Chapter 879
"Hao Ze, it's over between us!" Sure enough, the most worrying thing still happened.Wang Yueshan wailed in her heart.

"Yueshan, the end is just your unilateral idea. My love for you has never stopped!" Du Haoze's eyes darkened, watching Wang Yueshan's affectionate and focused confession.

Tang Shishi, who was standing aside, sighed secretly, stepped back a few steps, and left space for Wang Yueshan and Du Haoze.

"Haoze, I don't love you!" Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoze unmoved, and said seriously.

"Yueshan, I will make you fall in love with me again!" Du Haoze's eyes darkened after hearing Wang Yueshan's words, and there were small scars in his eyes. He knew that the person Wang Yueshan loved was Du Haoyang. The relationship between Du Haoyang and Du Haoyang, who had been in love for just one year, hurt him very much, but soon he regained his confidence and looked at Wang Yueshan with firm and persistent eyes.

"Du Haoze, this is impossible!" Although she, Wang Yueshan, is a bit petite, she is not a person who is emotionally volatile, ambivalent, and vacillating. She falls in love with Du Hao, and even if she stops loving one day, she will If he walks far away, he will never get entangled with Du Haoze again.

"Don't jump to conclusions too early!" Although he felt very uncomfortable, Du Haoze put on a look of indifference on the surface. The strong woman was afraid of clinging to her husband. Back then, Wang Yueshan couldn't get her because of such clinging, and so did Du Haoyang. With this move, he couldn't believe that he couldn't get Wang Yueshan back!
Du Haoze, who had made up his mind, was full of fighting spirit for a moment, and he set his eyes on Du Hengyu's pink face, full of kindness, as if he was looking at a rare treasure and could never get enough of it.

However, when Du Haoze's eyes fell on the small T-shirt Du Hengyu was wearing, his face turned dark all of a sudden.

Wang Yueshan noticed that Du Haoze's mood was different, she stared at Du Hengyu's clothes with an angry look on her face, so she followed his gaze.

Today, Du Hengyu is wearing a small fluorescent green cotton T-shirt and white shorts. This small T-shirt is a parent-child outfit specially made by Du Haoyang when he was in the United States. She and Du Haoyang each have a T-shirt In the middle of the photo is a photo of Du Haoyang holding Du Hengyu in one hand and Wang Yueshan in the other. The Statue of Liberty is in the background. The three of them are smiling happily, as close as a family.Wang Yueshan remembered that when Du Haoyang chose the photos, he had to spend a lot of time thinking. He spent more than an hour choosing among a large number of photos.

"Yueshan, I won't let my son call someone else's father!" Du Haoze lowered his voice angrily and growled, clenched his hands into fists, trying his best to control his emotions. If he wasn't afraid of scaring the child, he would have He snatched Du Hengyu over, took off the clothes on his body, tore them to pieces, then threw them on the ground, and stomped on them fiercely!

"Hao Ze, you are the child's biological father. This is a fact that no one can change, and no one wants to try to change this. However, I will not wrong my feelings just because of this." Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoze, who was on the verge of rage, said rationally.

It was rare for her to see Du Haoze get angry. It turned out that this man got angry and fought with Du Haoyang. The two of them are indeed brothers. Maybe this is the reason for the so-called noble blood of the Du family.

Du Haoyang...why haven't you come back yet?

Thinking of this name, Wang Yueshan felt a warm current in her heart, she missed that man!
"Yueshan, I believe that I will be a very good father, and our family of three will be happy!" Du Haoze looked at Wang Yueshan and Du Hengyu confidently, with a slight smile on his face.

How long has it been since he smiled from the bottom of his heart?He can't remember it himself, but starting today, his life is full of sunshine and hope again!
This time, he must hold on tightly and never let go!

Wang Yueshan was speechless, she knew that this man would not listen to what she said now, so she simply didn't waste her words.

When Lu Tao hurried into Jun's mansion, he saw Wang Yueshan sitting on the sofa with the child in her arms, and Du Haoze sitting on the side, teasing Du Hengyu. It was a harmonious scene, which made him confused for a while. .

He was worried all the way, ran two red lights, and came here, fearing that Du Haoze would make a fuss at the Jun's house and it would not end well. Who knows, the situation here is not what he was worried about at all, causing him to make a false alarm in vain.

"What's the matter with them?" Lu Tao walked to Tang Shishi's side, looked at Wang Yueshan and Du Haoze from a distance, and asked in a low voice.

"That's what you see!" Tang Shishi couldn't describe the weird atmosphere, she looked at Lu Tao displeased and said, "When did you grow into a tongue boy? Your mouth is so loose!"

"I'm more wronged than Dou E!" Lu Tao said with a wry smile, looking at Tang Shishi.

"Didn't you tell Haoze about the child?" Tang Shishi asked Lu Tao with a surprised look.

"You don't trust me that much?" Lu Tao said with a hurt face.

"It's really not you?" Tang Shishi looked at Lu Tao carefully, trying to see a little bit of lying from his expression.

Lu Tao and Du Haoze's relationship is like brothers, even if he told Du Haoze, she would actually understand and compare her heart with her heart. If this matter happened to her and Wang Yueshan, she might do the same!
"It's really not me, and I don't know where Hao Ze got the news!" Lu Tao didn't take it seriously when he was wronged by Wang Yueshan, but he cared about being wronged by Tang Shishi.

"That's weird!" Tang Shishi said with a slight frown.

There are only a few people who know the inside story of this matter, and everyone knows it well and will not go out and talk nonsense. Who on earth leaked it?Tang poems can't be understood.

Here, Tang Shishi and Lu Tao were whispering, and Du Haoze, who was teasing Du Hengyu over there, saw it, and couldn't help saying happily: "Lu Tao, Shishi, I feel like this will be back to the time we used to be! "

"Once upon a time? Which once upon a time?" As soon as Du Haoze finished his excited words, a deep and cold question came from the door.

Du Haoze turned his head sharply, seeing Ling Rui in military uniform with a face as cold as a knife, he couldn't help but secretly scolded himself for being unlucky!

Ling Rui received Zhou Hu's secret security, saying that there was an unexpected visitor at home. Who knew that after he rushed back, he saw that there were two unexpected guests, and they were openly reminiscing about the past on his home site. What a provocation to him!

Lu Tao saw Ling Rui's stinky face that had been drowned in the vinegar vat, and couldn't help but snorted coldly, and said, "Did you come back as a scud?" He just arrived for a while, and this guy came back. The military area is much farther away from Jun's compound than his company!

(End of this chapter)

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