Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 894 Cao Xinru's Scheme

Chapter 894 Cao Xinru's Scheme (2)
"Du Haoyang!" When Du Haoze heard Du Haoyang humiliating Cao Xinru so much, he was so angry that he rushed forward to fight Du Haoyang.

"Ozawa! Don't be like this! Say what you have to say!" Cao Xinru flusteredly pulled Du Haoze's arm, and said in a sad tone: "It's my fault! It's all my fault! You can't blame Haoyang, you don't blame him! You are brothers!" Cao Xinru held Du Haoze firmly to dissuade him, and at the same time couldn't help but wept bitterly.

Wang Yueshan frowned and looked at the situation that was about to get out of control, and her eyes fell on Cao Xinru. When she watched her lower her head and cover her face and cry, there was a smear of ruthlessness in her eyes, and she suddenly understood in her heart.

"Haoyang!" Wang Yueshan stretched out her hand to hold Du Haoyang's arm, leaned her head on Du Haoyang's shoulder, and said softly, "I'm tired."

Feeling the tense strength on Du Haoyang's body, Wang Yueshan knew that Du Haoyang had been suppressing her anger to the utmost and endured Cao Xinru's teasing. While feeling distressed in her heart, she became even more annoyed towards Cao Xinru.

From Du Haoyang's words just now, Wang Yueshan heard some tricks. It turns out that Cao Xinru also bowed down and knelt down like this more than [-] years ago, but the woman she knelt down at that time was Du Haoyang's mother. I have to say, this The woman's acting skills are really good, and she's really shameless!

Wang Yueshan's light words had a strong soothing effect, and the hostility around Du Haoyang dissipated invisibly. He stretched out his arms to wrap around Wang Yueshan's waist, tapped her nose with one hand, and said affectionately : "It's my fault, you've made you so tired since you came here, and you still have to watch these people juggle! Let's go, let's catch up on sleep!"

Wang Yueshan's half-closed eyes flickered twice, wondering if this guy should be so shameless?Why are you talking so ambiguously?Even she couldn't help but think about it!This guy is so black-bellied and shameless!

After Du Haoze heard what Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang said, his whole body was enveloped in anger. If Cao Xinru hadn't pulled him with all his strength, he would have rushed forward to fight Du Haoyang to the death!

"Yueshan, since you are so busy, I will take the child back so as not to disturb your good business!" Du Haoze took countless deep breaths before suppressing the roiling anger in his chest. He gritted his teeth and felt sore all over his body. said.

Although he knew that it was not easy to get Wang Yueshan back, but Wang Yueshan's attitude today really hit him. When he saw her red and swollen lips, he was watching her and Du Haoyang show such unabashed affection , Du Haoze felt that he was going crazy!
Could it be that he really has no chance at all?Yueshan, how can you come back to me?

"You don't have to worry about that! No matter how busy we are, we will take good care of the children!" Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoze's jealous red eyes, and said in a cold tone while listening to his sarcasm.

"Yueshan, can you let me see the child?" Cao Xinru looked at Wang Yueshan hopefully.This is the eldest grandson of the Du family, her own grandson, even if Wang Yueshan can't change her mind, she can't let the child get close to Du Haoyang!
"No! You are not qualified!" Wang Yueshan chuckled, and rejected Cao Xinru decisively and coldly.

"Yueshan! Let me see the child, is it okay?" Du Haoze asked after watching the light in Cao Xinru's eyes go out, leaving only silence.

"You're not qualified either! Du Haoze, I'm tired, please leave!" Wang Yueshan said decisively, not wanting to waste time with the mother and son in such meaningless entanglements.

"Yueshan, I am the father of the child after all, I..." Du Haoze immediately became anxious when he heard that Wang Yueshan would not let him see the child.

"So what? Du Haoze, I don't want to tear my face apart, don't force me!" Wang Yueshan interrupted Du Haoze forcefully, with anger floating on her face, she was really tired!

"Haoyang, persuade Yueshan that Haoze is the biological father of the child after all!" Cao Xinru set her begging eyes on Du Haoyang, her attitude was unprecedentedly humble.

"Hahahaha!" Du Haoyang couldn't help laughing as if he had heard some funny joke or watched something funny.

"Enough!" Du Haoze couldn't bear this kind of humiliation at first. He is the father of the child. He wants to see the child but asks his love rival to intercede for him. To him, it is a great shame!
"Ozawa, don't be angry!" Cao Xinru grabbed Du Haoze's hand, her voice filled with endless remorse: "It's all mother's fault! It's all mother's fault!"

"Enough!" Wang Yueshan couldn't stand it any longer, Cao Xinru was too good at pretending, even looking at her even more made her feel extremely disgusted!
"Yueshan——" Du Haoze looked at Wang Yueshan's angry face with a complicated expression.

"Du Haoze, get out!" Wang Yueshan stared wide-eyed, raised her finger to the direction of the door, her body trembled slightly due to anger, and her lips trembled.

Du Haoyang felt Wang Yueshan's strangeness, and hugged Wang Yueshan even harder, his eyes were full of worry.

Wang Yueshan looked up at Du Haoyang, smiled lightly, and shook her head, expressing that she was fine.

Du Haoze looked at Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang's eyes, his heart felt as if he was being cut by a knife, and he could hardly breathe in pain. He pulled Cao Xinru up from the ground and said, "Let's go!"

"But..." Cao Xinru looked at Du Haoze and then at Wang Yueshan, with an annoyed and perplexed expression on his face, at a loss for what to do.

"Let's go!" Du Haoze was afraid that he would suffocate and die if he stayed for another second, so he pulled Cao Xinru and strode towards the door. Cao Xinru was pulled vigorously by Du Haoze, staggered, and said: , I will ask Yueshan again, maybe..."

Du Haoze suddenly turned his head and stared at Cao Xinru, his gaze was full of endless anger, as if he was about to burn someone, Cao Xinru was so frightened that he lowered his eyes to hide his guilty conscience.

Anyway, her goal today has been achieved.

Du Haoze dragged Cao Xinru to the door, and the moment he put his hand on the door handle, he suddenly turned around, took a deep look at Wang Yueshan, and said, "Yueshan, I won't give up on my child!" And I won't give up on you either!Du Haoze added silently in his heart.

"The child is mine, I will not give it to you!" Wang Yueshan said firmly.

"Then we'll wait and see!" After Du Haoze finished speaking, he stopped looking at the intimate couple who made his eyes hurt and his heart hurt, opened the door, and walked out.

It wasn't until watching Du Haoze and Cao Xinru leave that Wang Yueshan collapsed powerlessly on the sofa and fidgeted with her hands to rake her hair!

Du Haoze really made her extremely irritable!Cao Xinru made her extremely angry!That woman is a total showman!Before leaving, he did not forget to put on a show of provocation.

(End of this chapter)

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