Chapter 890 Obstacles! (2)
Hearing that it wasn't Du Sheng who was ill, Du Haoze was relieved. As for the one in the family, who actually murdered Yue Shan and his children back then, what does he have to do with his life and death now?

"Hmph! I didn't expect your thoughts to be so nasty!" Before Cao Xinru finished speaking, she was cut off by a disdainful voice. Du Sheng walked into the living room angrily, and looked at Cao Xinru with disgust in his eyes.

"Father!" Du Haoze called Du Sheng respectfully.

"Aren't you very ambitious? Didn't you sever ties with the Du family? It's only been a few months, what are you doing here again?" Du Sheng looked Du Haoze up and down for a while, his tone very displeased.

Du Haoze lowered his head and did not speak. He knew that Du Sheng didn't really want him to return to the Du family, but was angry at him for severing ties with the Du family in such a big way before.

"Du Sheng, no matter how uncomfortable you are with Ozawa, he is also your son, with your blood on his body! How can you be so biased?" Cao Xinru complained about Du Haoze, they had already torn their faces, and there was no need for some words Hidden.

"This is a matter between our father and son, and you don't need to intervene!" Du Haoze said, looking at Cao Xinru displeased.

Du Sheng frowned, and looked at Du Haoze with intriguing eyes.

Cao Xinru didn't expect her good intentions to be treated like a donkey's liver and lungs, and looked at Du Haoze gasping for breath, but couldn't speak!

Why did she fall into a place where she was not a human being inside and out!

"You," Du Sheng raised his chin towards Du Haoze, and said, "Follow me to the study!"

"Yes!" Du Haoze looked up at Du Sheng, took a deep breath, followed Du Sheng's footsteps, and entered the study on the second floor.

"Sit down!" Du Sheng took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, then sat in the wide chair in front of the desk, and said to Du Haoze who came in later.

Du Haoze closed the door of the study, then walked to the chair next to Du Sheng and sat down.

"Yueshan came back with the child?" Du Sheng didn't hesitate, and cut straight to the point.

"Do you know where they are?" Du Haoze didn't expect Du Sheng to be so straightforward, without even a word of temptation, he looked at Du Sheng excitedly and asked.

"Since I'm back, I should be able to guess where they are!" Du Sheng didn't hide anything. In fact, knowing a son is like a father. Du Haoyang was brought up by him alone. Not to mention that Du Haoyang never concealed anything about Wang Yueshan. What about him, even if Du Haoyang didn't want him to know, he definitely couldn't escape his eyes!
"Tell me!" Du Haoze stood up from the chair excitedly, then looked at the meaningful expression in Du Sheng's eyebrows, took a deep breath, and begged, "Father, please!"

"If you find them, what can you change?" Although this son is not the one he loves, he has ignored Du Haoze for so many years, and he doesn't feel that he owes Du Haoze anything, but he just treats Du Haoze as a junior , Du Sheng still appreciates his character and ability.

Therefore, at this moment, the conversation between the father and son is less restrained, and they are purely friends. Although the topic is heavy, they are much more relaxed psychologically.

"I am the father of the child!" After hearing Du Sheng's words, Du Haoze sat down on the chair weakly, emphasizing in a resolute tone.

"I know, no one denies this, but so what?" Du Sheng looked straight into Du Haoze's eyes, and when he saw the grayness in his eyes, he couldn't bear it, but in the current situation, There is nothing he can do!

It's not that he insists on favoring one over the other, but that he is outside the situation and sees it more clearly than they do. He doesn't mind being a villain and waking Du Haoze up at this time.

"The child is mine, and he should live with his biological parents! I already had a tragic childhood, and I don't want my child to be like me!" Du Haoze bravely looked directly at Du Sheng, and said firmly: "I I believe, in the end, both mother and child will return to me! My love for Yueshan is no less than Du Haoyang's!"

Thinking of his childhood, thinking of Du Haoyang being pampered in the arms of this man in front of him every time, Du Haoze couldn't help feeling a pang of sadness in his heart. Both he and Du Haoyang grew up in unhealthy families, and he didn't want his son Also follow in his footsteps, he is fully capable of giving their mother and child a normal family life, and he wants to watch his son grow up healthy and happy!

Shocked by Du Haoze's vaguely accusatory words, Du Sheng looked at Du Haoze, and after a moment of silence, he said slowly: "Things between adults should not affect children. For you, I admit that I am not a good person." Father, I have never fulfilled my responsibilities as a father. I never deny this; I also believe that your love for Yueshan is by no means less than that of Haoyang. You have to be responsible for your contribution, there is a living example in our family, isn't it? Of course, she can't compare with you, I believe your love for Yueshan is pure!"

"Du Sheng! What do you mean?" Cao Xinru, who was eavesdropping outside the door, couldn't bear it any longer after hearing Du Sheng's insinuations. She pushed open the study door and walked in.

Du Haoze and Du Sheng who were talking in the room frowned in disgust.

"What do I mean, can't you hear it? Why bother to ask?" Du Sheng said to Cao Xinru with a cold face, "Get out!"

Cao Xin laughed back in anger. Although she was still a little afraid of Du Sheng in her heart, at this moment she believed that Du Sheng was helping Du Haoyang bully and beat Du Haoze. How could she let Du Haoze be wronged under her nose? , so he quickly walked in front of Du Haoze, pulled Du Haoze up from the chair, and said, "Haoze, go with Mom, don't be bullied by him here! Mom will help you find someone!"

Du Haoze took a deep look at Du Sheng, and found that he was also looking at him at the moment, moved his lips, and swallowed what he wanted to say but hindered Cao Xinru who was beside him.

At present, the most important thing is to find Yueshan and the child as soon as possible!

Du Sheng looked at Du Haoze's back, sighed deeply, sat back in the chair, closed his eyes, raised his hand and rubbed his temples, this matter is really a mess!
Blame that brat too!snort!Okay, don't learn, just imitate those second-generation ancestors to play tricks, will you be punished now?A little star can mess up his life!

This time it can be considered as a memory for that kid, let's see if he dares to play with flowers in the future!

Just when Du Sheng was angry with Du Haoyang, his cell phone rang. He took out the cell phone from his coat pocket, and when he saw that the number was dialed from the hospital, he made a cold tick at the corner of his mouth, and hung up without thinking. up.

It's just that the people over there didn't give up, and called again quickly, looking very anxious, some irritability surged in Du Sheng's eyes, and he tapped his finger on the screen of the mobile phone, and he heard that the other side felt as if his eyebrows were on fire. A voice sounded like this: "Boss Du, the old man's condition has worsened, you'd better come to the hospital quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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