Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 876 The matter about the child is exposed!

Chapter 876 The matter about the child is exposed! (2)
"It's like sending me away with a chopstick dish? Tang Shishi, I'll see you tonight!" Ling Rui snorted coldly, and said domineeringly!Then as he wished, he saw Jun Hexi's hand holding the chopsticks tightened, and he finally felt better!
Tang Shishi felt everyone's ambiguous eyes on her, her face was burning, she ground her teeth angrily, gave Ling Rui a gouged look, and then bowed her head to eat without saying a word.

"Eat more, you'll still have strength at night!" Ling Rui served Tang Shishi with vegetables, while looking at Tang Shishi with naked eyes, not hiding his desire.

"Fourth brother, I know you've been suffocated these days. If you want to flirt, don't do it at the dinner table. How else can we eat?" Du Haoyang stretched out his arm and said miserably: "Look, goosebumps are rising !"

"Who are you showing your prudence to?" Ling Rui scolded Du Haoyang displeased. This guy has more romantic affairs than all the people at this table combined, and he has the nerve to pretend to be a good man!

Du Haoyang murmured something that only he could hear clearly, and then served Wang Yueshan some food, while urging Wang Yueshan to eat quickly. He was going back to City B tomorrow, so go back to the room and get down to business after eating!
Mr. Jun looked at his four precious grandsons, one precious granddaughter, and his two precious granddaughters-in-law. He was overjoyed for a moment, and said to Jun Hexi and Jun Haodong: "Boss and junior have to work harder, and strive for this year's Let's do the marriage!"

As soon as these words fell, the entire dinner table was surprisingly quiet, as if they were frozen by Monkey King's body-holding technique, and everyone forgot what they should do.

Only then did Mr. Jun realize that he had made a slip of the tongue, so he quickly made amends: "Grandpa means that if you have a suitable one, you should settle it quickly. You are not too young, so don't procrastinate. Look at Xiao Si, you are living a good life. So moist!"

Everyone listened to the first half of the sentence, and looked a little relaxed, but after listening to the second half of the sentence, they became strangely quiet again. On the table, only Ling Rui continued to eat happily, and the food was delicious, which made people see There is an urge to slap him on the wall!
Mr. Jun is depressed, this seems to be more and more wrong!For a moment, Mr. Jun looked at Jun Hexi and Jun Haodong with embarrassment.

"Grandpa, if there is something suitable, I will consider it!" Seeing that Mr. Jun was in a dilemma, Jun Haodong said with a nonchalant smile with a look of fugue again.

"Hypocritical! Hypocritical!" As soon as Jun Hexi's words fell, Ling Rui complained bluntly.

Tang Shishi secretly tugged at Ling Rui's clothes, signaling him to stop saying a few words, this guy is getting more and more petty for some reason!

Grandpa Jun looked at Jun Hexi excitedly: "Little San, aren't you lying to Grandpa?".

"Ahem! Grandpa, can we discuss the title of Xiaosan, you can call me Xiaoxi, Hexi, Junsan, or you can call me Xiaohehe, Xiaoxixi, I'm fine!" Jun Hexi changed the subject Dao, and deliberately said the latter two titles very ambiguously, looking at Mr. Jun's expression also became narrow.

"Stinky boy! Don't change the subject for my old man!" Mr. Jun didn't want to be fooled, so he immediately brought the topic back.

"This kind of thing depends on fate, I like children!" Jun Hexi looked enviously, looking at the three little guys in the crib, with a real soft smile on his face, this time he didn't shy away from this topic, If saying this can make everyone feel at ease, why not do it?It will be a long time to live under the same roof in the future, he doesn't want Tang Shishi to be caught in the middle, and besides, this matter of fate is not completely up to his own mind?He believed that his family members were reluctant to wrong him and forced him to make choices he didn't want emotionally, so he said these words without any psychological pressure.

"Really?" Mr. Jun asked again uncertainly.

Jun Hexi looked at Mr. Jun and Ling Yue, Jun Zeyu and the others with unusually excited expressions on their faces, while Jun Mubei and Ling Rui looked like they were waiting to see a good show, and suddenly felt It's not good, there is a feeling that these people have prepared a big hole and are waiting for themselves to jump into it, so there is a little bit of unnaturalness on their faces, and they are smart and reserved: "Grandpa, let's eat first!"

"Okay! Eat and eat!" Mr. Jun's original excited mood was extinguished by Jun Hexi's sudden change of mood, while Ling Rui and Jun Mubei, who were waiting to see the good show, hated Jun Hexi With one glance, they cursed at the same time: Sly fox!
The meal was considered peaceful. After the meal, Du Haoyang dragged Wang Yueshan back to the room under everyone's ambiguous gazes.

"Yueshan, pay attention to your body!" Tang Shishi joked looking at Wang Yueshan's back.

Among this group of people, she is the only one who is familiar with Jun Hexi and Wang Yueshan, so it's okay to joke around.

"To each other!" Not to be outdone, Wang Yueshan glared back at Tang Shishi, Tang Shishi rubbed her nose resentfully, as if she was laughing at fifty steps!
Du Hengyu's little friend was given to Yunmo by Du Haoyang for adoption for one night, so as soon as he entered the room and closed the door carefully, Du Haoyang couldn't wait to hug Wang Yueshan and gnaw on her.

"Take a bath first!" Wang Yueshan didn't expect this guy to be so anxious, she shoved Du Haoyang's chest in embarrassment, and said coquettishly.

"No! I've been holding back all afternoon! Get it out first, and then we'll wash it together!" Du Haoyang carried Wang Yueshan to the bed without hesitation, and at the same time cleaned up the obstacles on the two of them. And enter.

"En!" Du Haoyang is indeed a master flirt, but in just a few short steps, Wang Yueshan's body was already on fire after being teased by him, and when he entered, he sighed contentedly.

"Xiao Shanshan, why don't you just go back to me, and don't worry about leaving the child at Jun's house!" Du Haoyang encouraged him while thinking about leaving for so many days, feeling depressed in his heart.

"No!" City B left Wang Yueshan too much pain, and she wasn't ready to go back yet.

"Then tonight, let me have a good meal!" Du Haoyang knew what Wang Yueshan was feeling awkward in her heart, so she didn't try to force her. Some things can't be rushed, so I can only take my time. What's more, when he went back this time, There are really a lot of things going on, so he feels more at ease letting Wang Yueshan stay at Jun's house.

"Everyone here knows how hungry you are! How dare you not have enough to eat!" Wang Yueshan rolled her eyes at Du Haoyang, and with her two lotus root arms hanging around Du Haoyang's neck, she complained with her mouth pouted.

"I really want to stay here for the rest of my life!"

Wang Yueshan raised her head and bit Du Haoyang's shoulder lightly, then looked at the sweaty hair on Du Haoyang's forehead and slightly distorted face, she felt a secret joy in her heart, she found that she liked Du Haoyang more and more day by day. As for how much she likes this man, it's far beyond her own initial imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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