Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 884 Misunderstanding solved!

Chapter 884 Misunderstanding solved! (2)
After maintaining this intimate posture for an unknown amount of time, the two of them spoke at the same time again.

"Why kill the child?"

"Why did you betray me?"

After finishing speaking, both of them were taken aback for a moment. Jun Haodong reacted first, grabbed Suzaku's bare and white shoulder angrily, and asked solemnly: "When did I betray you?" Could it be this woman's self-righteous thinking He betrayed her, that's why he cruelly killed their child?

"You were still with me the day before, and you slept with Han Jing in a blink of an eye. The city was full of trouble, and in the end, you stayed together and flew together. Isn't this called betrayal?" Suzaku looked at Jun Haodong angrily, and his tone was colder than his.

Although what happened back then was a conspiracy, but this man walked away without a word for six years. Why can he complain that she didn't wait for him?Didn't she have to have him?

Suzaku glared at Jun Haodong angrily, and when he saw the redness and swelling on Jun Haodong's face, his aura weakened obviously, and he cursed in his heart that he was spineless, she really wanted him, after giving him this body, I never let other men approach me, I didn't even think about it.

She was poisoned by a poison called Jun Haodong!

"There's a reason for what I said. You didn't believe me when I asked you to wait for me to come back!" Jun Haodong looked at Suzaku angrily, with a terrifying expression on his face.

"When did you say this? In a dream?" Suzaku looked at Jun Haodong mockingly, and said coldly: "Get out!"

"I called you before I got on the plane, but no one answered, and I sent you a message again!" Enraged by Suzaku's mocking tone and suspicious eyes, Jun Haodong pulled off his clothes scattered beside the bed , took out the phone, unlocked it, clicked on it again, clicked on an encrypted file, entered the password in front of Suzaku, called up the SMS records inside, clicked on one, and put the phone in Suzaku's and said, "Look!"

Suzaku has been watching Jun Haodong's movements. When he called up the encrypted file in the phone, she watched Jun Haodong enter the password, zq2113, and a strange warm current flowed through her heart. Zq is the leader of "Suzaku". Letters, this password means "Suzaku loves you forever." So before seeing that message, Suzaku had already trusted him in his heart.

"Little Queer, trust me, wait for me to come back!" Suzaku looked at the message on Jun Haodong's phone, and then checked the time. It was indeed sent by him before he left. She remembered that it was 09:30 in the morning when he left Airplane, this message was sent at ten past nine.

"But I didn't receive your message at all! I didn't even receive your call!" Suzaku said, frowning.She remembered that since Jun Haodong and Han Jing's "dongchuang incident", she had been working desperately, trying to keep herself busy and divert her attention, but although she restrained herself from contacting Jun Haodong, she kept her phone turned on 24 hours a day , and checking her phone every few minutes, she did not receive Jun Haodong's call or message!
"Nonsense, this message was sent by Phantom's special system, you can't fail to receive it!" He sent it to her in the bathroom before boarding the plane with an excuse, and before sending it, he made a special phone call, He tested whether his system could be used, and no one answered the phone, so he sent a message, and that system, after he went abroad, could no longer be used, until he came back this time and explained to Junmu Beibing. After the previous suspicions were cleared, it was reintroduced into the system.

"But I really didn't receive it! I swear!" Suzaku said with an extremely serious expression.

If she had received Jun Haodong's message, how could she have been frustrated and miserable for so many years?
Jun Haodong saw that Suzaku's expression didn't look like a fake, he frowned and thought for a while, he believed that Suzaku was not lying, maybe it was a system problem, but there is no way to investigate this matter now, fortunately he kept that information, otherwise this would have been a problem. The first time I really jumped into the Yellow River, I couldn't wash it off!Soon, Jun Haodong stopped worrying about this matter, because compared with another matter, this matter is nothing worth mentioning: "So, you thought I betrayed you, so you mercilessly destroyed me. our children?"

"I didn't!" Suzaku explained eagerly when he heard Jun Haodong's words: "How could I do such a thing cruelly?" Thinking of the child, Suzaku's eyes turned red, and he said with a choked voice, "Even if You left me and don't want me anymore, but the child is mine, and I will give birth to him and raise him well!"

"But the fact is that you went to the hospital to have an abortion!" Jun Haodong thought of Suzaku's signature on the abortion sheet he had found, and the softness in his heart that had just been born from Suzaku's tears suddenly turned cold again.

He recognized Suzaku's characters, and checked it many times, it would not be fake!

"I didn't!" Suzaku hurriedly defended. It turned out that the reason why he treated him so badly was because he misunderstood that he went to the hospital to kill the child on his own initiative!At this moment, Suzaku looked at Jun Haodong's handsome eyes, and all the previous resentment in his heart dissipated.

"Didn't you sign the surgery sheet?" Jun Haodong looked down at Suzaku. This position made him look like a king, dominating everything and taking advantage.

"I did sign the operation sheet, but the child had already been aborted at that time, and the doctor said that the abortion was not clean, and I had to curettage, so I—" Thinking of the child who came and left unexpectedly, Suzaku was also very upset. feel good.

That time she and Qinglong carried out a secret mission together, but their whereabouts were exposed, and they were forced into the encirclement by the other party, two against forty.She and Qinglong fought bloody battles and broke out of the siege. In order to cover her, Qinglong was shot three times, two in the leg and one in the wrist. In the end, the two sides ran out of ammunition and food, and fought hand-to-hand. Qinglong was inconvenient to move. In order to save Qinglong, she was kicked in the stomach by the other party. After she killed everyone, she fell into a pool of blood exhausted and passed out.

When she opened her eyes again, she was already in the hospital. A little nurse told her that she had a miscarriage and needed a curettage, and asked her to sign the operation sheet. , Countless self-blame flooded her like a tide. She carelessly didn't know when the child came, and lost him carelessly. At that time, she had a feeling of despair. This child was left to her by Jun Haodong The only souvenir, but she accidentally lost him!
That was the first time she shed tears after she knew that Jun Haodong had betrayed her. That time she couldn't help crying. Later, under the repeated urging of the little nurse, she signed and was pushed into the operating room. She was not afraid at all. During the whole curettage and curettage process, she couldn't stop crying, because her heart hurts so much, it hurts so much!
(End of this chapter)

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