Chapter 900 Marriage, Divorce (3)
Du Haoyang is a well-known playboy in City B, she really worried about Wang Yueshan, it wasn't Liang Yue's unnecessary actions, but when she was pregnant before, no one told her about Wang Yueshan's many things, her understanding of Du Haoyang was still in the negative stage .

"I'll show you this!" Wang Yueshan said as she took out two little red books from her bag, and spread them out in front of Liang Yue's eyes.

She knew what Liang Yue was worried about. She was grateful for her friend's concern, but she also believed that she and Du Haoyang would be happy.

"You must be happy!" Looking at the bright and moving smile on her friend's face, Liang Yue didn't say anything, and sent her sincere blessings.

"En!" Wang Yueshan nodded vigorously.

Fang Ziming was the last one to come, and she also brought a female companion. When Wang Yueshan saw the woman with heavy make-up next to Fang Ziming, she felt very unhappy. It was different from what Ji Jing gave her. Fang Ziming's female companion was all The smell of wind and dust really seems to be sold out.

"Ziming, why are you still hanging out with this woman?" Du Haoyang handed Fang Ziming a glass of wine and asked in a low voice.

Fang Ziming's female companion is none other than Bai Lan, a branch of the Bai family.

"Stop talking, it's hard to say!" Fang Ziming took a sip of wine, with a troubled expression on his face, but this unhappiness was fleeting, he did not forget that today is a day of great joy for his good brother, so he gave the gift he had prepared early in the morning : "The key to Linjiang Villa, this is the one with the best location over there, I hope my sister-in-law likes it!" Fang Ziming said as he handed the gift to Wang Yueshan.

Tut tut!Wang Yueshan thought that it would be good to have a real estate buddy, and it would be a villa and a mansion, which is really rich and powerful. She remembered that when Tang Shishi and Ling Rui got married, Fang Ziming also gave the house as a gift.

But is this gift too expensive?When Wang Yueshan was hesitating whether to pick it up, she noticed two very unfriendly eyes staring at her. The owner of those eyes was none other than Fang Ziming's female companion Bai Lan. He accepted the gift generously, and said with a smile, "Linjiang Villa? I've heard about it a long time ago. The environment of the place is nice. Thank you Ziming for saving us a good seat!"

"Of course the good position should be reserved for my family, as long as you like it, little sister-in-law!" Fang Ziming is best at observing words and expressions, so he naturally noticed Wang Yueshan's emotional changes, and showed a charming smile to Wang Yueshan.

On the other side, Bai Lan was so angry that her lungs were about to explode. She had told Fang Ziming several times about the villa, who knew that he would give it to Wang Yueshan as soon as he changed hands. He really didn't take her seriously!
However, among the people present, no one cared about Bai Lan's mood. Everyone was present, chatting and laughing together. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but they all deliberately ignored Bai Lan.

In fact, it can't be said that Bai Lan was ignored on purpose, but Jun Haodong didn't care about anyone, and all his thoughts were on Suzaku, and Suzaku was originally a taciturn person, and Ji Jing didn't know anyone well. The two seem to have nothing to say, they are quiet like statues that can breathe, Wang Yueshan and Liang Yue have not seen each other for more than two days, and they are both mothers, so many topics seem to be chatting for days and nights He seemed to be talking endlessly, completely ignoring other people, and besides occasionally pouring juice for Liang Yue, Jiang Fei occasionally chatted with Du Haoyang, Fang Ziming, Jun Haodong and the others, and he was not a talkative person. Tang Yu obviously She was a little absent-minded and didn't talk much, but Fang Ziming and Du Haoyang had always been speculative and chatted endlessly, so Bai Lan was gorgeously isolated.

It's just that a person like Bai Lan, how could he be willing to remain silent? She quickly noticed Tang Yu and his female companion, after evaluating the relationship between the two, they held a glass of fruit juice and chatted up to Tang Yu with a clever smile: " Young Master Tang, I didn't expect to be honored to meet you here!"

Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang, who were chatting vigorously, paused for a moment when they heard Bai Lan's coquettish and coquettish voice, and then resumed their conversation as if nothing had happened.

Tang Yu glanced at Bai Lan, not hiding the sharpness in his eyes, Bai Lan shrank in fright, then turned around with a guilty conscience and smiled sweetly at Wang Yueshan: "Sister-in-law, I wish you and Young Master Du will grow old together forever."

Wang Yueshan was taken aback by Bai Lan's leaping interjection, then forced a smile and said, "Thank you." Then she started talking to Liang Yue again.

Seeing that Wang Yueshan didn't intend to talk to her at all, Bai Lan couldn't help cursing bitterly in her heart, what if she didn't raise a wild woman, so what if she climbed into Mrs. Du's seat?Not even basic social etiquette!

"Are you dumb? Hurry up and give a toast to my sister-in-law! Do you think you can make a vase without saying a word if you have no eyesight?" Tang Yu's scolding sound suddenly sounded, neither high nor low, but enough Let everyone present hear you clearly.

Ji Jing didn't expect Tang Yu to make a sudden attack, her face turned red and white, she stood up with a glass of wine and said to Wang Yueshan, "I wish Young Master Du and Mrs. Du a sweet and happy life together."

"Thank you!" Wang Yueshan looked at the embarrassment on Ji Jing's face, the hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly, and said to Ji Jing with a sincere smile, after thanking her, she cast a very dissatisfied look at Tang Yu.

What she hates the most are men who bully and torture women. Only men with flaws in their hearts are like this.

Seeing Wang Yueshan's smile, Ji Jing's heart warmed up. When she heard Wang Yueshan and Liang Yue talking about parenting, she listened carefully, and occasionally couldn't help interjecting a few words. Seeing that Liang Yue and Wang Yueshan were very friendly He didn't reject her, so he didn't feel as uneasy as before.

Bai Lan saw that Ji Jing and Wang Yueshan were getting along well, so she also wanted to do the same and join them. However, every time she interjected, there would be silence, and the three of them rejected her as if they had made an agreement, which made her feel uncomfortable. Very annoyed, the hatred for Wang Yueshan is even deeper, isn't it because the child was righted, what's the big deal!

There is also Tang Yu's female companion, she is also a vixen from a lowly background!These few people really like each other!But it's good for Ji Jing to chat with Wang Yueshan and the others, so as not to hinder her from exchanging feelings with Tang Shao!
So Bai Lan began to flirt with Tang Yu secretly.

It's just that Tang Yu simply treated Bai Lan as nothing, no matter how much she tried her best to make a show, Tang Yu ignored her, which made Bai Lan very discouraged.

"Stinky bitch, are you still going to finish?! Do you think that with your virtue, you can be seduced by a man? Get out!" Fang Ziming, who was chatting with Du Haoyang, turned his head by chance, and shouted angrily after seeing the big scene .

Bai Lan was startled by Fang Ziming, and shut her mouth tightly, but she really didn't intend to leave.

"Yu, how about exchanging female companions?" Fang Ziming casually looked towards Wang Yueshan, and when he saw Ji Jing's profile, he was astonished, so he proposed.

(End of this chapter)

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