Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 885 Body and mind together 1

Chapter 885 Unity of body and mind (1)
After Jun Haodong heard Suzaku's cry, he held Suzaku's shoulders tightly with both hands, as if he wanted to crush her with great strength, and his distorted complexion made Suzaku feel particularly frightened. Jun Haodong at this moment, in her eyes, , like a god of death who wants revenge!

"It's fine if you don't believe it! Anyway, it's my fault, I'm too rough..." Careless!Suzaku's eyes were dimmed, and he looked away and said, who knew that before he finished speaking, Jun Haodong kissed him vigorously, and his enthusiasm rapidly swelled up, and he began to carry out a new round of sex on Suzaku's body. journey.

"You——get out! Bastard! Get out, get out!" Suzaku, who was about to suffocate, desperately pushed Jun Haodong's thick chest away, crying and screaming.Suzaku is not in the mood to deal with Jun Haodong's request because of being saddened by it.

"Little Queer, you owe me a child! You must make it up to me!" Jun Haodong didn't care about Suzaku's little fist at all, allowing her to vent her dissatisfaction, he just held Suzaku's face in his hands and said tenderly.

The three words "Little Que'er" made Suzaku's movements freeze for an instant. She looked into Jun Haodong's eyes, and the two eyes were warm and wandering, like a magnifying glass, she could clearly see all the emotions on Jun Haodong's face. Finally, the eye sockets shattered, quickly slid down the corners of the eyes, and sank into the hairline.

It has been seven years since he called her so tenderly!Suzaku's tears were no longer uncontrollable, falling in clusters, revealing all her fragility in front of Jun Haodong without any concealment.She suddenly hugged Jun Haodong's waist tightly, pressed her face against his chest, and cried silently.

Tears filled Jun Haodong's chest and scorched his heart. Just when he lowered his head to look at Suzaku's face and wiped her tears, Suzaku suddenly choked up and said, "I'm sorry! I don't know, I didn't know I was pregnant, I..." Suzaku was suddenly speechless, tears filled the face buried in Jun Haodong's arms.

"It's my fault! I should have stayed by your side!" At the moment when the misunderstanding was resolved, Jun Haodong blamed himself. When Suzaku was injured and hospitalized, he didn't stay by Suzaku's side, and Suzaku suffered silently. Such a great pain is in itself his greatest dereliction of duty as a man. Even if there is a big reason, he must bear the consequences for such a mistake.If he hadn't been by Suzaku's side back then, their child might never have left!

Thinking of the abortion operation sheet signed by Suzaku that he traced back, Jun Haodong's eyes were gloomy. He believed what Suzaku said, and also believed that the operation sheet was true. There must be something in it that they didn't know about. The inside story, but these, he didn't want Suzaku to know, lest she blame herself even more and be sad again, just let him handle everything!
"I'm sorry!" Jun Haodong held Suzaku's face in his palm, then bowed his head and gently sucked the tears on her face, apologizing earnestly.

"You're gone, I don't blame you!" Suzaku suddenly said softly.

She didn't blame him. A man like Jun Haodong who was like a king was something she never dared to imagine.Originally, being able to get his pity was already an extreme extravagant wish for her double identity. Although their sweet days together were short, she was already very satisfied.

"Duplicity! Who just asked me why I betrayed?" Jun Haodong joked, sweeping away the previous haze.

Suzaku bit her lip, pondered for a while, and finally summoned up the courage to say: "Originally, I really didn't blame you, and you know that I belong to the Shen family...but since the matter of the Shen family was settled, I— ——Shishi said, I deserve to be loved by the best man in the world, I think, that man, it's you! ——" Suzaku spoke incoherently, and said that she couldn't continue, even she herself didn't know what she wanted to express!
She did what Tang Shishi said, and she also learned to resist, but it didn't seem to have any effect. On the contrary, the more she resisted, the worse the relationship between the two became. So, she didn't know whether what Tang Shishi said was true. of.

Jun Haodong understood. It turned out that his little Que'er was brainwashed by that woman Tang Shishi, but he quickly picked out the key points from a lot of words, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but happy. It turned out that in Xiao Que'er's eyes, , he is the best man in the world!With such a high level of awareness towards Xiao Que'er, Jun Haodong's mood soared, and he suddenly felt that life was complete!
"Shishi's words are very reasonable. In the future, listen to them more!" Jun Haodong knew that Suzaku's temperament was too reserved, even a bit rigid. If Tang Shishi could infect her and make her more lively, he would be happy to see it It's done.

"But, you are the eldest, I just..." Suzaku was particularly troubled by the obedience consciousness that had been strictly trained in Phantom.

"In front of personal feelings, there is no big or small, I'm just your man!" Jun Haodong tapped Suzaku's lips, his voice was soft like water.

Suzaku almost drowned in the deep pool of Jun Haodong's tenderness, she was silent for a while, and she said with some uncertainty: "But, you said that day and today, I am just a servant, and I must obey your orders .” That’s what he said and what he did, right?
Jun Haodong almost bit off his tongue, in order to prevent Suzaku from repeating the old score, he immediately changed the subject.

"How about giving birth to the best child in the world for the best man in the world?" After Jun Haodong finished speaking, he didn't give Suzaku a chance to answer. He lowered his head and grabbed Suzaku's lips vigorously. , This body language is better than thousands of words.

The night is getting thicker, and the love is getting stronger!

"How? Did you hear anything?"

Just when Jun Haodong was holding Suzaku in his arms, he had just finished the ups and downs, when he suddenly heard someone shouting outside, the two of them froze, and quickly pulled a thin quilt to cover their bodies.

Suzaku's entire small face was buried in Jun Haodong's arms, it was so red that it was unreasonable, there were two streams of spring water in her eyes, she was holding her breath, she was cautious, she was not ready for those uninvited guests outside the door to break into her Entry preparations.

"Don't be afraid! They dare not come in!" Sensing Suzaku's embarrassment, Jun Haodong put his arm around her shoulder and comforted her.

"It's hard to say!" Suzaku still has doubts. She has lived in the Jun's mansion for so many days, but she has seen the evil methods of those people, which are completely no big or small, and there is no lower limit. I heard that Shi Shi On the first night when Ling Rui and I returned to Jun's compound, Jun Mubei made a fool of him. While doing that kind of thing, the whole bed suddenly collapsed, and Yun Mo and Ling Yue broke down the door and left him. The onlookers were watching, and Suzaku felt embarrassed just thinking about it, if they barged in like that... Suzaku nervously slipped into Jun Haodong's arms again.

(End of this chapter)

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