Chapter 895
"Don't worry, I'm here!" Du Haoyang pulled Wang Yueshan into his arms and hugged her tightly, his eyes were filled with coldness. If the mother and son dared to hurt Yueshan and the baby, he would not be relentless!
"I believe you, but I just feel irritable!" Wang Yueshan sighed in Du Haoyang's arms and said, their sweet days were interrupted by these two uninvited guests, what a disappointment!However, she believed that Du Haoyang would protect their mother and child well.

"By the way, are you okay?" Wang Yueshan couldn't help asking, remembering Du Haoyang's anger because of Cao Xinru's words before.

"I'm fine! I'm just thinking about something from the past." Du Haoyang didn't expect the carefree Wang Yueshan to be so careful, so he felt warm and shook his head at her.

"That's good!" Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoyang's face, there was nothing unusual, she felt relieved a little, but she couldn't help but said: "Cao Xinru is a fucking woman who can pretend to be X, and she really is willing to let go!"

"Hmph! This woman can't do anything for the sake of power and money?" Du Haoyang thought of how she knelt in front of his mother's bed more than 20 years ago, crying, begging her mother for forgiveness, and felt extremely disgusted. No matter how she looks, he can still see through her filthy heart at a glance!

"The sky is dry and things are dry, so angry and self-igniting!" Just when Du Haoyang was indignant, there was a sudden banter at the door, and Du Sheng walked in with a smile on his face.

"Hmph! It's a pity, you came at the wrong time, the show is over!" Du Haoyang looked at Du Sheng and said with a cold snort, but his tone was a little more brisk.

"What good show?" Du Sheng asked pretending to be puzzled.

"I'll let you watch such a good show that I'm sure you won't be able to eat for several days!" Du Haoyang gave Du Sheng an angry look. He couldn't believe that the old man had never met the mother and son just now.

"Then it's a good thing I didn't come in time!" Du Sheng and Du Haoyang exchanged haha, their faces full of love, and while speaking, they looked Wang Yueshan who was beside Du Haoyang up and down.

Wang Yueshan looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of her. He was dressed in decent business casual clothes and the low-key dark gray, which made his temperament more outstanding, especially the face similar to Du Haoyang, with a mature and stable face that had gone through the vicissitudes of life. There is a kind of wisdom that has been refined over the years. The expression on his face at this moment makes it difficult to see his inner thoughts, but it makes Wang Yueshan feel unprecedented pressure. This is the real power without anger.

This is Haoyang's father!Why did the ugly daughter-in-law suddenly feel embarrassed and embarrassed when she saw her in-laws? Wang Yueshan froze for a moment, not knowing what to do?
This parent comrade appeared too suddenly!At any rate, it would be good to say hello in advance to let her be mentally prepared. Wang Yueshan pulled off her clothes at a loss, then lowered her head slightly, and pressed her lips tightly, because she suddenly remembered that her current The image is really as bad as it is!
OMG!Meet the parents!what to do?what to do?
Wang Yueshan's head was like a mess, her face was tangled, and her mood was uneasy.

Du Sheng never thought that Wang Yueshan would have such an expression when she saw him. She raised her eyes to look at Du Haoyang, raised her eyebrows slightly, am I so scary?Why does your wife look like an elementary school student who made a mistake when she saw me?

Du Haoyang put his arms around his chest, looked at Wang Yueshan, then at his father, and nodded solemnly, you are indeed very unpleasant!

brat!Du Sheng glared at Du Haoyang, then turned around to look at Wang Yueshan who was still bowing her head, and cleared her throat deliberately.

"You are Wang Yueshan?" Chief Du's majestic voice rang out, it was so airy, it was like interrogating a prisoner.

"Yes." Wang Yueshan shrank her neck when she heard Du Sheng's voice, and her scalp felt a little numb. Come here!She knew that sooner or later she would suffer this knife!

"It was you who stole the hearts of my two sons?" Du Sheng continued to put on a show of trial, with a very contemptuous attitude.

"This, be it!" Wang Yueshan hesitated for a moment, and reluctantly replied, thinking that Xingshi really came to ask the crime!
"What does it mean? Yes, yes, no, no, I don't accept vague answers!" Du Sheng's voice became more serious, sounding like a precursor to anger, and his attitude was quite unfriendly.

"..." Wang Yueshan was stunned, and glanced at Du Haoyang who clenched her fists and glared at Du Sheng. Suddenly, anger surged in her heart. Although she was Du Haoze's girlfriend first, and now she is with Du Haoyang again, but from beginning to end, She is the most passive one, why is she being questioned like this?It sounds like she is a vixen who specially seduces his son?snort!Why? !

"Of course not!" Wang Yueshan raised her head angrily, looked at Du Sheng, and said mockingly: "Don't think that your Du family is of noble blood and superior to others, you treat your sons as treasures, and if you are a woman, you will beg for nothing. Hold on to it? Who cares! " Wang Yueshan's voice was already loud, but when she got angry, she even forgot to control the volume, the voice was like a lion's roar.

After Wang Yueshan yelled, she looked at Du Sheng with a strange expression on her face, as if looking at an alien, she raised her chin arrogantly, glared at Du Sheng unwilling to be outdone, and then looked at Du Haoyang proudly.

Du Haoyang also looked at Wang Yueshan with a strange expression. When Wang Yueshan looked at him, something flashed in his eyes, and Wang Yueshan couldn't catch it.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" Wang Yueshan actually regretted it the moment she saw Du Haoyang's expression, and secretly blamed herself for being outspoken. She should restrain herself a little more for Du Haoyang's sake. Besides, she and The complicated triangular relationship between Du Haoze and Du Haoyang is really messy and confusing. It is human nature for Du Haoyang's father to have opinions on him, oops!Why, why couldn't she control it!Now that Du Haoyang's father was offended, the road ahead for them must be even more bumpy!However, although she thought so in her heart, what she said ran counter to what she thought in her heart, and she really answered the word "owing flat"!
"No, you're right!" How could Du Haoyang fail to see that Wang Yueshan was desperately trying to save face, holding back a smile in his heart, he stepped forward to hug Wang Yueshan, looked at his father provocatively, and used the same awkward expression Asked in a tone of voice: "What do you think of Director Du, who is of noble blood?"

"Who told you all this?" Du Sheng looked at the two juniors in front of him, and asked a little dumbfounded: "Who told you that our Du family has noble blood and is superior to others? Could it be that my type A blood is not the same as other people's type A blood?" Same? The color is rich gold?"

Ga!Wang Yueshan didn't expect that Du Sheng's appearance would change in the blink of an eye. He was much more amiable than before, and his words were very humorous. She couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Did she make a mistake?
(End of this chapter)

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