Chapter 878
"Every other!" Jun Hexi replied bluntly, and then said to Wang Yueshan, "Shishi let you in."

Wang Yueshan nodded, and then called Lu Tao to follow Jun Hexi into the room.

"Shishi, Shishi, you're so affectionate!" Lu Tao walked at the end, murmuring in a voice he could hear.He will never admit that he is a little jealous of Jun Hussey now!Although he has let go of the love between men and women for Shishi and treats Shishi like a family member, he can't live under the same roof with Shishi like Jun Hexi and meet every day.

Ever since Lu Tao left the Jun's mansion, Wang Yueshan always felt uneasy. Although before Lu Tao left, she repeatedly told Lu Tao not to tell Du Haoze about the child, and Lu Tao also agreed, but she always felt uncomfortable in her heart. Practical.

Early the next morning, just after eating, Wang Yueshan was chatting with Du Hengyu and Tang Shishi when Lu Tao called. The bad premonition in Wang Yueshan's heart instantly strengthened. Lu Tao said anxiously on the phone: "Yueshan, Haoze has found out about the child, and he will arrive soon!"

As soon as Lu Tao finished speaking, there was a noise outside, and soon, Du Haoze, who was wearing a hospital gown, rushed into the living room of Jun's house with a frantic expression. Wang Yueshan turned cold and said to the phone: "He has come It's over, Lu Tao, you bastard who doesn't keep his word!"

"Yueshan, you..." Misunderstood!Before Lu Tao finished speaking, he hung up the phone over there. Listening to the beeping sound from the mobile phone, Lu Tao sighed depressedly, then grabbed the car keys and hurried out of the office.

In fact, Lu Tao was really wronged. He also just received a call from Du Haoze, saying that he had a son, and his son was not dead. How did Du Haoze know about it, but he hung up the phone over there, so he quickly called Wang Yueshan to make her mentally prepare, but who knew, Wang Yueshan mistakenly thought that he had told Du Haoze the secret.

Lu Tao didn't care about being wronged by Wang Yueshan. What he was worried about now was whether something would happen if Du Haoze ran into the Jun's mansion.

"Yueshan, where's the child? Where's our child?" Du Haoze's face was haggard, but his expression was excited and frantic. Coupled with his hospital gown, he didn't look like an ordinary business elite at all. Coming out of a mental hospital, he searched around as soon as he entered the living room. When he saw Du Hengyu crawling on the carpet, his eyes were full of surprise.

This white little chubby little dumpling is his son!He and Yueshan's son!
For a moment, Du Haoze was overwhelmed by various feelings, and he stood there blankly, forgetting all his movements, and his body trembled slightly after being swallowed by the large patient.

child!his child!
Du Hengyu, who was crawling on the carpet, was taken aback by Du Haoze's sudden intrusion, and his chubby body quickly crawled towards Wang Yueshan.

Wang Yueshan bent down and picked up Du Hengyu, the little guy hugged Wang Yueshan's neck tightly.Probably because of premature birth, Du Hengyu is more lethargic and timid than other children.

Du Haoze looked at Du Hengyu in Wang Yueshan's arms, his similar eyebrows and eyes made the blood in his body start to frenzy, and hope was ignited in the heart that had been bit by bit by despair for several months.

"Yueshan, let me hug our son." Du Haoze walked quickly in front of Wang Yueshan, stretched out his arms, and wanted to hug Du Hengyu. Only by hugging him could he be sure that everything in front of him was not a dream, but a dream. real.

Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoze, hugged Du Hengyu tightly, and took a step back warily. She didn't want Du Haoze to hold the child, she was afraid that Du Haoze would take the child away from him!
"Yueshan, I'm the child's father!" Du Haoze's voice was hoarse and sad, and moisture welled up in his eyes.

Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoze in embarrassment, and remained silent.

When Du Hengyu saw Du Haoze who was close at hand, he turned his head, lay on Wang Yueshan's shoulder and began to cry.

"Haoze, you scared him!" Wang Yueshan quickly patted Du Hengyu's back to coax him, and then said softly to Du Haoze.

You scared him!In just a few words, Du Haoze's heart was twisted like a knife. His son denied him, rejected him, and was afraid of him. Du Haoze's body was shaken by this recognition, and he couldn't help taking a step back. He couldn't even breathe. Feeling sad.

"Hao Ze, the child is less than a month old, so it is easy to be frightened." Tang Shishi on the side, after handing over the three little ones to the nanny, stepped forward to clear the siege for Wang Yueshan and Du Haoze.

"How is he now?" After being reminded by Tang Shishi, Du Haoze remembered the crisis that day. It was a blessing that the child was able to save his life. Moreover, since the child was born, it was the first time that their father and son met, so he just used it It's no wonder that children are afraid of him when this terrible image appears!Thinking of this, Du Haoze felt a lot better. What he cared most about now was the child's physical condition.

"When I was born, I was only a little over three catties, and my body was very weak. Fortunately, Yueshan's body was well adjusted when she was pregnant. Apart from being easily frightened and a little timid, the child has no other problems." Tell Du Haoze all this.

"Why didn't you tell me? Do you know how I got here these days, I..." Du Haoze said, his voice choked up.

Ever since he knew that the child was gone, Du Haoze never felt good for a single moment. He didn't even dare to watch TV, because whenever he saw a picture of a child on the TV, he would think of his child who didn't come to this world, and his heart ached. Like a knife cut, even seeing a pregnant woman on the road usually makes Du Haoze feel uncomfortable for a long time, because it reminds him of Wang Yueshan's appearance in a pool of blood back then, and these fears and blood follow him like a shadow, almost breaking him .

"I'm afraid that the Du family will rob me of the child. This is the child I bought with my life. I don't want to lose him." Wang Yueshan looked at the tears rolling down Du Haoze's eyes, her voice soft.

"You won't lose him! How could you lose him? No! No!" Du Haoze repeatedly assured after hearing Wang Yueshan's words.

"So, you won't snatch my son from me?" Wang Yueshan asked with joy in her eyes, looking at Du Haoze for proof.

"No!" Du Haoze replied affirmatively, then looked at Wang Yueshan's eyes full of joy, and said like an oath: "Yueshan, no matter what you say this time, I will never let go of your hand again!"

There is a son between him and Yueshan, he will not allow his son to call another man's father, especially that man is still the child's uncle in terms of seniority, he wants to put everything right!
(End of this chapter)

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