Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 886 Body and mind together 1

Chapter 886 Unity of body and mind (2)
But thinking of the bed, Suzaku suddenly became worried about her little bed. Although Jun Mubei didn't have the chance to kill her bed legs this time, but the two of them were so ecstasy just now, I don't know if the bed board can withstand it Can stand it!

Suzaku was really annoyed and tangled at the moment.

"..." Jun Haodong was speechless when he heard Suzaku's words. It seemed that his little Que'er was well aware of the virtues of his family.In fact, he also knew that the sound outside the door just now was clearly made by some bastard who asked loudly on purpose, and the purpose was just to throw stones to ask for directions. Chuang, at least it can be regarded as giving face to his big brother!
"Gulu! Gulu!" Just when Jun Haodong and Suzaku made up their minds to sleep under the covers and ignore the troublemakers outside, Suzaku's stomach suddenly groaned.

"Little Queer, did I not feed you just now? It seems that you have a big appetite, and I have to work harder!" Jun Haodong looked at Suzaku whose face was as red as a tomato, and couldn't help but stare at her. He squeezed his chest and joked.

At this moment, Suzaku wanted to find a crack in the ground and slip down, it was really embarrassing, but her stomach just didn't live up to it, as if echoing Jun Haodong's words, she gurgled twice again, which made her feel ashamed.

"I haven't eaten all day today!" After feeling Jun Haodong's big evil hand on her flat belly, Suzaku was afraid that he would tease her again, so she quickly pressed his hand and said in a low voice.

She has no resistance to his temptation, this body is so sensitive that it seems that it was born for him, but now that there are so many people outside waiting to listen to their corner of the bed, she doesn't want to embarrass herself again.

"It's my fault! Punish me to get you food, okay?" Jun Haodong pitifully pressed a kiss on Suzaku's forehead, his tone full of guilt.

It's all because he neglected her too much. His little Que'er doesn't have a lot of meat. He hasn't eaten for a day. He must be starving!
"No more!" Suzaku grabbed Jun Haodong who was about to get up, one could imagine how those people waiting outside would taunt and make fun of him after Jun Haodong went out, she didn't want him to face that. "It's okay not to eat for a day!" In the past, she often went hungry during training and missions, and many times it took much longer than this. It really didn't matter to her if she didn't eat for a day!
"I don't want you to go hungry!" Jun Haodong knew that Suzaku didn't want people outside to laugh at him, but he couldn't be more happy now. He wouldn't take what those guys said to him at all. Besides, let those people laugh at him. A few words of ridicule are harmless, at worst, I will find a chance to laugh back later, his face is not as important as Xiao Que'er's stomach!

Seeing that Jun Haodong couldn't be stopped, Suzaku simply got up too. Although she was very shy and wished she would never go out to meet people, she decided to face it with Jun Haodong.Who knows, Jun Haodong forcefully stuffed Suzaku into the bed, and said: "I can handle it alone, they actually care about us, but they just like to make trouble, it's nothing!"

The unconcealable worry in Suzaku's eyes pleased Jun Haodong, and he couldn't help but sigh, what an idiot and bastard he was for wasting so much time and almost missing Xiao Que'er.

"Don't sleep at night, you guys are busy?" Jun Haodong only wore his previous pair of slacks at home, and suddenly opened the door with his upper body naked, and looked coldly at the chattering people outside.

Good guy, there are really enough idlers in this house!Thinking of these people gathering outside the door to listen to the corner of the bed at any time, he completely understood Ling Rui and Tang Shishi's feelings when they were bullied.

"Brother, tsk tsk! I can't tell! You move fast enough!" Jun Mubei observed Jun Haodong's expression for a while, then his eyes fell on Jun Haodong's bare chest, winking, smiling as much as he wanted. How ambiguous!
Following Jun Mubei's gaze, Jun Haodong saw the "criminal evidence" of adultery on his chest that he didn't know when he left, and suddenly felt chilly all over his body, regretting that he ran out without his shirt on!
"I've already said that he's hungry and thirsty, and his ass hurts!" Ling Rui said coolly on the side, with a rather contemptuous tone.

How many times he had given these two people the opportunity to match them up, but every time he was blinded to his good intentions in vain!He thought how noble his big brother could be, but he didn't expect to surrender so soon!

"You two brats! How can you say that about your elder brother!" Mr. Jun glared at Ling Rui and Jun Mubei, and then when Jun Haodong just gave him a grateful look, he said, "This dry fire After seven years, how can it be achieved if it is not intense!"

He sold another one of his precious grandsons, and Mr. Jun smiled happily. The family has been full of happy events recently. He seemed to see many little golden grandsons waving at him, and sweetly calling him grandpa around him. That picture is really perfect !
Jun Haodong's body suddenly staggered, and he leaned tightly against the door frame so that no one could notice the strangeness. He looked at Mr. Jun helplessly and said, "Grandpa, you are already old, why are you in the middle of the night?" Still not going to bed, imitating other young people listening to the corner? How old and disrespectful!"

"Stinky boy! I'm not here to accompany Xiaoxi!" Mr. Jun pointed to Jun Hexi who was beside him, and said.

Jun Hexi looked at the ceiling speechlessly, thinking, Grandpa, can you be more shameless?It's clearly because you stayed up most of the night and mysteriously pulled me out of bed to see a good show, and then dragged me here by force!

Jun Hexi yawned very sleepily when Jun Haodong threw the knife at him, then shrugged and spread his hands!Prove that you are genuinely innocent.

He is still trying to apply the so-called "culture" of the Jun family. He really can't imagine that this group of people are glamorous and dog-like outside, but they are all ruined behind closed doors. other!
But—he likes it!

"I didn't expect Suzaku to be so violent! Big brother is so pitiful!" Mo Youyou looked at the scratches all over Jun Haodong's body, and came to a conclusion sympathetically.

After hearing Mo Youyou's voice, Suzaku, who was hiding in the quilt, subconsciously wrapped herself tightly again, her face was on fire.

"Of course I'm not as gentle as you! Suzaku is one of the four great protectors. Ten like you are no match for her!" Jun Mubei became excited unconsciously when he thought of Suzaku's method of killing people. The sister-in-law - Jun Mubei began to automatically fill in the picture of Jun Haodong being chased and killed by Suzaku, with a strange smile on his face.

"You mean I'm too useless?" Mo Youyou finally grasped the point once!
(End of this chapter)

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