Chapter 889 Obstacles! (1)
what the hell!So what does "I want to be deep, never shallow" mean?Wang Yueshan gave Du Haoyang a blank look, and swore she was such a hooligan and dishonest person!

"A man's oath is just a momentary slip of the tongue!" Wang Yueshan said angrily.

Du Haoyang immediately grinned bitterly. He swore to God that he had used such a big move that he had never used before, but the little girl didn't appreciate it at all!

Seeing Du Haoyang's deflated face, Wang Yueshan felt amused and felt much better.A flamboyant young man like Du Haoyang has been spoiled by women. It's not that she doesn't believe him, but that this man must be abusive, otherwise it's hard to guarantee that he won't be up to the sky!
The two quarreled for a while, put Du Hengyu to sleep, and put them in the baby room specially prepared by Du Haoyang for Du Hengyu. The baby room is a room next to the master bedroom, but Du Haoyang ordered someone to break through the wall of this room Yes, it is separated from the master bedroom by a cartoon screen, which is convenient for them to get up and take care of their children.

"Did you expect that we would come to City B?" Wang Yueshan looked at the thoughtful arrangement in the baby's room and felt very heartwarming, but she muttered unforgivingly.

"I don't have so much confidence in you, I just have to be prepared!" Du Haoyang said seriously with his arms around Wang Yueshan.

"You are self-aware!" Wang Yueshan couldn't be in a better mood.Du Haoyang really likes her!
"My Lady Queen, let me serve you well!" Du Haoyang didn't want to waste any time.

"Sure!" Wang Yueshan put on the queen's airs, her attitude was haughty and domineering, she really had such a style.

"Of order!" Du Haoyang smiled brightly, his eyes gleaming with dazzling light, and fiercely pressed Wang Yueshan on the bed.

Soon, there was a blushing and heartbeating sound in the bedroom.

"Stinking rogue!"

Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang were bored in the villa, relieving the pain of lovesickness, while Du Haoze, who was far away in City A, after learning that Wang Yueshan had brought her child to City B to look for Du Haoyang, his complexion turned dark for an instant, and he didn't even say hello. I couldn't care less about the taxi, so I couldn't wait to leave Jun's mansion, booked a plane ticket to City B, and flew back to City B in a hurry.

Thinking that Wang Yueshan is very likely to be tactful and Cheng Huan under Du Haoyang at this moment, Du Haoze is stuck in his heart. The most hateful thing is that Du Hengyu and Du Haoyang are constantly showing up in Du Haoze's mind. Tian just cultivated a little relationship with his son, so Du Haoyang must not let Du Haoyang interfere again!
The child is his!The child's parents should be together. Du Haoze believes that this is only a matter of time!

Although it was announced that he had severed ties with the Du family, in order to see Wang Yueshan and the child as soon as possible, Du Haoze rushed back to the Du family's mansion as soon as he got off the plane, but unexpectedly, he was in vain.

"Xiaoze, why are you back? You're not in City A..." Cao Xinru didn't expect to see Du Haoze as soon as she got home, and she was extremely excited. She looked at Du Haoze's eyebrows almost greedily, and she couldn't bear to look away.

She originally thought that Du Haoze's announcement of breaking away from the Du family was a moment of anger, and he would regret it when he figured it out, but half a year later, Du Haoze really seemed to want to draw a clean line between the Du family and her, and completely wiped her out. Completely treating her as a stranger, she started to be afraid, and tried her best to restore the relationship between mother and child. Who knew, when she called Du Haoze, Du Haoze refused to answer. The call was annoying, so Du Haoze simply changed the number. During a period of time, Du Haoze changed his number five times. She went to look for him in City A, but he ruthlessly turned him away. She lost all face. After being rebuffed several times, she watched Du Haoze become a little depressed every time she came to the door. Gradually, he didn't dare to disturb Du Haoze lightly, and just followed his movements secretly.

"What about them?" Du Haoze looked at Cao Xinru's haggard look, his tone eased, but he still couldn't hide his impatience, the repulsion on his face was obvious at a glance.

"Who? You mean... that woman came to City B?" Cao Xinru asked with a gloomy expression.

"The woman you mentioned is the woman I love the most in my life and the mother of my son. Please be respectful! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" Du Haoze didn't miss Cao Xinru's sudden expression, his tone suddenly turned cold, With a strong warning in his eyes, he looked at Cao Xinru with cold and defensive eyes.

"Ozawa, I——I'm not what you think!" Cao Xinru saw Du Haoze's face, and knew that he had misunderstood, and quickly explained, "I have been trying my best to keep Du Haoyang in City B these days with your grandfather. , I didn’t expect that, I didn’t expect Yueshan to return to City B, why is there no news from the airport? Did you make a mistake?” They had already sent people to pay close attention to the situation at the station and airport, just to be on guard Du Haoyang went to City A to buy time and create opportunities for Du Haoze, also for Wang Yueshan to know the news as soon as possible when she came to City B.

However, Du Haoze's rejection made Cao Xinru feel sad. She knew that Du Haoze's heart was completely sunk in Wang Yueshan, so from the moment she knew that the child was not dead, she made up her mind to help Du Haoze snatch Wang Yueshan back !

"It's not wrong! She came back on Jun's private plane!" Du Haoze still didn't give Cao Xinru a good look, but his expression was not as cold as before, and he eased up a little.

"It's no wonder!" Thinking of the relationship between Wang Yueshan and Tang Shishi, Cao Xinru inevitably thought of Tang Shishi's thorn in the side, and she felt a shiver in her heart. However, Tang Shishi's identity as the real Miss of the Bai family is now well known to everyone, and she is also a treasure held in the hands of the Jun family. Such a dazzling Tang Shishi makes Cao Xinru dare not even have resentment!

Bullying the weak, bullying the weak and fearing the hard, are talking about people like Cao Xinru!

Of course, the reason why Cao Xinru made up her mind to help Du Haoze get Wang Yueshan back was because Du Haoze and the child couldn't do without Wang Yueshan on the one hand, and because Tang Shishi was Wang Yueshan's good friend and could help her son get married through Wang Yueshan. Jun's family, this marriage is still very profitable!

"Where's Du Haoyang? What about others?" Du Haoze didn't have time to pay attention to Cao Xinru's petty thoughts. He was eager to know where Wang Yueshan and Du Hengyu were, and it would be a torment to wait any minute longer.

"He didn't come back, nor did he go to the hospital!" Cao Xinru wanted to comfort Du Haoze, but couldn't find anything suitable to say.

"Hospital?! Who is hospitalized?" Du Haoze heard the word "hospital" sensitively, and suddenly raised his voice to ask, could it be - father?
"No, it's your grandfather, but don't worry, he's fine, he just wants to keep Du Haoyang in City B..." Cao Xinru heard that Du Haoze's voice changed suddenly, knowing that he still cared about Du Sheng in his heart, and felt happy for a moment There is sadness, but the joy is that Du Haoze did not ruthlessly sever ties with everyone in the Du family as he said. The sadness is that Du Sheng, who neglected him since he was a child and didn't value him, has a higher status in Du Haoze's heart than her mother It is also important.

(End of this chapter)

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