Chapter 892
"Let's go." Du Haoyang took Wang Yueshan's little hand, put it on his lips and kissed it, and then opened the bedroom door.

"Yueshan!" Du Haoze, who was being stopped by the servant, shouted excitedly when he saw Wang Yueshan. His eyes looked up and down on Wang Yueshan. , his complexion changed, and then his eyes fell on Wang Yueshan's red and swollen lips, and a pair of eyes shot out an angry look.

Even though he had already guessed what Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang were doing in the room, and knew that Du Haoyang was provoking him on purpose, Du Haoze just couldn't control his emotions.

"Go to the living room, let's talk!" When Du Haoze kept staring at her lips, Wang Yueshan understood Du Haoyang's little scheme and felt helpless in her heart. I can't afford to feel disgusted.

"Okay!" Du Haoze looked at Wang Yueshan with an indifferent expression, his heart ached, he forced himself to look away from Wang Yueshan's lips, away from her and Du Haoyang's clasped hands, and turned to go to the living room.

"Make tea!" Wang Yueshan gave admiring glances to the two servants who stopped Du Haoze and Cao Xinru just now while going down the stairs, and ordered lightly.

"Yes! Madam, please wait a moment!" The servant was also very winky, especially when he shouted "Madam", Du Haoyang's heart was full of joy, and Du Haoze's body was also successfully stiffened.

Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang held hands, walked proudly to the sofa in the living room, and sat down gracefully. From the beginning to the end, they didn't even look at Cao Xinru, as if in her eyes, Cao Xinru was like a transparent person who didn't exist at all. .

Seeing Wang Yueshan like this, Cao Xinru's expression changed several times, and finally she pressed her lips tightly, suppressing the unhappiness in her heart, and sat beside Du Haoze under the gaze of Du Haoyang's sharp eyes.

"Yueshan, come back with me!" Du Haoze said straight to the point.Originally, he didn't want to be so eager, but when he thought of Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang's intimate relationship, he couldn't help it.

"Du Haoze, I've made it clear to you more than once. The two of us are over. The one I like now is Du Haoyang! I won't go back with you, I'll only be with him!" Wang Yueshan had a headache Looking at Du Haoze carefully, he said seriously.

She understands Du Haoze's persistence. After all, they have known each other for so many years, but if they miss it, they miss it. Although she and Du Haoze have a child, it is impossible for her to force herself to be with Du Haoze for the sake of the child. Facing Cao Xinru this woman!
"Yueshan, do you just have the heart to let our child be criticized by others in the future?" Du Haoze's only bargaining chip now is the identity of Du Hengyu's biological father.

"Haoze, I believe that when the child grows up and has the ability to distinguish right from wrong, he will understand me!" Wang Yueshan sighed, looked at Du Haoze and said.

From the very beginning, she didn't want to get involved between the two brothers of the Du family, but who knows, people are not as good as heaven, and she still couldn't escape in the end, and she came to this step!
"Du Haoyang, I won't let my children call you father. If you still have a little sense of shame, let our family reunite and stop making trouble!" Seeing that Wang Yueshan couldn't make sense here, Du Haoze aimed his firepower again. Du Haoyang.

"Who is the child calling dad? You are not qualified to make decisions for him! It's better to wait until he grows up and has the ability to distinguish right from wrong and make his own decisions. As for the shame you said, it's ridiculous. You won't forget Yue Why did Shan leave you in the first place? Go back and look it up in the dictionary to learn how to write the word "honesty!" Du Haoyang is not a vegetarian, no matter if it is a war of words, hand-to-hand combat or scheming, Du Haoze is no match for him!
"Hao Yang, even if you don't want to admit it, Hao Ze's identity is your younger brother. This cannot be changed. You don't know that if the troubles between your two brothers become like this, it will damage the reputation of the Du family. What a big impact! Let's get everything back on track!" Cao Xinru immediately came up to help, although she was a little afraid of Du Haoyang's murderous intent, but she knew where Du Haoyang's weakness was, he didn't care about the other members of the Du family, but he couldn't Regardless of Du Sheng.

"Back to the right track?" Du Haoyang sneered as if he heard some big joke, and looked at Cao Xinru with a little coldness in his eyes, "Cao Xinru, what is the right track? What does the right track look like?"

"Haoze and Yueshan both have children. Naturally, the family should be reunited. You really shouldn't get involved!" Seeing Du Haoyang's half-smile expression, Cao Xinru felt fear in her heart, but for Du Haoze's sake, she bit the bullet. , said with a sincere heart.

"A family reunion? It's so sweet to say! So I'm the third party who meddles in and destroys other people's feelings, so I should be destroyed humanely, right?" Du Haoyang narrowed his eyes dangerously, looking at Du Haoze and Cao Xinru on the opposite side. When they answered, their faces suddenly changed, and their voice was like the cold wind blowing from hell, and they said coldly and harshly: "That day, Yueshan's life and death were uncertain, and when the doctor asked Bao Da Bao Xiao, who was shouting outside the operating room?" Care to protect the child? Huh? Cao Xinru, have you forgotten the good deeds you have done and the sins you have committed, huh? If you hadn’t instigated me and Du Haoze to fight against each other that day, and let people take advantage of me, yes Yueshan killed you, your son didn’t end up in such a situation today, all of this is your own fault, karma! Back on track? Thanks to you, you have the nerve to say back on track! What is on track? On track is what Yue Shan doesn’t know When will I die under your calculations again! You are a woman with a heart of snakes and scorpions!"

Du Haoyang couldn't bear the hostility around him when the old incident was brought up again. If Wang Yueshan hadn't been holding onto his hand firmly, Du Haoyang would definitely not be able to resist beating Cao Xinru into a pig's head!

It was the first time for Wang Yueshan to know what happened outside the operating room that day. This was the first time she looked at Cao Xinru directly after she entered the door. I really don't understand, as a woman, what is her heart made of?Originally, she had a little bit of guilt towards Du Haoze because she concealed the matter of the child, but now that bit of guilt is gone!

She saved the child desperately. What face do they have to talk to her about the child?
It's just shameless!
"Yueshan, I didn't!" Du Haoze saw Wang Yueshan's sudden change of expression, and knew that she hated him too, so he immediately clarified.

"Du Haoze, please take this woman and disappear for me immediately!" Wang Yueshan stood up, and coldly issued the order to evict her. She didn't want to see Cao Xinru's disgusting face again, she was really afraid that she would not be able to control herself emotions, to do something more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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