Chapter 888 Bursting (1)
"Don't be so sensational, it doesn't look like you at all! Look at my goose bumps!" Tang Shishi gave Wang Yueshan a disgusted look.

Wang Yueshan smiled brightly like a mountain flower.

After Wang Yueshan got off the private jet of Jun's family, she couldn't help sighing again. No wonder many women would rather sit in a BMW and cry than laugh in a bicycle. She was in City A more than two hours ago. Tang Shishi was joking, but in just a while, she was already standing at the private airport in City B with all her money!
"Little Shanshan!" Before Wang Yueshan could see what the Jun family's private airport looked like, she and Du Hengyu fell into a warm and firm embrace.

"Why are you here?" Feeling the familiarity and warmth in Du Haoyang's arms, Wang Yueshan asked in surprise.She didn't expect to see the person she had been thinking about day and night as soon as she got off the plane, and she couldn't hide the excitement in her voice.

Du Haoyang was obviously more excited than Wang Yueshan. After a passionate hug, he immediately gave a passionate deep kiss. He didn't care about Jun Haodong, Suzaku and others beside him. He clasped the back of Wang Yueshan's head with one hand and covered his lips tightly. Yes, pressed hard, lingering endlessly.

"Well... don't, there is..." people.The blush on Wang Yueshan's face suddenly exploded, and she avoided Du Haoyang awkwardly. While scolding Du Haoyang for being shameless in her heart, she yearned for a deeper kiss from him. In the end, she stopped struggling, gave up struggling, and tiptoed to meet Du Haoyang's request. Intense demands, sinking with Du Haoyang!
It's okay to be shameless with him, it's also a hardship!

Jun Haodong put his arms around Suzaku and looked at Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan, who looked dissatisfied with desire and dissatisfaction, with a smile on their faces, but Suzaku still couldn't let go, and turned his face away in embarrassment, his eyes flickered, pretending to appreciate the surrounding scenery.

"Wow..." Du Hengyu, who made sandwich biscuits, couldn't bear the enthusiasm of the two adults, and shed tears on the spot to protest.

After all, he is still a living person, and these two people are too disregarding their own feelings, completely ignoring him, they are simply trying to teach the child badly and pollute his young, pure heart!
"Stinky boy! How dare you spoil my good deeds! See if I don't deal with you!" The passionate kiss was interrupted, and Du Haoyang still couldn't get enough of it. He took Du Hengyu from Wang Yueshan's arms, stretched out his hands to pinch his chubby cheeks, Watching him "blowing his beard and staring", he made a grimace and said.

But Du Hengyu wasn't afraid at all, he couldn't stop laughing happily after being teased by Du Haoyang.

"Brat, it's heavy! Bobo!" Du Haoyang held Du Hengyu in his arms, kissed him on both cheeks, and then lifted Du Hengyu high, causing Du Hengyu to laugh louder.

"Put him down quickly!" Seeing Du Haoyang throwing Du Hengyu high, Wang Yueshan immediately stopped her in fright.

"Don't worry, I can't fall! How can my Du Haoyang's son be a coward? Look at how happy the little guy is smiling!" Du Haoyang ignored Wang Yueshan and continued to play with Du Hengyu: "Stinky boy, you miss me so much!".

Wang Yueshan saw that Du Hengyu was not afraid to cry and make a scene, so she finally felt relieved. Seeing that Du Haoyang matched Du Hengyu's father and son without any grievances, and played happily, her heart was as soft as a lake.

When Jun Haodong heard Du Haoyang's "How can my Du Haoyang's son be a coward?", his tone was so natural, so upright, as if it was only right and proper, and look at his love for Du Hengyu, it is not artificial, it is not Adding embellishments and expressing his words, he couldn't help feeling envious in his heart. He hugged the Suzaku in his arms tightly, and said softly: "Little Queer, tell me, we've worked so hard these days, will seeds be planted here too?" Jun Haodong said He put his hand on Suzaku's belly and stroked it lightly, as if there really was a child there.

"I don't know." Suzaku said shyly, her body stiffened somewhat inappropriately.

"Let's have a baby as soon as possible, okay?" Jun Haodong looked enviously at Wang Yueshan, Du Haoyang and Du Hengyu who were smiling happily.

"Well, I'll listen to you!" It's a very happy thing to have a child for the man you love, just like Shishi, Suzaku longed for it in his heart.

"Little Queer, you're so kind!" Jun Haodong kissed Suzaku's face and said.

A man's life is complete only when his wife and son are in his arms!

After saying goodbye to Jun Haodong and Suzaku, Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang took Du Hengyu into the car. Du Haoyang pressed the baby seat for Du Hengyu on the passenger seat, and put Du Hengyu in it as soon as he got in the car. He didn't want the little guy to continue to follow him. He robs people.

As soon as the car started, Wang Yueshan couldn't help asking: "How is your grandfather's illness?"

Du Haoyang's grandfather was seriously ill and was sent to the intensive care unit. It was said that he might die at any time. Therefore, Du Haoyang was tied up in City B and could not escape.

However, he didn't expect that his little woman would take her own initiative to join him with her son!As soon as he saw Wang Yueshan in his arms, Du Haoyang felt extremely at ease. All the worries in his heart these days were all kicked out of his mind, and he began to become full of confidence again. Those people wanted to break them up in a different way. no way!
"Don't worry, the disaster will last for thousands of years. That old guy's life is at stake. He hasn't tossed enough, how could he go so easily!" Du Haoyang hugged Wang Yueshan tightly, sniffing her hair and feeling her fragrance contentedly. breath, said.

"I want to go back again!" When Wang Yueshan thought of the Du family, Mr. Du and Cao Xinru, she had the urge to turn the car around!
"Little Shanshan, don't be so cruel!" Du Haoyang immediately felt wronged, and hugged Wang Yueshan even harder, tying Wang Yueshan almost out of breath.

"Let go! You want to strangle me!" Wang Yueshan angrily pushed Du Haoyang. In front of the driver and the child, this man's behavior was too indecent!

Hearing this, Du Haoyang quickly loosened his grip, but still held Wang Yueshan domineeringly and possessively, refusing to let go, with a contented and arrogant look on his face.

"Little Shanshan, don't leave!"

"It's already here, it's already in the mouth of a sheep, can I go?" Wang Yueshan hummed displeased twice.In fact, she was a little afraid, and a little bit backed down, but since she made up her mind to face it, she already had a heart of dying early and being born sooner.

Du Haoyang saw the tragic expression on Wang Yueshan's face, and couldn't help being funny. He felt that the heart of the woman in his arms was no longer so uncertain and elusive. He thought she couldn't do without her like him, right?

"I will take good care of you at night, and I will make you comfortable!" Du Hao looked at Wang Yueshan with a look of color, and said ambiguously.

Wang Yueshan was sensitive to the shaking of the car. She glanced awkwardly at the upright and meticulous driver in front of her, then pushed Du Haoyang away forcefully, and spat: "Stinky rascal, you will die if you are serious!"

(End of this chapter)

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