Chapter 874 He Le Family (2)
Du Haoyang was only aware of the strangeness after being scolded by Wang Yueshan. Seeing Jun Haodong's dark complexion as if he had been splashed with ink, he shuddered coldly!

Isn't it what he thought?

The Jun family members had already discovered that something was wrong, and while they were disappointed, they couldn't help but look at Du Haoyang who lied about the military situation. Du Haoyang felt that he had changed from a hero to a street mouse that everyone shouted and beaten, so sad.

"Didn't you say that the four of you brothers are going to play mahjong? Why are you all sticking around here? Hurry up and rub some mahjong before dinner!" Mr. Jun waved his hand and started to chase people away: "This man is old, drink some Xiaojiu started to feel dizzy, I'll go to sleep, and I will be accounted for if Xiaosan loses!"

Mr. Jun explained, put oil on the soles of his feet, and slipped away first!

"Little San?!" Du Haoyang is typically a person with a low point of laughter, and at this moment he burst out laughing out of nowhere!

"Haha—little—uh!" Before the word "three" came out, Du Haoyang felt a chill down his spine, and several pairs of eyes flicked across his body like ice blades.

Du Haoyang raised his head, and first met Jun Mubei's smiling eyes, he couldn't help but wanted to grin, but when he saw the cold gazes of Jun Hexi and Ling Rui, he covered them tightly. mouth.

"Primary three?!" Tang Shishi's voice broke the deadlock, and when she saw Jun Hexi's face was stiff, she smiled and said, "Honey, you are now a primary four!"

"That's better than the mistress! At least the reputation is better!" Although Ling Rui was very dissatisfied with Tang Shishi's "little forty", when he thought of Jun Hexi being called a mistress, he felt that this title was for Jun He. Xi, you really deserve your name!

Whoever told him to be a good person had to do everything possible to squeeze between him and his big baby.Little three!It really is!
The muscles on Jun Hexi's face twitched, but he didn't speak.

Seeing the situation, the elders of Jun's family sat down steadily after they were going to follow Mr. Jun, watching the show with relish.

"Stinky boy, can you talk?" Naturally, Ling Yue couldn't let Ling Rui bully Jun Hexi like this. The child came home on the first day and was still not used to the atmosphere at home. Bao Qi thought that Ling Rui did this on her orders Well, besides, this brat Ling Rui keeps a cold face when he makes a joke, as if a war is about to start, and she can't do it without her in the middle.

"Is it wrong to be honest?" Ling Rui asked with a beautiful eyebrow.

"Okay, are you proud of being Xiaosi? Xiaosi, boy? It sounds like a servant's name!" Tang Shishi stepped on Ling Rui with her foot under the coffee table.

This guy doesn't know what's wrong today, his narrow-mindedness has committed another mistake!
Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi, grinding his teeth bitterly, but when he saw that Tang Shishi's clear eyes were full of warnings, he roguely put his arms around Tang Shishi's body, and deliberately whispered in her ear to make everyone The volume heard by people said: "Honey, I will only be the one below you!"

Tang Shishi blinked her eyes, and didn't understand it for a while. Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang, two hardcore rotten people, twitched unsteadily, but the smart ones didn't dare to intervene.

"Can you two stop being so disgusting?" Jun Mubei made a face of vomiting, and rubbed his arms around Mo Youyou.

"Xiao Er, stop laughing at fifty steps, look at your disrespectful bear!" Tang Shishi replied rudely, and then pushed Ling Rui away with a blushing face, this shameless old hooligan !
"I'm your second brother, how dare you call me the second? Tang Shishi, don't you think that I dare not do anything to you?" Jun Mubei shouted angrily.

"You were originally the second child, who told you to be born after the elder brother!" Jun Mubei's threat had no effect on Tang Shishi at all!
"Thief girl, you—play mahjong! Play mahjong! Xiaosi will definitely lose tonight, even without the money to buy milk powder!" Jun Mubei really didn't dare to do anything to Tang Shishi, let alone anything else, he If Tang Shishi and Tang Shishi get angry at this time, his father will definitely slap him and send him flying.

"I don't know who wins and who loses!" Tang Shishi didn't care at all, then glanced at Jun Hexi who was still a little stiff and said: "Third brother, there is a jade bottle from the Tang Dynasty in Xiaoer's place, baby Terrible, you won to send your little niece to make a chamber pot!"

"Okay!" After listening to Tang Shishi's words, Jun Hexi swept away the haze on his face, and smiled like a spring breeze.

"Tang poetry!"


Two very unfriendly voices sounded at the same time, it was Jun Mubei and Ling Rui.

Jun Mu Beiqi directly bounced off the sofa, pointed at Tang Shishi and shouted: "You black-hearted woman, you actually want to use my treasure to make a chamber pot?"

"What's wrong with making your broken bottle a chamber pot for my family's Ziqi? It's called making the best use of everything!" Tang Shishi stood up not to be outdone, with a look of chachabei, making it clear that she wanted to open her posture and go to Junmubei Quarrel.

"Shishi, that jade bottle is priceless, at least eight figures, you are too extravagant!" Mo Youyou looked at Tang Shishi with disapproval, and weakly expressed his feelings with the eyes of an expert. view.

Antiques from the Tang Dynasty were used to make chamber pots. Let alone whether they are useful or not, this poem is too wasteful. In the Tang Dynasty, no one was willing to use it as a chamber pot!
"Second sister-in-law, you don't understand this. Girls have to be pampered since they were young. It's not that our Jun family can't afford an eight-figure chamber pot. Don't be too surprised!" Mo Youyou said, Tang Shishi and her sister have a deep affection , Naturally, it's hard to talk anymore, so Ling Rui stepped forward to protect his wife!

Jun Mubei pointed at Ling Rui and Tang Shishi angrily, and said, "You guys—a pair of thieves, a couple of thieves!"

Tang Shishi snorted arrogantly, and handed Ling Rui a "husband, you have really powerful eyes" as a compliment.

"However, my wife, why is Xiao San the one who won the jade bottle, and not your dear husband?" Ling Rui changed the subject when Tang Shishi was proud, pointing at Jun Hexi and pointing at himself , asked Tang Shishi seriously.

"This, hehe! Yueshan, tell me!" Tang Shishi just asked Jun Hexi to go out, but she just wanted to comfort Jun Hexi. After being questioned by Ling Rui, she realized that she had acted improperly, so she immediately Pull your friends out to block the gun.

Wang Yueshan hadn't recovered from the prodigal virtue of the Jun family's wealth and wealth, and was nominated by Tang Shishi, she looked at Tang Shishi in a daze and asked, "What did I say?"

"Tell me about our senior's extraordinary talent in playing mahjong!" Tang Shishi glared at Wang Yueshan and reminded.

"Ah—this! When it comes to playing mahjong, our senior Shen—Jun Hexi is amazing..." Wang Yueshan's head is quite clever, but the people here are all the best of the best. One can imagine the authenticity of the stuttering words?

(End of this chapter)

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