Chapter 902 Damn it! (2)
"It's fine to be noisy at ordinary times, but today I have to listen to the groom and the bride!" Jun Haodong spoke out at the right time, resolving the deadlock.

"Drink and drink! Let Haoyang drink so much that he can't get married at night! Haha!" Fang Ziming was the most naughty of the group, walked up to Du Haoyang, pulled Du Haoyang away from Wang Yueshan, and talked with Jun Haodong and Tang Yu, Jiang Fei and the others quickly romped together, he is a master at mediating the atmosphere!
"Thank you!" Ji Jing secretly glanced at Tang Yu, who was chatting happily with Bai Lan in her arms, and said gratefully to Wang Yueshan.

"You're welcome! I just can't see that their stinky men don't treat our women as human beings!" Wang Yueshan handed Ji Jing a glass of juice and asked worriedly, "Aren't you divorced? Why are you still with him?"

Ji Jing was questioned by Wang Yueshan, her expression darkened, she watched Wang Yueshan move her lips a few times, hesitated to speak, and finally said in a low voice: "Thank you!" She refused tactfully and forbearingly.

Seeing that Ji Jing obviously had something to hide, Liang Yue quietly tugged on Wang Yueshan's clothes, signaling her not to poach people's privacy any more.

Wang Yueshan stuck out her tongue, put away her curiosity, and didn't ask any more questions.

Wang Yueshan and Liang Yue chatted again, Ji Jing was not in the mood to listen to the two chatting now, and felt two beams of dark eyes covering her body, she leaned on Tang Yu's body again He adjusted the action of pouring fruit juice for Wang Yueshan and Liang Yue, and turned his back to that terrifying man completely.

Tang Yu's eyes became colder because of Ji Jing's indistinct movements, and Fang Ziming, who was sitting diagonally opposite Tang Yu, raised the corners of his mouth playfully after seeing the undercurrent between Tang Yu and Ji Jing.

All the high-end facilities in the gold powder are available, only you can't think of it, there is nothing you can't enjoy. After lunch, everyone played around for a while. Du Haoyang proposed to take Wang Yueshan to the hot spring. The meaning of driving people away is very obvious. Who knew this The group of people didn't know what was wrong, they all pretended not to understand in tacit understanding, and followed to the hot spring club in a tacit manner, which made Du Haoyang very angry, but he couldn't get angry again.

There is the most comfortable hot spring spa in the gold powder, with a first-class atmosphere, and of course it is more suitable for flirting. He has long wanted to take Wang Yueshan to enjoy it. Although there are many unsightly tails today, the supreme couple package that Du Haoyang wants is completely ignored. The crowd left with their arms around Wang Yueshan.

Of course, Jun Haodong and Suzaku also wanted the supreme couple package, as did Jiang Fei and Liang Yue.After a while, Tang Yu, Ji Jing, Fang Ziming and Bai Lan were left in the hot spring club.

"Tang Yu, how about the four of us play together?" Fang Ziming said, and then he looked around Ji Jing's body piercingly, with a lot of interest in his eyes.

Tang Yu didn't speak, but the people around obviously felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped several degrees. Just when everyone thought he would refuse, Tang Yu suddenly raised his eyebrows and smiled, looked at Bai Lan and asked, "Miss Bai thinks?"

Bai Lan didn't expect that Tang Yu would ask for her own opinion, and she was very flattered. She looked at Fang Ziming, then at Tang Yu, smiled very seductively, and said, "I don't care, as long as Young Master Tang and Young Master Fang like it, I will do my best." Cooperate!" After finishing speaking, he took a provocative look at Ji Jing who was silent at the side.

Ji Jing didn't expect that Bai Lan didn't refuse, she looked up at Bai Lan in surprise, with an expression of disbelief.

"Sure enough, it's a flower of interpretation! Miss Bai is very witty!" Tang Yu laughed out loud after hearing Bai Lan's words, then grabbed Bai Lan's body, ordered a set meal for four, and walked in first with her in his arms.

Ji Jing just felt that her body was so cold that it didn't look like her own. Looking at Fang Ziming, she was trembling with fright. Thinking of what might happen later, she couldn't help but keep backing away, wanting to escape.

"Sister-in-law, let's go in!" There is a good show to watch, how could Fang Ziming miss it for nothing?So without any explanation, he took Ji Jing's arm and walked in.

The news from Tang Yu and Fang Ziming quickly spread to Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan, and Wang Yueshan gritted her teeth in anger.

"Do you think that Tang Yu has a mental illness? What a pervert! Disgusting!" Wang Yueshan scolded angrily, "Don't he have any sisters or relatives? He is not afraid of retribution for doing too many bad things one day, she My sisters and relatives were also abused by others?"

"Hush!" Du Haoyang covered Wang Yueshan's mouth at once. The water in this hot spring is full of running water, and the sound insulation is not good. This girl's voice is always surprisingly loud, so it's hard not to be heard by someone who cares about her.

"What are you doing? Are you afraid of him? Or do you think he's doing the right thing?" Wang Yueshan shook off Du Haoyang's hand in dissatisfaction, staring at him with angry almond eyes, and said angrily.

"You can say whatever else you like, but don't mention his family in front of Tang Yu." Du Haoyang reminded Wang Yueshan while wrapping his arms around Wang Yueshan's waist to calm her emotions.

"What's wrong? Could it be that he was abandoned by his family since he was a child? No wonder he has such a dark mind!" Wang Yueshan was still furious, but her voice was lowered a lot.

"Almost!" Du Haoyang said with a sigh.

"What do you mean? Tell me quickly!" The gossip factor in Wang Yueshan's mind began to stir as soon as Du Haoyang's tone was obviously revealing.

"Tang Yu is actually a miserable person. When he was very young, his parents, brothers and sisters were all killed by his enemies. I heard that his death was terrible. Her mother and sister were insulted before they died." Du Haoyang There was a sigh in the voice, mixed with a trace of heaviness.

"Ah?!" Wang Yueshan opened her mouth wide in surprise, and there was no sign of a joke on her face anymore. She didn't expect that the truth was so heavy, it wasn't funny at all!
"So, from now on, don't mention his family in front of Tang Yu, he will really go crazy." Du Haoyang said while touching Wang Yueshan's back.

"Yeah. I got it!" Wang Yueshan nodded solemnly, then remembered something, and said, "No, I have to go to Ji Jing, I can't do nothing!" Thinking of Ji Jing being as quiet as Tang Yu After being spoiled by Fang Ziming, the anger in Wang Yueshan's stomach was rekindled.

Just doing what she said, Wang Yueshan got up from the hot spring pool, wiped her body quickly, put on a new set of underwear, then put on a bathrobe, and was about to leave.

"Honey, don't meddle in other people's affairs!" Du Haoyang tried to persuade Wang Yueshan that with Fang Ziming's spirit around, he wouldn't worry about anything out of the ordinary.

"This is no idle matter, how can you be so indifferent!" Wang Yueshan glared at Du Haoyang angrily, and hurriedly opened the door and left.

Du Haoyang watched Wang Yueshan leave in a hurry, and after a while, he left the pool helplessly, put on a bathrobe, and followed out.This woman actually accused him of being indifferent, and whoever complained in the morning complained that he was too enthusiastic!

(End of this chapter)

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