Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 893 Cao Xinru's Scheme

Chapter 893 Cao Xinru's Scheme (1)
"Yueshan! Don't be angry, it's not what you think!" Du Haoze defended flustered and anxiously.

"Get out!" Wang Yueshan roared angrily.

"Plop!" Just as Wang Yueshan drove Du Haoze's mother and son away, Cao Xinru suddenly stood up from the sofa, and knelt down straight in front of Wang Yueshan!

Cao Xinru's sudden kneeling made everyone stunned!Not only did Du Haoze not expect it, Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang also did not expect it.

Du Haoyang looked contemptuously at Cao Xinru who was kneeling in front of Wang Yueshan, his wise eyes shone brightly, and the right corner of his mouth slightly raised, as if he was watching the show.

Du Haoze was very surprised. He looked at Cao Xinru's appearance, fisted his hands, and moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't speak, and his lips were tightly pursed into a line.

Although this is his mother, this kneeling is owed by her. She should apologize and repent to Wang Yueshan for the things she has done and the sins she has committed. Although these things can't make up for anything, Although Wang Yueshan no longer needs it.

Wang Yueshan did not expect that Cao Xinru, who has always been aloof and puts her face and background more important than anything else, would do such a thing in public. The first thought that came to her mind was defense, which was deeper than before. At this moment, she was standing by Cao Xinru. In front of him, he didn't say a word, and his face was secretive.

She didn't believe that a woman like Cao Xinru would suddenly change her gender, and her conscience realized that a person like her should be useless, so she didn't want to speak up easily, lest she be fooled by this woman!

Besides, this kind of dialogue posture is very good!She likes to see Cao Xinru crawling at her feet, it's very relieved!
Cao Xinru didn't expect that she would kneel down, and the posture was so low, but the people here didn't respond, and looked at her more indifferently than the other!This made her hateful and angry, ashamed and annoyed.

It's fine for Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan to be indifferent. She didn't expect what would happen to these two people. It would be great if they didn't make trouble, but she never expected that her son would turn a blind eye and let her be an elder. Kneeling down for Wang Yueshan, she didn't even have the intention of coming up to help and stop her!

What a miscalculation!Mad at her!

"Yueshan, all my mistakes are my fault. I was confused. I should never have treated you that way!" Cao Xinru is worthy of being a master of acting. Tears flowed down without saying a word. It sounds like a sincere lesson, full of sincerity.

"Wuu~ Since that incident, I have been sleepless these days and have been living in self-blame and confession. I really regret it!" Cao Xinru cried out with snot and tears: "I am a failure. Mom, because of my relationship, Hao Ze has lost his father's love since he was a child. He has been living a very hard and unhappy life, woo... Yueshan! Please don't get angry with him anymore, Hao Ze has no You, you can’t survive! Whatever anger you have, whatever hatred you have, you are all directed at me. It’s my fault! It’s my fault! I beg you not to let your children, because I continue the previous generation’s What a tragedy!"

Cao Xin cried and begged with tears in her eyes. During this period, she wanted to reach out to pull Wang Yueshan's clothes, but Wang Yueshan took a big step to the side in horror, dodging her hand. Cao Xinru's hand was empty, and she bit her lip and lowered her head in frustration. , and quickly concealed the resentment in his eyes that could hardly be hidden.

Bitch!You ignorant bitch!Don't think that I risk everything today and put down my figure because of you!If it wasn't for saving Ozawa's heart and restoring the relationship between our mother and son, I would have left long ago!

"Mom—" Du Haoze couldn't help being moved when he heard Cao Xinru's sincere repentance, and when he thought of how many times she wanted to repair their relationship during this period, he knew that his mother had always been competitive Especially important, being able to apologize to Wang Yueshan like this now is enough to show her sincerity.

"Xiaoze, mom is sorry for you! I'm sorry for you and Yueshan! I'm sorry for my little grandson!" Cao Xinru became more active when she heard Du Haoze calling her mother, and turned her head to Du Haoze, crying even more sadly and emotionally.

"..." Du Haoze looked at Cao Xinru with a remorseful face, and let go of his tightly clenched hands. He wanted to go forward and pull Cao Xinru up, but he couldn't. He took a deep breath and looked at Wang Yueshan, with an infinite look on his face. Sad, even the voice is slightly hoarse and deep: "Yueshan..."

"Papa papa!" Just as Wang Yueshan was hesitating, there was a crisp clapping sound.The one who applauded was Du Haoyang who had been watching this scene with a smile on his face. Because of Du Haoyang's drive, the servants in the villa came to their senses and began to applaud rhythmically.

The veins on Du Haoze's face twitched, his ferocious eyes swept over Du Haoyang, and then at the servants who were applauding all around. His murderous eyes were terrifying.

Shocked by the murderous look in Du Haoze's eyes, Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoyang with some anxiety, and tugged on his sleeve secretly.

Cao Xinru, who was kneeling on the ground, had tears in her eyes, she was very pitiful, but the nails of the hand hidden under the sleeve almost crushed the palm of her hand.

Du Haoyang felt Wang Yueshan's uneasiness, reached out to hold her little hand, smiled at her comfortingly, then waved the other hand, and the applause stopped.

"The acting was good. I didn't expect that after more than twenty years, Ms. Cao's sword is still young, and her acting skills are even more superb! Compared with before, she is even more shameless!" Du Haoyang said in a charming and playful voice. The sound started, and seeing the tears on Cao Xinru's face, her eyes were full of sarcasm.

This woman actually pried the corner of his wall in front of him, what admirable courage!If he didn't praise him, he would feel sorry for him.

"Du Haoyang, don't bully people too much!" Du Haoze was completely angry. Du Haoyang was not Wang Yueshan, so he couldn't tolerate Du Haoyang's humiliation.

"It was you who brought it to your door!" Du Haoyang raised his eyebrows mockingly, and said, "Cao Xinru, this kind of trick of sowing discord and prying corners is really in line with your status. As a mistress, you have professional ethics. I want to learn from you!" Only the state officials are allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light lamps?Since she said openly and secretly that he was the third party between Du Haoze and Wang Yueshan, so what if he simply granted her wish?

"Haoyang, I know you have prejudice against me. What happened back then is all my own fault. Whether you beat me or scold me, I won't blame you! Everything is my fault!" Cao Xinru As he spoke, he began to cry again, "But, as you can see, my life is not happy, and the life of all of us is not happy. Isn't this enough? You don't want to continue this pain to the next generation. Already!".

"Go on, I really want to hear, what more shameless things can you say!" Du Haoyang looked at Cao Xinru with disgust and said.

(End of this chapter)

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