Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 909 Du Haoyang's Poisonous Tongue!

Chapter 909 Du Haoyang's Poisonous Tongue! (2)
Seeing that Du Haoyang was angry, Wang Yueshan turned her face away arrogantly and focused on driving to ignore her, so she restrained herself a little, and stuck it on like a dog's skin plaster, shaking Du Haoyang's arm and said: "Okay, okay, I'm wrong, it's okay, I'm Stop laughing! Pfft!"

Uh!Can't hold back!Mistake mistake!

"Still laughing!" Du Haoyang glared at Wang Yueshan angrily, his expression was not as tense as before. In fact, he was just pretending to frighten this woman, so how could he be willing to get angry with her over such a small matter.

"Okay, don't laugh—hehe! Don't laugh anymore! This time I really promise not to laugh!" Wang Yueshan covered her mouth consciously as she spoke, for fear that the laughter would slip out, her small face flushed red. The little shoulders twitched.

"Insincere words!" Du Haoyang cast a cold glance at Wang Yueshan, and spit out four words.

Confused, Wang Yueshan simply didn't cover her mouth, took her hands away and said with a smile: "But it's really funny!" The tone was resentful, as if all this was Du Haoyang's fault.

"Humph!" Du Haoyang snorted softly, continued driving without comment.

"Honey, you don't know, you were so handsome just now!" The car had already driven into the villa area, Wang Yueshan simply let go of the seat belt, hooked Du Haoyang's neck, and said coquettishly, rubbing against Du Haoyang like a puppy.

"Really so handsome?" Du Haoyang asked in a neutral tone, with obvious doubts in his tone.

"Of course! In my heart, you are absolutely handsome!" Wang Yueshan squeaked and kissed Du Haoyang on the face.

"Forget you have vision!" Du Haoyang's face warmed up, and his tone was not as blunt as before.

"Absolutely! How can the man I like be so bad?" Wang Yueshan imitated Du Haoyang's appearance in embarrassment, and ravaged Du Haoyang's handsome short hair into a bird's nest.

"You—" Du Haoyang inhaled, this woman is not admitting her mistake, she is clearly taking the opportunity to take revenge!
"We are husband and wife, so naturally we have to share the same difficulties!" Wang Yueshan was very satisfied with her masterpiece, and smiled at Du Haoyang's black face.

"That's what you said! It's going to be difficult!" Du Haoyang stopped the car, pressed Wang Yueshan on the car seat and kissed her fiercely for a while, then said in a hoarse voice.

"Hmm! Sneak attack is shameless!" Wang Yueshan covered her red and swollen mouth, her eyes were full of accusations.

"This is fair and aboveboard, legal and reasonable!" Du Haoyang patted the red notebook in his pocket, smiling brightly.

"Shameless! You are cruel!" Wang Yueshan pouted, opened the door and got out of the car.

The two entered the living room laughing and noisy, and were stunned by the big battle in the living room.

Mr. Du, who was dying in the hospital, was sitting on the sofa. Cao Xinru and Du Haoze were sitting on both sides of him. Du Sheng was holding Du Hengyu and sitting opposite the three of them. Sitting was a woman with an unfamiliar complexion, her bulging stomach could not be concealed even by the baggy robe.

Feeling the solemn atmosphere in the living room, Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan put away their smiling faces together. When Du Haoyang saw the smug look on Cao Xinru's face, Du Haoyang's expression darkened. Is this going to be a three-court trial?What is going on with this pregnant woman?Frame it?
When Wang Yueshan saw the woman's belly, her eyes showed shock, and some bad premonition came out of her heart, but she was immediately suppressed by force.

"Dad, we're back!" Du Haoyang ignored Mr. Du and Cao Xinru, and greeted Du Sheng with a cold face with a smile.

"Dad!" Wang Yueshan was stared at by Du Haoze as soon as she entered the door, and she felt uncomfortable. When she heard Du Haoyang calling for someone, she immediately looked away from the pregnant woman's belly and tried to follow suit.

Wang Yueshan's "Dad" made the complacent Mr. Du, Cao Xinru and Du Haoze all change their faces in the living room.

"En." Du Sheng originally wanted to get angry at Du Haoyang, but when he heard Wang Yueshan calling him, he set his eyes on Wang Yueshan, with complicated eyes, and responded in a low voice.

"Shameless! Shameless!" Old Man Du pointed at Wang Yueshan angrily, and his breath became short of breath.This woman is too uneducated, she doesn't have any rules, she doesn't respect her elders, and if she hasn't passed the door, she will call her daddy in a hurry, it's shameless!

"Haoyang, who is this?" Wang Yueshan also didn't like Mr. Du. She would not forget that her and Du Hengyu's two lives were almost ruined by this old man, so she asked deliberately pretending to be curious.

"You—" Mr. Du became more and more angry. She had already seen her in the hospital, but now she deliberately said that she didn't know her in front of everyone. He was clearly ignoring the provocation, but he couldn't expose her!Really mad at him!
"Wife, look at me, I forgot to introduce you, this is my grandfather." Du Haoyang said casually, with a very casual attitude.

"Oh! Hello, Grandpa!" Wang Yueshan showed her eight shining teeth to Mr. Du, and before Mr. Du could speak, she pretended to be happy and asked, "Did Grandpa come to give us red envelopes?"

"Don't call me grandpa! I'm not as shameless as you, who hooked up with my younger brother and then hooked up with my elder brother! Still want a red envelope? Dream! In the next life!" Old Man Du roared angrily.

"Dad, calm down, but pay attention to your body, you just woke up!" Cao Xinru followed the breath of old man Du, reminded old man Du with his eyes from an angle that everyone couldn't see, then turned to Wang Yueshan and said: " Yueshan, I didn't mean you, how could you be so rude to elders as a junior?"

"I don't have such an elder who would kill someone so casually. Besides, Cao Xinru, why are you pretending to be a good person here? Don't you think it's funny that we talk about these hypocrisy?" Wang Yueshan sneered and walked to Du He sat down beside Sheng Sheng, took Du Hengyu from Du Sheng's arms, and teased the little guy, ignoring the idlers on the opposite side.

Cao Xinru was choked by Wang Yueshan. She probably didn't expect that Wang Yueshan would dare not even give Mr. Du face. She hated to death, but she put on a look of resignation on her face.

Wang Yueshan glanced at Cao Xinru's expression from the corner of her eye, and sneered in her heart, this woman started pretending again, it's really disgusting to watch!

"Yueshan, although the things I did before were thoughtless, the relationship between you and Haoyang has not been settled after all, and a girl should be more or less reserved." , obviously aimed at Wang Yueshan calling Du Sheng "Dad".

"Cao Xinru, Yueshan and I are a legal husband and wife. If a daughter-in-law calls her father-in-law dad, it's not reserved? Then what is it that you climbed into my father's bed when you stripped naked? Reserved, you have the nerve to hang up." On my lips? I'm so ashamed for you!" Du Haoyang took out the little red book and slapped it on the tea table, with a sarcasm in his tone.

(End of this chapter)

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