Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 877 The matter about the child is exposed!

Chapter 877 The matter about the child is exposed! (3)
After being bitten by Wang Yueshan, Du Haoyang became even more energetic as if he had been beaten with blood. This night, he didn't stop until both of them were exhausted, and fell asleep with his arms around her in satisfaction.

The next day, when Du Haoyang left, Wang Yueshan hadn't woken up yet. She opened her eyes in a daze, was hugged and kissed by Du Haoyang for a while, and after eating a lot of tofu, turned over and fell asleep again.

When she woke up again, it was already past eleven o'clock in the noon. Wang Yueshan looked at the time, and she wished she could get under the covers forever and never go out to meet people.

After washing up, just as everyone was waiting for her to have lunch, Wang Yueshan sat on the dining table with her head down in embarrassment, silently lowering her sense of existence, but soon, Wang Yueshan was relieved, because Tang Shishi woke up later than her , By the time everyone had finished their lunch, they still hadn’t gotten out of bed!

On the third day after Du Haoyang left, Lu Tao suddenly came to see his godson and daughter. He ran into Wang Yueshan holding Du Hengyu playing in the garden.

"Yueshan, he—he—" Lu Tao pointed at Du Hengyu, and then at Wang Yueshan. He was always eloquent, but he was so shocked that he couldn't find his tongue.

"He what he?! This is my son!" Wang Yueshan is not a hypocritical person. Since she was smashed by Lu Tao, she simply admitted it openly. However, she deliberately strengthened the word "I", believing in cleverness. Such as Lu Tao, you can hear it.

"At the beginning—Hao Ze didn't know about this, right?" Lu Tao quickly recovered from the shock, thinking of his friend, he complained to Wang Yueshan.

Only he knows how much pain and blow Du Haoze has endured after learning that his child who is about to be born has died. In those days, self-blame and guilt, heartache and helplessness almost defeated him, but the child is obviously fine. Alive, how could Wang Yueshan treat a man who truly loved him so cruelly.

"I don't know yet!" When Du Haoze was mentioned, Wang Yueshan's expression darkened. Although she didn't owe Du Haoze anything, although she didn't intend to keep the matter of the child secret for a long time, she felt somewhat guilty.

"Yueshan, I hope you can think about this matter carefully. After all, this is also Haoze's flesh and blood. You don't know how much torture and pain he has endured because of the loss of the child and you. He is no longer human. He will be a regular visitor to the hospital in the past six months. I hope you can be fair to him. Even if you cannot respond to him emotionally, at least let him have the opportunity to fulfill his obligations as a father. Maybe he will cheer up as soon as possible. "Lu Tao said seriously to Wang Yueshan.

"I didn't intend to keep it a secret. I was just waiting for the right time to tell you about it. You know about Lu Tao and Hao Ze. It's a bit complicated. It's not wise to tell him about the child at this time. I hope you will keep it a secret, and I will tell him about the child in person." Wang Yueshan knew that the relationship between Lu Tao and Du Haoze was just like her relationship with Tang Shishi, and it was difficult for Lu Tao to keep Du Haoze's child away. So plead.

"Yueshan, Haoze was admitted to the hospital again yesterday. I came here this time to ask you to persuade him. Please be fair to Haoze!" Lu Tao thought of Du Haoze who was still in the hospital with water. Eyebrows knit together.

"I don't want to give him false hope. I've already made it clear to him that I don't want to be inseparable. Otherwise, it will only cause him greater harm in the future!" Wang Yueshan was still very rational when dealing with her feelings.

Lu Tao looked at the deserted Wang Yueshan, and had nothing to say for a while. Intellectually, he knew what Wang Yueshan said was right, but personally, when he thought of Du Haoze's sickly waiting to die, Lu Tao felt that it was true. I can't see it.

"This child really looks like Hao Ze." After a moment of silence, Lu Tao suddenly looked at Du Hengyu and said, "Let me hug you."

Wang Yueshan hesitated for a while, and asked Lu Tao to hug Du Hengyu into his arms.

"It's much heavier than Zimo and the others!" The lines on Lu Tao's face instantly softened as soon as he hugged the child.

"He's half a year older than them!" Wang Yueshan smiled slightly.

"Little guy, tell uncle, what's your name?" With the experience of holding Ling Zimo and the others, Lu Tao hugged Du Hengyu effortlessly, pinching his little nose while teasing him and asked.

Du Hengyu was twisting and turning in Lu Tao's arms all the time, especially when Lu Tao pinched his nose, which made him very uncomfortable. He stretched out his two small arms and shrunk his small mouth. He wanted to go back to Wang Yueshan's arms, which was much worse than him. Wish, just cry for everyone to see.

Wang Yueshan reached out to take Du Hengyu, and said to Lu Tao: "Du Hengyu, eternal Heng, the universe of the universe."

"Hengyu, what a name! Did he give it to you?" Lu Tao asked tentatively.

"Cut! My own son, why do you let other people marry his name? Anyway, I am also a top student who graduated from T University, so it is difficult to choose a name?" Wang Yueshan yelled at Lu Tao in displeasure. She knew who Lu Tao was talking about. , referring to Du Haoyang.

Lu Tao finally felt better, but looking at Wang Yueshan and Du Hengyu, he still couldn't help sighing: "Tell me, how did the four of us become like this?"

The wife that originally belonged to him has become someone else's, and Wang Yueshan and Du Haoze have also become resentful couples. Even now, they don't even have to be friends. However, Du Haoze is much happier than him. Even if he and Wang Yueshan can't get together in the end , at least there is a common child as a bond, and they will never be separated.

And if he hadn't tried his best to mend his relationship with Shishi later, he might have become a stranger by now. Thinking of this, Lu Tao became jealous of Ling Ruite. He must come to Jun's mansion more often and treat his own well. Godson goddaughter, let Ling Rui jealous!
"Anyway, it's not good, Shishi and I, you two go and review yourself!" Wang Yueshan said bluntly.

"I heard that Shen He——Jun Hexi has returned to the Jun's compound?" Lu Tao came to the Jun's compound today. In fact, there are quite a few purposes. If it weren't for that unscrupulous guy Ling Rui who was too enthusiastic and helped him everywhere Soliciting business made him unable to get away. He came here yesterday.

"Do you still have ideas about the senior?" Wang Yueshan couldn't help but began to display the potential of the rotten girl again, wondering if it would be more interesting to replace Du Haoyang's role with Lu Tao?
"I didn't expect that my charm has reached the point where even men can't resist!" Jun Hexi saw that Lu Tao and Wang Yueshan didn't go in for a long time in the yard, and came out to take a look at Tang Shishi's order. , I heard Lu Tao and Wang Yueshan mentioning themselves, and couldn't help but look at Lu Tao mockingly and said.

"I'm not interested in you!" Lu Tao turned cold when he saw Jun Hexi, seeing this guy made him more uncomfortable than seeing Ling Rui's big vinegar bucket!
(End of this chapter)

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