crossed legs, stood up, and after giving instructions to Suzaku, he took the key and the phone and left first.

If this was the old Du Haoyang, seeing Suzaku, he might not know how to make her vent her anger for Jun Haodong!But after experiencing emotional matters with Wang Yueshan, Du Haoyang has matured a lot in his view of emotional matters. Therefore, no matter how dissatisfied he is with Suzaku now, he also knows that others cannot interfere with emotional matters. Yes, they still have to come by themselves.

When Du Haoyang left, Suzaku was stunned for a moment, but it was her task to bring Jun Haodong back to Jun's mansion, so Du Haoyang didn't want to help, and she didn't think too much about it.

"Young Master, wake up, it's time to go home!" Suzaku walked to the sofa and said to Jun Haodong.

Jun Haodong didn't move, he was already frowning, and fell asleep peacefully, that handsome face had a kind of sad beauty, Suzaku felt uncomfortable looking at it, in his impression, this man always had a gentle smile on his face, It seems that there is nothing in this world that can make him unhappy. Seeing him like this, Suzaku couldn't help reaching out to smooth Jun Haodong's two frowning eyebrows.

Who knew that just as Suzaku's hand touched Jun Haodong's eyebrows, Jun Haodong suddenly grabbed her tightly.

Suzaku realized what she had done, and wanted to withdraw her hand, but Jun Haodong quickly shook her hand away, "Han Jing, get out!"

Suzaku's body suddenly became stiff!She thought Jun Haodong had woken up, but who knew, he was still lying on the sofa with his eyes closed, if it wasn't for the red marks on his wrists left by him and the faint pain, she would have thought that just now Those words of this man, as well as that action, were an illusion of hers!
Suzaku stared at Jun Haodong's face for a few minutes, then glanced at the wine bottles on the table, and sighed softly, wondering if he really knew that drinking so much If you drink too much, you will drink to death!
(End of this chapter)

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