Chapter 899 Marriage, Divorce (2)
"It's just you holding the treasure!" Tang Yu put his hands in his trouser pockets, sneered at Du Haoyang, then looked at Du Sheng and Du Hengyu, and shouted: "Uncle Du!"

Du Sheng nodded in agreement, then looked at Tang Yu and asked, "When did you get married, you brat? Why don't we know?"

"It's over if you're not careful." Tang Yu's voice was rather indecent. Wang Yueshan noticed that Tang Yu raised his eyebrows calmly and glanced at Ji Jing who had been quiet beside him when he was speaking. Ji Jing was worthy of his name. , It is as quiet as a lifeless prop display, extremely non-existent.

"Since you're married, let's live a good life. Why do you want to get divorced again? You're fooling around!" Du Sheng reprimanded Tang Yu like an elder. Wang Yueshan could tell that he and Tang Yu had a good relationship.

"This woman is too restless and lacks discipline. It's fine to leave!" Tang Yu shrugged indifferently.

When Ji Jing, who was accused of restlessness, noticed that everyone's eyes were on her, she still didn't say a word, but Wang Yueshan, who was careful, found that her body was tense and her lips were tightly pursed. Obviously restraining her anger, Wang Yueshan felt that what Tang Yu said was not true out of her own intuition. She remembered that when she got off the plane that day, she saw Ji Jing's reddish eye circles, and she felt very disdainful towards Tang Yu in her heart, and, Although Tang Yu always acted indifferent, Wang Yueshan had an intuition that Tang Yu was the one who got dumped.

After hearing Tang Yu's words, Du Sheng glanced at Ji Jing in surprise, and didn't say anything else. He couldn't take care of other people's family affairs, especially Tang Yu's thoughts were deep since he was a child, and it was difficult for people to understand what he was doing. what to think.

"Are you sure what you said is not ironic?" Du Haoyang glanced at Ji Jing, and immediately classified her as a woman from a good family. His eyes are very poisonous, and he rarely makes mistakes in seeing people.

Tang Yu still looked indifferent, raised his eyebrows and said to Du Haoyang: "I heard that Mingzi said that you are going to celebrate at Jinfen today, count me in!"

"You can do whatever you want!" Du Haoyang replied to Tang Yu sternly. He is happy now, and Tang Yu is just at the opposite extreme. Moreover, Tang Yu and Fang Ziming are as good as one person, so he can't refuse.

"Then let's go to change the certificate first!" Tang Yu smiled and walked past Du Haoyang and others, and left with Ji Jing one after the other.

"I don't know what this guy is doing!" Du Haoyang looked at Tang Yu's back with a deep emotion.

"Okay, you and Yueshan have a good get-together with your friends today, and leave the little guy to me!" Du Sheng obviously didn't want to spoil the atmosphere, so he said to Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang.

A group of people happily left the Civil Affairs Bureau, and saw several black cars parked outside the Civil Affairs Bureau at some point, and many people in black suits were patrolling around, all looking alert.

"Where did so many people come from here, it looks like a gangster!" Wang Yueshan looked at the people outside and muttered in a low voice.

"You're really right, you just ran into one inside!" Du Haoyang laughed and pecked Wang Yueshan's face.

"You mean - him?!" Wang Yueshan asked with her mouth wide open, not expecting Tang Yu to be a member of the underworld.

"Who else? The head of the Tang Gang, known as Young Master Tang." Du Haoyang kindly explained Wang Yueshan's doubts.

"Then why did he attend the full moon banquet of the Shishi babies?" Wang Yueshan asked in confusion, what if he played tricks and took the opportunity to do something bad?
"The relationship here is complicated, and I don't understand it. In short, nothing will happen." Du Haoyang obviously didn't want to continue this topic. He didn't want to see Wang Yueshan receive the attention of other men, so Tang Yu just looked at Wang Yueshan. , which still haunts him to this day.

Because Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan were not in a hurry to disclose the matter of obtaining the certificate, they only notified a few close friends and invited them to have a gathering at Jinfen.

Du Haoyang invited Jun Haodong, Suzaku, Fang Ziming, and of course Tang Yu.As for Wang Yueshan, Liang Yue and Jiang Fei were invited here, and the others were in City A, so they definitely couldn't keep up.

What Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang didn't expect was that Tang Yu and Ji Jing came together, and Ji Jing also changed her clothes and put on exquisite makeup. The low-cut evening dress was very revealing, and the two on the chest The hemisphere seemed to be ready to jump out at any moment, eye-catching, and the skirt was short and dangerously wrapped around the buttocks. It was a completely different person from the previous appearance in the Civil Affairs Bureau.

"Why did you come together?" Du Haoyang asked in a low voice in confusion.Are these two not divorced?But it doesn't look like it, in short, it feels very strange.

"What's the fuss?" Tang Yu looked at Du Haoyang disapprovingly, smiled and said, "There are people who have special tastes, and the first wife is not rare, but they like to be mistresses. What can I do?" After speaking, he glanced at the expressionless Ji Jing, and then said loudly: "How is it? Isn't it very upright?"

Du Haoyang saw the restrained anger in Tang Yu's eyes at a glance, he chuckled and said, "Don't play too much, today is not a messy party!"

These words are already reminding Tang Yu, as a man, how could he not see the difference between Tang Yu and Ji Jing?He didn't want to see Tang Yu and miss the woman he cared about in the end.

"This is a gift, happy wedding!" Tang Yu pretended not to understand Du Haoyang's words, and handed an exquisite box to Du Haoyang.

In such a short time, this guy even prepared a gift!Du Haoyang looked at the exquisitely packaged box in front of him, and looked at Tang Yu with even more strange eyes. He didn't think that Tang Yu would prepare such a big gift for him in such a short period of time for JS's limited couple watches.

"Are you sure it's for me? I don't want second-hand ones!" Du Haoyang joked with Tang Yu in a half-true way.

"Do you want to love me or not? Anyway, I'll give you the gift!" Tang Yu's expression froze, he stuffed the gift box into Du Haoyang's hands, and walked into the box with Ji Jing in his arms.

"Don't put on a dead face, today is a happy day!"

When Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang heard Tang Yu's reprimand to Ji Jing, they looked at each other and said nothing in tacit agreement.

"Yueshan, you are so mean. I didn't even tell you when I got married today. I didn't even know!" Liang Yue complained dissatisfiedly when she saw Tang Yu giving her a wedding gift.

"Didn't I just want to announce it!" Wang Yueshan explained to her friend, and then did not forget to add: "Don't forget to make up the gift!"

"Don't worry, you'll be satisfied!" Liang Yuehao assured her, then pulled Wang Yueshan aside, glanced at Du Haoyang, and asked worriedly, "Are you really married?"

(End of this chapter)

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