Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 887 Body and mind together 1

Chapter 887 Unity of body and mind (3)
"No way! I mean you are as gentle as water!" Jun Mubei quickly sent a look of "My dear, don't get me wrong", and kissed Mo Youyou twice while flattering her.

"That's more or less the same!" Mo Youyou didn't know what shyness was at all, and gave Jun Mubei a proud look.

The crowd has long been accustomed to showing their affection to the two every day, and they don't even bother to make emoticons of vomiting, completely ignoring the two as air.

"Get lost after reading it! Don't be an eyesore here!" Jun Haodong looked at the group of stumbling blocks blocking the door, his tone became irritable, his little bird was still hungry!He didn't have time to accompany these people knocking their teeth at the door in the middle of the night!

"Brother, you and sister-in-law are hungry, I cooked you a supper for three people!"

What is sleepy sent hot pillow?It's Tang poetry!

Just when Jun Haodong was blowing his beard and glaring, and wanted to drive away the group of boring people at the door and go to the kitchen to get food, he saw Tang Shishi appearing in front of him with a tray, and the smell of the food quickly overwhelmed him. After touching his taste buds, Jun Haodong only felt that his stomach was getting hungry.

"Thank you, Shishi! You are the most reasonable!" Jun Haodong said gratefully after taking the meal that Tang Shishi handed over.Not only is she reasonable, but she is also very knowledgeable about current affairs. Hearing how natural and kind this sister-in-law is calling!Jun Haodong thought happily!

"Why is it for three people? Did you also make mine?" Ling Rui raised the eyebrow on the right, looked at Tang Shishi and asked.

"That's right, Shishi, why do you have so many?" Mo Youyou was also surprised, smelling the smell of the food, she swallowed hard.

"My sister-in-law didn't drink a drop of water at noon, and she works so hard at night, so she naturally needs to eat more to replenish her strength!" Tang Shishi explained with a light smile.

"Then I'll go back to my room and eat you!" Ling Rui didn't feel dissatisfied when he heard that he didn't have anything to eat, so he played hooligan without changing his face!

Tang Shishi glared at Ling Rui coquettishly, this old rascal, will he die if he doesn't speak?
Jun Haodong nodded in agreement, he didn't expect Shishi to observe so meticulously!His favor for Tang Shishi soared all the way to the commanding heights.

Just when Jun Haodong was about to go back to the room with the food, Tang Shishi suddenly called Jun Haodong hesitantly, "Brother!" There was some obvious embarrassment in that voice.

"What's the matter?" Jun Haodong looked at Tang Shishi's unnatural expression, and immediately asked with concern, thinking as he asked, he was so loyal to Tang Shishi, no matter what request Tang Shishi made, he immediately answered without hesitation promise.

"Brother, that's actually nothing, that is, can you live in sister-in-law's room in the future?" Tang Shishi begged weakly.

"Why?" Jun Haodong asked puzzled.Xiao Que'er's room is an attic, small and narrow, how can it be as comfortable as his big room?He didn't understand why Tang Shishi had such a request.

"That's right, you guys, cough cough! That's too loud, it will disturb the child to sleep!" Tang Shishi stammered.

Jun Haodong's room is on the second floor, just above the baby room of the three little guys. If the two of them are tossing so hard every day, the three little guys will definitely not be able to sleep well.

puff!As soon as Tang Shishi finished speaking, Jun Mubei couldn't help being happy, and said to Tang Shishi with his thumbs up, "Shishi is mighty!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

A blush streaked across Jun Haodong's jade face. He glared sullenly at Tang Shishi, who was murdering with a soft knife, and suddenly felt that the food in his hand became heavier. No wonder Jun Mubei scolded Tang Shishi every day for being a thief and a thief , It turns out that it is not unreasonable!Look, this woman drove him to live in the attic after a meal, and made this group of people watch a joke for nothing!Thinking of this, Jun Haodong darkened his face, snorted coldly, turned around with the food, and kicked the door with a bang.

The people outside had their doors shut, and they all felt that the purpose of tonight had been achieved, so they all went back to their rooms and went to rest.

Wang Yueshan talks to Du Haoyang on the phone every day, but these three couples, Ling Rui and Tang Shishi, Jun Haodong and Suzaku, and Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou, who are lingering and loving every day in the Jun family mansion, feel for Du Haoyang in their hearts. Missing has grown wildly like weeds, and Du Haoze has launched a fierce offensive against Wang Yueshan in the past few days. Du Haoze was very measured this time, and Wang Yueshan couldn't refuse using the child as an excuse. Therefore, Wang Yueshan hesitated for a while, and finally decided to go to City B with Tang Shishi.

"Okay!" Tang Shishi agreed very readily, looking eager to see off the guests, which made Wang Yueshan a little hurt.

"Shishi, at least you should pretend to be polite and keep me?" Wang Yueshan pouted and complained dissatisfied.

"What are you keeping? Keeping your body, but not your heart, your heart has already flown to City B!" Tang Shishi gave Wang Yueshan an angry look, and scolded with a smile.In fact, for the past two days, she has been waiting for Wang Yueshan to bring up the matter of going to City B. If Wang Yueshan scribbles on it for a few more days, she will take the initiative to pack the mother and child back to City B without Wang Yueshan bringing it up, saving her the whole day. I saw this woman floating around the house as if she had lost her soul.

"Don't tell me I can't live without a man!" Wang Yueshan complained uncomfortably after being exposed by Tang Shishi.

"Could it be that Du Haoze is not a man? You can't live without a man, you can't live without Du Haoyang! Ami Tofu! Darling, please recognize the reality earlier!" Tang Shishi poked Wang Yueshan on the head with a smile.

"Cut! That's not it!" Wang Yueshan said with a guilty look, but her face became hot unconsciously.

"Come on! I don't know who broke my family's three rice bowls and two soup spoons in the past two days. If you let you live, my family will soon have no bowls to eat!" Tang Shishi blamed.

"Stingy ghost!" Wang Yueshan blushed and complained after Tang Shishi found out the embarrassing things.

"Okay, hurry up and go with your body and mind! Brother and sister-in-law will accompany you. They will stay in City B for a while. If you have anything to do, you can go to them directly. You're welcome!" Tang Shishi resolutely refused. Don't worry, Wang Yueshan took the child to City B alone. It happened that Suzaku and Jun Haodong were going to meet their uncle in City B, and said that they could take care of their mother and child. Ling Rui also ordered the people in City B to secretly protect Wang Yueshan. In fact, she was still a little worried, because the water in Du's house was very deep, but she also knew that they couldn't help with some things, and Wang Yueshan had to do it herself.

The two laughed and quarreled for a while, and Wang Yueshan suddenly said to Tang Shishi solemnly: "Thank you, Shishi!" Wang Yueshan remembered everything Tang Shishi had done to her. Having such a good friend was a blessing in her life .

(End of this chapter)

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