Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 875 The matter about the child is exposed!

Chapter 875 The matter about the child is exposed! (1)
Under the mocking gazes of the crowd, Wang Yueshan simply didn't embarrass her own brain cells, waved her small hand, and said imposingly: "It's useless to talk, the senior is amazing, you will see it in a while! "After finishing speaking, he secretly let out a sigh of relief like a heavy burden!
Lying to a group of smart people is really not an ordinary test of mental endurance!

"Really, senior?" Wang Yueshan cleverly dragged Jun Hexi into the water, and then quickly added: "Senior, you don't want to save face for them by acting out of order on purpose!"

"Okay, I will not save face for them, and play normally!" Jun Hexi smiled at Wang Yueshan, and then said to Tang Shishi: "Don't worry, I will win the jade bottle for my little niece to use as a chamber pot!"

After Jun Hexi finished speaking, those peach blossom eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, swept across the faces of Ling Rui and Jun Mubei seemingly unintentionally!
"Who doesn't know how to talk big? Don't lose without pants!" Jun Mubei said bitterly.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, grandpa said that the loser will be credited to his account!" The smile on Jun Hexi's face brightened.

"I'm afraid that grandpa's family background is not enough for us to win!" Ling Rui just couldn't understand Jun Hexi's complacent look, and immediately united the front with Jun Mubei.

"Don't be afraid, your father and I still have some stock in hand!" Ling Yue couldn't let Ling Rui and Jun Mubei team up to bully Jun Hexi, so she immediately complained.

"Mom, why are you a woman meddling in men's affairs!" Ling Rui snorted coldly, really wanting to ask who is her biological child, but obviously, it is not appropriate to say this.

"I can't interfere with your dad, can you? Jun Zeyu, say something!" Ling Yue kicked the ball to Jun Zeyu.

"I'll listen to my wife!" Jun Zeyu said frankly with a blank face.

"Did you hear that? Brat!" Ling Yueyao poked Ling Rui's forehead forcefully.

"Aren't you going to leave your family fortune to your grandchildren!" Ling Rui muttered angrily.

"My grandchildren will earn their own future!" Ling Yue just refused to let Ling Rui step down.

"Mom, are you sure you didn't raise me from outside?" Ling Rui gritted his teeth.

"Oh! Since you have asked this question several times, and now your grandson has been born to me, I will not hide the truth when everyone is here today. To tell you the truth, I regret having so many children over the years. Why did my eyes turn crooked, and I carried you out!" Ling Yue said with excellent singing and writing.

"Dad, so you can't do it!" Ling Rui angrily turned the gun at Jun Zeyu.

"Brat! You have children, and you still talk like this!" Jun Zeyu was so angry that he wanted to slap Ling Rui on the coffee table, what a shame!To actually question my own ability in front of so many people!
"Okay, so much nonsense! Do you still want to fight?" Jun Haodong, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly raised his voice.

These people are always like this, obviously to divert his attention and propose to play mahjong, but every time they talk about the topic, it wastes time and makes people speechless, and if they continue to bicker like this, tomorrow night Don't even think about touching the mahjong tiles!
In fact, Jun Haodong is very tired now, and his head is still a little dizzy, but he has to give grandpa and Jun Hexi face and spoil everyone's interest. Home, as a big brother, he can't miss the show no matter what!
Besides, he also wanted to find something to do to divert his attention, otherwise, as long as his mind was empty, he would be unable to help but think of Suzaku, that cruel woman!

When Jun Haodong thought that Suzaku had aborted their child, his heart ached!
After being told by Jun Haodong, everyone stopped bickering immediately, and the boss still has to give him face.

Ling Rui, Jun Mubei, and Jun Hexi followed Jun Haodong into the chess and card room. Mo Youyou wanted to follow, but Tang Shishi grabbed him.

"Shishi, let's go and watch the fun!" Mo Youyou didn't want to cause trouble, nor did he want to help anyone, it was just so lively, and he wanted to see what a spectacular scene it would be when the four brothers built the Great Wall for the first time.

"It's their brothers' first event, so don't meddle in it, let them men play by themselves, we women play by ourselves!" Tang Shishi said while holding Mo Youyou's hand.

"Okay then." Mo Youyou watched Jun Mubei walk away helplessly, and then shouted at Jun Mubei: "Xiaoer, come on! I like you!"

Jun Mubei staggered!This stupid guy, Xiaoer is also called by her!

Seeing this pair of live treasures, everyone laughed happily, but Mo Youyou didn't know why, thinking that everyone was optimistic about Jun Mubei just like her, so they also laughed foolishly.

"Hexi, don't forget your niece's chamber pot!" Ling Yue followed Mo Youyou's example and encouraged Jun Hexi.

"Don't worry!" Jun Hexi turned her head and gave Ling Yue a warm smile.

Ling Yue was overjoyed immediately, and said to Tang Shishi: "Girl Shishi, please tell me again how to make the medicinal beef bone soup I asked you last time? I'll cook it right away, and wait for Xiaoxi and the others to make it." After playing mahjong, you can drink."

Tang Shishi nodded, because she was very happy to have such a bright and open-minded mother-in-law.

At dinner, Tang Shishi was the happiest person, because Jun Hexi was really awesome, and really won Ling Ziqi the jade purification bottle to make a urinal.

"Ziqi's urinal!" Tang Shishi thought it was funny when Jun Hexi passed the antique jade bottle to herself, and Jun Mubei's painful facial features seemed to be pumped together.

"Hey!" Tang Shishi couldn't help laughing again while eating.

"Shishi, aren't you too arrogant? Someone is going to fight the case." Wang Yueshan touched Tang Shishi's leg under the table and reminded her in a low voice.

"Is it so obvious?" Tang Shishi looked at Wang Yueshan in surprise and asked.

"What do you think!" Wang Yueshan gave Tang Shishi a big roll of her eyes unceremoniously.

This woman really went to patronize Shale, didn't you see that the atmosphere on the table was so weird that people couldn't hold the chopsticks tightly?

Jun Mubei and Wang Yueshan are not worried, but the girl in this woman's family looks like a big black cloud is hanging over her face, and how many lightning bolts have been shot out of her eyes, thanks to Senior Jun Hexi's ability to resist electric shocks, otherwise It would have been ashes to replace someone else!
After hearing Wang Yueshan's words, Tang Shishi put away her smile, and sneaked a guilty look at Ling Rui's face, and Ling Rui looked at her sideways as if she had foreseen it a long time ago. Hooligan smells so heavy of gunpowder today!
"Husband, eat vegetables! This is your favorite food!" Tang Shishi knew how to assess the situation, and immediately flattered her. She didn't want to be the second person after Wang Yueshan who couldn't get out of bed tomorrow morning!
(End of this chapter)

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