Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 898 The most obscene marriage certificate photo

Chapter 898 The most obscene marriage certificate photo (2)
"Let it be, let's see what happens!" Du Haoyang knew his father's worry, and his expression became a little more serious.

"There's nothing wrong with Haoze. I believe he just can't think about it for a while and can't accept it. It's human nature, but it's about Cao Xinru and the old man. You have to be prepared." Although he believed in his son's ability, Du Sheng Still worried, he wants to remind Du Haoyang. Of course, if there are any actions that are not conducive to his son and daughter-in-law, he will not just sit idly by.

"I know!" Speaking of Cao Xinru and the old man, Du Haoyang did not hide his cruelty in his eyes.

When Wang Yueshan had a miscarriage, he and Du Haoze teamed up to cut off the old man's wings. Looking at it now, during his time abroad, this old guy is still restless and unwilling!But this time, he will definitely protect Yueshan mother and child!

Du Sheng saw that Du Haoyang looked confident, so he didn't say any more, Cao Xin was like a thorn between their father and son, and what the old man did broke the hearts of their father and son, so if it wasn't for Necessary, both father and son tacitly avoided mentioning these two people.

"Stinky boy, thanks to the fact that you have been rolling around among women for so many years, you actually want me, a father, to help you get your daughter-in-law! I thought you were so good at dealing with women, but I was wrong. !" Du Sheng recalled the matter of Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan getting the certificate mentioned in the afternoon, and couldn't help but tease Du Haoyang.

"Cut! It sounds like you are so good! Do you think I will appreciate your help? You are simply unnecessary. I respect Yueshan's choice. I don't want her to feel pressured to be with me, and I don't want to force her! "Du Haoyang looked at Du Sheng with dissatisfaction and argued, he would never admit that he was grateful to the old man in his heart.

"Look at your worthless bear!" Du Sheng glared at Du Haoyang angrily. If the two of them were abroad and the child's matter hadn't been exposed, he would let them make trouble, but now this In such a situation, he should take the bottom line and cut the mess quickly, so there is no room for him to hesitate and hesitate. "I really make excuses for myself!"

"You don't understand!" Du Haoyang said while looking at his father.

"I don't need to understand about the two of you! I just know that you don't have the ability to let your wife follow you into the Civil Affairs Bureau, but I do!" Du Sheng reached out and patted Du Haoyang on the head, and said arrogantly.

This brat!I don't take him seriously anymore, and dare to say that he doesn't understand!
"Hehe..." Du Hengyu's laughter came from outside the study, and the expressions of Du Sheng and Du Haoyang who were talking in the study changed at the same time. Du Haoyang was the first to react, opened the door of the study and chased him out.

"Yueshan!" Du Haoyang held back Wang Yueshan who was about to leave with Du Hengyu in his arms, with a disturbed expression on his face, wondering how much she had heard of the conversation between him and his father in the study just now?Did she leave like this without looking back, did she already know that her father deliberately arranged for her to agree to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to obtain a certificate?Is she angry?Thinking of this, Du Haoyang became flustered.

"What's the matter?" Wang Yueshan took a deep breath, looked back at Du Haoyang in confusion and asked.

"I... I'm sorry! If you don't like it, we will... tomorrow..." No more going to the Civil Affairs Bureau!Du Haoyang carefully observed Wang Yueshan's face, and said a little discouraged.

Although Wang Yueshan acted like she didn't know anything and had a calm face, Du Haoyang knew that she must have heard what she said just now, and he didn't want to deceive himself and ignore Wang Yueshan's pretense.

"Don't you have to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau early tomorrow? Don't work too late tonight!" Wang Yueshan cut off Du Haoyang's words, her bright eyes flickered.

"Yueshan?" Du Haoyang was ready to bear Wang Yueshan's anger, but he didn't expect to hear Wang Yueshan say that, he couldn't react for a while, and was stunned on the spot.

"Then you young couple go to bed early, and Xiao Hengyu will sleep with me tonight!" Du Sheng came out of the study, walked to Wang Yueshan's side and hugged Du Hengyu, then quietly kicked his son who was still in a daze, complaining in his heart, This brat was just showing off in front of him, look at this cowardly look!What an embarrassment to his old man!

"Well, Uncle, I'll take the baby!" Wang Yueshan didn't expect Du Sheng to take Du Hengyu away like a robbery, and said that she wanted to sleep with Du Hengyu, and immediately said worriedly.

"Just put your mind at it, I have experience in bringing up children!" Du Sheng said, holding Du Hengyu in one hand, and patted Du Haoyang on the head with the other, and said: "This brat is the one who pissed me in the shit. He brought it up with one hand!" Du Sheng proudly showed off his achievements, and by the way, he didn't forget to say: "Haoyang is so good at raising children, and he inherited it from me!"

"Dad, can you be more shameless?" Du Haoyang was accidentally photographed by Du Sheng again, with contempt in his eyes and resentful tone.

"Stinky boy!" Du Sheng pretended to be angry and glared at Du Haoyang, "You two don't get in the way here, and disturb my relationship with Xiao Hengyu!"

"Uncle, Hengyu tonight..." Wang Yueshan was actually a little worried.

"Still called Uncle?" Du Sheng looked at Wang Yueshan displeasedly and reminded.

"Dad!" Wang Yueshan was dumbfounded for a long time after being questioned by Du Sheng, and then she yelled a word in a low voice and shyly.

"Hey! That's about the same!" Du Sheng nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "I know, the little guy will crawl for a while at night, after taking a bath, go to bed around eight o'clock, and usually wake up at night to pee once, the time is Around one o'clock in the morning, drink milk powder once."

Wang Yueshan looked at Du Sheng in surprise, and was speechless for a moment. She didn't expect Du Sheng to have such an accurate grasp of Du Hengyu's little habits of life, even knowing what time he woke up at night.

"Dad has been looking forward to raising the baby for a long time! It's no problem to leave Xiaohengyu to him!" Du Haoyang saw Wang Yueshan's cute appearance with a small mouth in surprise, he stepped forward and hugged her and said.

"So, even if you have seven or eight children, I can handle it!" Du Sheng said with a hearty smile.

Listening to Du Sheng's words, Wang Yueshan's heart warmed up. Just now she carried Du Hengyu upstairs to change clothes, and accidentally heard voices in the study, so she couldn't help eavesdropping curiously at the door. She really didn't want to be so villainous. Yes, but she was afraid that Du Sheng would agree with her to come in on the surface, but would not accept her in private. Who knew that when she heard that she was set up by the father and son, she suddenly felt angry and funny, but now she heard Du Sheng After saying these words, even the last trace of hesitation in her heart was gone!
"Then Hengyu will trouble Dad tonight!" Wang Yueshan said.

"Don't worry about bothering me, I wish for it! Go get busy with your work!" Du Sheng said, carrying Du Hengyu back to his room.

(End of this chapter)

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