Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 903 Arrogant is my nickname!

Chapter 903 Arrogant is my nickname! (1)
well!Women are fickle creatures!
The hot spring club is closed for business in the afternoon, so Wang Yueshan found Tang Yu's pool without any difficulty.Wang Yueshan's preliminary idea was like this. Like the chivalrous women on TV, she kicked open the door majestically, and rescued Ji Jing who was suffering under the watchful eyes of the public. Who knows, the ideal is too Plump, but too skinny in reality, this plot is just right for Tang Shishi, but it feels a little worse for her.

With a bang, Wang Yueshan squatted on the ground hugging her little feet and sucked in the pain. When she raised her head, she found a cold, black hole in front of her forehead.

"Ah—" After seeing clearly what was pointing at her, Wang Yueshan screamed heart-piercingly with all her strength.

Nima!The year is not good!The heroine didn't make it, and soon there would be an extra hole in her body.Wang Yueshan opened her eyes and looked at the pistol still in front of her. When she closed her eyes, she started screaming again.

"You're so brave, you still dare to make trouble?" Tang Yu's temples twitched when stimulated by Wang Yueshan's overly loud and sharp voice, and he deliberately put the pistol in his hand to play with, and the casual sarcasm in his tone was full of meaning .

"What's wrong?! Xiao Shanshan! Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! I'm here!" Du Haoyang heard the sound, looked at Wang Yueshan who was squatting on the ground and screaming, and hurriedly pulled her body into his arms, his face smeared. The pity is flooded.

"Hao Yang, I'm going to die! Huh..." Wang Yueshan burst into tears in Du Haoyang's arms. She knew that the gun in Tang Yu's hand was definitely not a toy gun, it was a real thing!

"What are you talking about, what's wrong? Tell me, my husband will support you!" Du Haoyang patted Wang Yueshan's butt angrily, and looked at Tang Yu with a very bad expression. Can't get rid of the relationship.

"He, he—" Wang Yueshan stretched out her little finger tremblingly and pointed at Tang Yu, just about to expose Tang Yu's hidden pistol, but saw Tang Yu leaning against the door with arms crossed and smiling coquettishly.

Huh?Where's the gun?Wang Yueshan looked at Tang Yu who was wearing only a pair of swimming trunks, and her head became confused. Could it be just her own abnormal illusion?

"Did he bully you?" Du Haoyang asked while turning around to look at Tang Yu, and said coldly, "Tang Yu, you dare to touch my fucking life, you can treat me as Du Haoyang, right?"

Tang Yu looked at the furious Du Haoyang and laughed silently.

"Uh! Haoyang, no! I accidentally fell when I kicked the door!" Wang Yueshan didn't want Du Haoyang and Tang Yu to get into a fight. She still doesn't know that Tang Yu just pointed a gun at her. Is it my own delusion or the real thing, if it is true, Du Haoyang will definitely suffer a loss if he uses his bare hands!
"Fall down? Why are you kicking the door?" Du Haoyang glanced suspiciously at Tang Yu, and then softly reprimanded Wang Yueshan, just fell down, and screamed so heart-piercingly, is it possible?In his eyes, Wang Yueshan is not such a hypocritical girl!
"Slippery feet!" Wang Yueshan found a lame excuse.

"I fell down, and you screamed so badly, as if you have seen a ghost?" Du Haoyang is not easy to be fooled, she must figure out whether Tang Yu bullied Wang Yueshan while he was not there.

"It's definitely scarier than seeing a ghost when you look up and see a ghost!" Wang Yueshan wrinkled her nose and said to Du Haoyang, but she glanced at Tang Yu from the corner of her eyes, with guard and suspicion in her eyes.

"That's really scary, what else?" Du Haoyang continued to ask.

"Do you really want to hear it?"


"What's more, I found that ghosts don't grow up to be young!" Wang Yueshan said to Du Haoyang with sparkling eyes.

Wang Yueshan didn't expect her words to make the faces of the two men around her change at the same time.

"Wang Yueshan!" Du Haoyang yelled angrily in a low voice, Wang Yueshan who was in his arms obviously heard the sound of teeth grinding mixed with heavy breathing, her little heart couldn't help but twitched, and she didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Isn't it long? Do you want to try it yourself, Mrs. Du Shao?" Tang Yu's face was cold, and his voice was easily reminiscent of the biting cold of the north wind on the snow-capped mountains that never melted all year round.

This kind of Tang Yu made Wang Yueshan sure that the scene of being pointed at by a gun was not her hallucination, and her little body trembled in fright.

"Tang Yu, is it interesting? What do you call a man and a woman?" Although he was a little annoyed at Wang Yueshan's unrestrained speech, he felt that Wang Yueshan was trembling with fright after hearing Tang Yu's words. Du Haoyang immediately hugged Wang Yueshan Tightening a protective posture, he reprimanded Tang Yu.

"Are you sure you're an old man without a little jj? This matter really needs to be verified!" Tang Yu snorted coldly, and put his displeasure clearly on his face, obviously he had a lot of opinions on Wang Yueshan .

"You're still in a good mood!" Du Haoyang glanced at Tang Yu impatiently. As a man, he could understand Tang Yu's mood, because judging from Tang Yu's abnormal behavior today, he and Ji Jing divorced. It was definitely not his intention. Du Haoyang, as a "senior" person, could see the crux of Tang Yu and Ji Jing's problems at a glance, so he felt that Tang Yu deserved to end up like this.Want to use his little daughter-in-law as a punching bag?no way!
"It's you who are excited! You don't enjoy the supreme set meal, why come here to join in the fun? Could it be that you want to be a group?" Tang Yu said coldly, his eyes swept around Wang Yueshan's face, and his face suddenly darkened up.

Group P?Wang Yueshan only heard these two violent words out of context, she became rotten, her almond eyes were as bright as jewels, group P!Pieces of white flesh flashed in Wang Yueshan's mind, she couldn't help but tugged at Du Haoyang's bathrobe, swallowed, her eyes were full of longing.

How could Du Haoyang not know that those fancy intestines in Wang Yueshan's belly were so angry and funny, if not in front of Tang Yu, he would have spanked Wang Yueshan without saying a word!

If it weren't for him being here, Wang Yueshan wouldn't know when this woman was sold, so maybe she would be happy to help count the money.

"Be quiet!" Du Haoyang warned the woman in his arms with a sullen face.

"Tsk tsk! It seems Du Shao's job is not good enough to make Mrs. Du into such a virtue!" Tang Yu looked at Du Haoyang's gloomy face and felt very relieved.

"You're the one who's hungry! Your whole family is hungry!" Wang Yueshan came back to her senses, jumped out of Du Haoyang's arms, and yelled at Tang Yu bitterly, which made her forget her previous fear.

It doesn't matter to her if she is lewd!Because even she herself thinks she is pretty.But this stinky Tang Yu dared to say that Wang Yueshan's man was no good, damn it!Sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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