Chapter 896
"Okay! Don't tease her, her head is straight! There are not so many twists and turns." Du Haoyang gave Du Sheng a sideways look, rubbed Wang Yueshan's hair with a big hand, and said.

"I see, it's really simple!" Du Sheng smiled kindly, walked to the sofa and sat down, then waved to the two people in front of him, and said, "Sit down!"

"What! You say that I'm simple-minded! How can I look like an idiot!" Wang Yueshan pouted and complained in a low voice, but her mood was much more relaxed than before.

It turned out to be a joke!
After hearing Wang Yueshan's words, Du Haoyang and his son couldn't help laughing, especially Du Sheng, seeing that Du Haoyang's flirtatious spirit had disappeared, and the whole person became mature and stable. I am very pleased.

It is undeniable that he was not optimistic about these two people at first, and also thought that Du Haoyang paid attention to Wang Yueshan and was special to Wang Yueshan, but because of the relationship between Du Haoze's mother and son, but since Du Haoyang told him that he was very serious about Wang Yueshan and wanted to settle down Afterwards, Du Sheng became more cautious. He was entangled in conflicts, but in the end he chose to respect Du Haoyang's choice. Especially after Wang Yueshan's premature delivery, he felt more and more that what he did was right. Now, for these two people, he is Glad to see it happen.

"Tell me, what do you two plan to do in the future?" Du Sheng asked straight to the point.

"What else can I do? God blocks and kills God, Buddha blocks and kills Buddha, no one can separate Yueshan and me!" Du Haoyang said domineeringly.

"Yueshan, what about you?" Du Sheng was not at all surprised by Du Haoyang's words, nor did he doubt his determination. What he was more worried about now was what Wang Yueshan would do, whether she would irresponsibly abandon his son in the end !

cough cough!Why does it feel like he raised her like a daughter?
"Me?" Wang Yueshan was called out, looked up at Du Sheng's serious expression, and then at Du Haoyang's firm face, smiled and said, "I've already made my choice, haven't I?"

"Of course! Your choice is me, and it can only be me in this life!" Du Haoyang said cheerfully, putting his arms around Wang Yueshan.

"Since you both chose each other, you should be responsible for each other!" Du Sheng looked at the young couple in front of him and said seriously.

"We are very responsible! Isn't it, Xiao Shanshan?" Du Haoyang looked at Du Sheng in confusion, and then said to Wang Yueshan.

"Yes!" Wang Yueshan replied without hesitation, her attitude towards Du Haoze's mother and son today is enough to explain everything, isn't it?
"Well, since neither of you has any objections, then go and do what you need to do tomorrow!" After Du Sheng finished speaking, he took out a notebook from his pocket and put it on the coffee table in front of Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan.

Account book? !

Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang were still puzzled about what Du Sheng said they should do, but when they saw the small notebook on the coffee table, their eyelids jumped and they looked straight at Du Sheng. Sheng.

"What's the matter? Do you two still want to live together like this forever?" Du Sheng looked at Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang displeased, wondering what the expression of these two children was, and what to do when they heard that they were going to get married. Are you happy?Not to mention anything else!He thought that if he took this trip by himself, he should at least hear a few praises similar to wise, martial, enlightened and democratic!
It's too disturbing. The routine is coming!
"No! Dad, don't be in a hurry to get the certificate!" Du Haoyang saw a trace of entanglement in Wang Yueshan's eyes, and felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't show it on face.

"What do you mean? Didn't you tell me to settle down? This person has led the family here, do you want to go back on your word again? Do you still want to go back to the old days? You little bastard! If you dare to mess around this time , I'll break your leg!" When Du Sheng heard Du Haoyang's refusal, he immediately became angry.

"Dad! It's not what you think!" Du Haoyang hurriedly defended himself, peeking at Wang Yueshan who had an inexplicable expression, he raised his head to meet Du Sheng's eyes, and said with the same expression: "Anyway, there is no rush!"

"Since we are in love with each other, and I'm not the old-fashioned old-fashioned one who doesn't like to be open-minded, why can't I get married?" Looking at the situation in front of him, Du Sheng knew in his heart that the reason was not his son. Hui actually kicked the iron plate, and he has paid so much and has not been approved, and he was filled with emotion for a while.However, he still pretended not to know, and constantly exerted pressure on Du Haoyang, insisting that Du Haoyang was not good!
"In short, don't worry about our affairs, just take care of that woman when you have time!" Du Haoyang also stubbornly refused to confess Wang Yueshan, so he brought the topic to Cao Xinru.

"Don't interrupt me! Du Haoyang, I'm warning you, if you wrong Yueshan this time, I'll take your skin off! I'm so mad! I won't listen to what you have or not. Anyway, the wedding can go ahead Delay for a while, but I have to get the certificate tomorrow!" Du Sheng protected Wang Yueshan and scolded Du Haoyang, without any discussion.

"Dad! When did you become so authoritarian?" Du Haoyang retorted speechlessly, seeing his father being so serious with him.

"Since you still know that I am your father, go get the certificate for me honestly, and live an honest life with Yueshan. You put away all your fancy intestines for me, child Yueshan It's not the flowers and plants you used to have that can't be seen, and the children of other people are decent, and you can't tolerate it like this!" Du Sheng said more and more vigorously, and he was about to attack the case!
"Dad, this matter..." Du Haoyang didn't expect Du Sheng to be so stubborn, so persistent, he didn't know how to reason with him for a while.

"But tomorrow is the weekend, the Civil Affairs Bureau isn't going to work, right?" Wang Yueshan saw that Du Sheng was about to attack Du Haoyang, but she didn't know how to dissuade her, so she weakly put forward her own opinion.

marry?This matter has been brought up twice today, and what seemed far away suddenly came before her eyes, which made her very uncomfortable.

"It's better if the Civil Affairs Bureau doesn't go to work! I'll ask your Uncle Wang from the Civil Affairs Bureau to work overtime for the two of you, so as to save you the trouble of queuing up!" Du Sheng immediately said while Wang Yueshan let go.

"It's so special, isn't it good?" Wang Yueshan tightened her scalp, looked at Du Sheng, the muscles on her face trembled stiffly, and said with a forced smile.

"What's wrong? I think it's fine! This matter is settled! Yueshan, you don't have to be so aggrieved. If this brat bullies you, tell me and I'll fix him for you!" Du Sheng As he spoke, he gave Du Haoyang a hard look, as if he was very puzzled.

"Hehe, it's nothing! Haoyang treats me very well!" Wang Yueshan said bravely, alas!Which of the eyes of this old man could see that she was begging for compromise?Although she was moved by Du Sheng's warm heart, why did she always feel that something was wrong?
(End of this chapter)

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