Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 908 Du Haoyang's Poisonous Tongue!

Chapter 908 Du Haoyang's Poisonous Tongue! (1)
Seeing that Ji Jing seemed to let go a little, Wang Yueshan then told Ji Jing some things about her pregnancy, including some interesting stories about her and Du Haoyang's battle of wits and courage.Not to mention, storytelling is Wang Yueshan's forte. Listening to her vivid narration, even the expressions and movements are very vivid. Ji Jing was amused by Wang Yueshan several times.

Du Haoyang sat and listened to Wang Yueshan's talk about the past, and removed Wang Yueshan from time to time to prevent this woman from being fascinated by her own personal heroism. The atmosphere in the room became lighter and more pleasant.

Just when Wang Yueshan was talking about how she had the courage to fight against Du Haoyang's hegemony, and decisively ran from city G to city B with the ball, Du Haoyang's cell phone rang.

"Dad, what's the matter?" It was Du Sheng who called, Du Haoyang glanced at his watch, it was 03:30 in the afternoon, the time passed really fast.

"Stinky boy! You did a good job! Get the hell out of here!" Du Sheng's roar came from the other end of the phone.

"Dad..." Du Haoyang was inexplicably slapped. He was about to ask what was the matter, but Du Sheng cut off the call over there. Du Haoyang stared at the phone with his brows furrowed.

"What's wrong?" Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoyang's face and asked worriedly.The father-in-law's voice sounded a little wrong, and Wang Yueshan felt a little uneasy because of a woman's intuition.

"Dad told us to go back quickly." Du Haoyang rubbed the top of Wang Yueshan's head comfortingly, his face was calm and calm, but there was a trace of murderous look in his eyes, which could make his father so angry. It seemed that there was an unexpected visitor at home.

"It's been too long since I've been out, the little guy is probably starting to make a fuss!" Wang Yueshan looked at the time and stuck out her tongue mischievously. She bid farewell to Ji Jing, and then worried about Fang Ziming, who was armed with a gun and a stick. After threatening, before leaving, I did not forget to repeatedly ask Ji Jing to call her if there is anything to do.

"We forgot to say goodbye to Brother Jun and Sister Liang Yue!" When getting into the car, Wang Yueshan suddenly remembered that Jun Haodong and Liang Yue were coming, and then took out her mobile phone to make a call.

"No need, you call at this time, maybe they are in high spirits, do you think they will pick up or not?" Du Haoyang stopped Wang Yueshan while fastening her seat belt.

"That's right! Is it moral to disturb someone's work?" Wang Yueshan decisively put away her phone, her smile was a bit wretched no matter how you look at it.

"When you say this, I suddenly feel that we can actually do some immoral things occasionally!" Du Haoyang remembered that the originally planned mandarin duck play was messed up this afternoon, and his mood began to feel a little ugly.

"Come on! Be kind!" Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoyang's gloomy face and smiled very unkindly.

"We'll make up for this one tomorrow!" Du Haoyang squinted at Wang Yueshan smiling like a cunning rabbit, and the evil fire in her body that hadn't been expressed was rushing upwards.

"Did they make trouble?" Wang Yueshan asked abruptly, playing with the phone in her hand.

"Honey, you really know how to put out a fire!" Du Haoyang didn't expect Wang Yueshan to ask this suddenly. Thinking of the situation he would face when he got home, he turned off the fire in an instant, and his good mood was completely ruined.

"Haoyang, why don't we elope?" Wang Yueshan said irritably with a wrinkled face when she thought that she might have to face Du Haoze and Cao Xinru when she returned home.

"Elope?" Du Haoyang couldn't help being happy, and put his big hand on Wang Yueshan's head, making her hair look like a chicken coop. When the angry little flames burned in Wang Yueshan's eyes, he said leisurely: "Little With the red book in hand, you just want to elope, and the law doesn't approve it!"

"Alas!" Wang Yueshan sighed discouragedly, her face was gloomy. She knew that she would have to face these sooner or later, but she still couldn't help but want to resist passively.

"Don't worry, I'm here!" Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan's frowning expression, and his gloomy mood became lighter. No matter what happened, he would support this little woman and let her feel at ease. worry free.

"Husband, I believe in you!" It happened to be a red light, Wang Yueshan stretched out her arm and hooked Du Haoyang's neck, and sucked hard on his face!
"Oh!" A whistle sounded from the car next to it.

Du Haoyang's car is already eye-catching, and a beautiful woman offered to send a kiss, which in itself is gossip.

"What! That woman is not as good-looking as I am? It's good luck to ride in a luxury car!" A female voice sounded displeased, and it was the young man who was whistling just now.

Listening to the voice of envy and hatred, Wang Yueshan couldn't help but look curiously at the woman in the white car next to her. It is undeniable that the other party is indeed a beautiful woman.

Du Haoyang glanced coldly at the woman who spoke rudely just now, and saw that woman patted her heart with her hand when he looked over, and then a bewitching smile appeared on her face, and she began to sway her head, so Du Haoyang reduced the original to half The car window was completely lowered, and he said with a smile: "The eyebrows are like a crescent moon, the eyes are like autumn water, and the nose is white and the teeth are beautiful. You are so beautiful! Brother on the other side, you are so lucky!"

When the woman heard Du Haoyang praise her so much, her eyes were instantly radiant, and her eyes wandered restlessly on Du Haoyang's body, as if she had hooks on her eyes, wishing to hook Du Haoyang away.But the man beside her didn't see the woman's expression, after hearing Du Haoyang's words, he lifted his chin in a high-flying manner, and said repeatedly: "So-so!" The complacency was beyond description in words.

"It's just that the eyelids are drawn, the nose is padded, the chin is sharpened, and even the teeth are inlaid with porcelain. The skin on her face may be from It was transplanted from the buttocks, brother, do you know?" Du Haoyang looked at the man opposite, with a compassionate smile on his face, and after seeing the woman's sudden change of expression, he shook the glass, and it happened that the green light came on , the car drove out chicly.

"Your mouth is so poisonous!" Wang Yueshan laughed so hard in the passenger seat, thinking of the expressions on the faces of the man and woman who swallowed shit just now, she felt as if she had a smile point on her face, and she wished she could roll in the car.In the past, every time the two of them quarreled, it was she who pissed off this man as if he had swallowed five hundred flies. She never thought that this guy was a hidden person.

Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan who was laughing like crazy, and frowned helplessly.

"As expected of the eldest son of the Du family, the level of swearing is superior to others, and he doesn't use dirty words at all, admiration! Hehe..." Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoyang's distorted face, and said pretendingly.

"Wang Yueshan! Who am I doing this for?!" Du Haoyang's eyes sharpened, and he pretended to be angry and growled at Wang Yueshan: "You heartless woman! Hmph!"

(End of this chapter)

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