Chapter 913 Hao Ze’s Death (1)
"Yes!" Zhao Jie bit the bullet and nodded in agreement.Now she regrets that she said so much before.

"Since this is the case, what else is there to worry about? Even after I gave birth to Du Haoze's child, Haoyang will never leave me and marry me, so why can't I be generous and raise his child?" Wang Yueshan said unexpectedly.

"Yueshan, you - you really think so?" Du Haoze looked at Wang Yueshan in disbelief, the person in front of him was as strange as he had seen for the first time.

In the past, Wang Yueshan couldn't rub the sand in her eyes. What changed her?Could it be because he loves Du Haoyang so much?Love so much that you lose your principles?Compromise?
No!Will not!Du Haoze refused to admit such an answer!

"Wang Yueshan! Shut up! I don't agree!" Before Wang Yueshan could answer, there was a roar from upstairs. Du Haoyang stood at the door, staring at Wang Yueshan fiercely, wishing to strangle her to death!

Why is this damn woman so generous?opinionated!

"Husband, don't be angry! I'm doing it for the good of everyone. Anyway, one is raised, and two are also raised. Didn't Dad urge us to have seven or eight more children to make the family more lively, and this will be given away in vain immediately." You came here, why don't you?" Wang Yueshan felt warm when she saw Du Haoyang getting angry, but on the surface she deliberately put on a magnanimous appearance to persuade Du Haoyang.The tone was relaxed, as if a Chinese cabbage was delivered to the door.

How could this situation be completely opposite to what they had expected?

Cao Xinru and Mr. Du looked at each other in blank dismay. This was not what they expected!What went wrong?

"I only want the child you gave me? No other woman is worthy!" Du Haoyang gritted his teeth and said with a black face, this dead woman really has the ability to drive people crazy.

After hearing such things, not only did she not cry or make trouble, she even persuaded herself to keep the wild species, which was so generous that he wanted to strangle this heartless person to death!Did this woman never believe that he really cleaned himself up for her sake?
"I'll help you clean up the mess with good intentions, just forget it if you don't appreciate it!" Wang Yueshan curled her lips aggrievedly, and turned her face away. She was so guilty that she didn't dare to look at Du Haoyang at the moment, for fear that he would find out the small thoughts she was harboring. .

If Zhao Jie was pregnant with Du Haoyang's child, she would be so generous!
Perhaps when she first heard that the child in Zhao Jie's belly was Du Haoyang's, she was a little confused, as if a thunderstorm had exploded in her head, blocked by a mess, malfunctioning, unable to react, but after going through with these people After so many tricks, if she still can't see that this is a trap, then she, Wang Yueshan, is really a hopeless idiot!

It's true that she is careless and careless, even a little muddled, but that's for irrelevant people and things, and for things she cares about, she can also be very patient and careful to maintain. She Wang Yueshan is not brainless, but Too often she is too lazy to use her brain.

"Haoyang, what Yueshan said is right, since you have done it, you have to be brave!" Cao Xin fanned the flames as if seeing the needle.No matter what, the purpose of their coming today is to provoke the relationship between Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang. As long as the relationship between these two people is at a standstill, their goal will be considered achieved.

"Cao Xinru, you are so deliberate, do you still want to repeat the scene more than 20 years ago?" Du Haoyang's cold eyes fell on Cao Xinru, then went downstairs, handed a USB flash drive to the servant, and said: "Show this for everyone to see!"

"Yes!" The servant carefully took the USB drive from Du Haoyang's hand, quickly took out a notebook, plugged in the USB drive, and clicked on the file.

Cao Xinru had a tacit eye contact with Mr. Du and Zhao Jie, and they all had a bad feeling.

It's just that, when things got to this point, they were too much to back down.

"Cao Xinru, I'll give you a chance to confess. Do you take the initiative to confess yourself, or should I expose you completely?" At the moment the video file was about to be played, Du Haoyang suddenly paused, his eyes fell on Cao Xinru sharply, and asked .

"Haoyang, don't you try to lie to me? I know you have always had prejudice against me, but this time you really don't care about my business. I just found out that Xiaojie is pregnant with your child." Cao Xinru said incomparably Sincerely, she was still worried at first, but after listening to Du Haoyang's words, she felt relieved.

Will Du Haoyang kindly show her mercy?joke!She and Du Haoyang have disliked each other for more than 20 years. They have been fighting openly and secretly for so many years. Who wouldn't want to put each other to death?What is affection?It would have been an anecdote if it didn't hit a well.

Du Haoyang's so-called showing mercy to her was nothing more than deceit. At this moment, she was absolutely sure that the document in Du Haoyang's hand was just a cover, and the purpose was nothing more than to lure her into committing the crime.

When she, Cao Xinru, is such a fool?When she was playing tricks, this guy was still in the womb!

"It seems that you won't cry when you see the coffin? I'll help you! Zhao Jie, how about you?" Du Haoyang turned his eyes to Zhao Jie again, no emotion could be seen on his cold and dignified face.

"I, I know I shouldn't come today, I just want to take the child to see you, I really have no other delusions!" Zhao Jie wept softly, his voice full of begging for mercy.

"Haoyang, Xiaojie just loves you, why do you persecute her?" Cao Xinru put on a look of compassion.

"Very good, I hope the consequences are something you can bear!" Du Haoyang chuckled and waved to Wang Yueshan, "Come here!"

Wang Yueshan glared at Du Haoyang, and was very dissatisfied with his attitude of greeting kittens and puppies, but she still obediently walked in front of Du Haoyang and let him hug her.As a man, you should save enough face for him in front of others.

"After a while, you also have to accept the punishment!" Du Haoyang strangled the person in his arms, and said angrily.

"Look at your performance!" Wang Yueshan raised her chin and looked at the computer without concealing her curiosity. "Open it!" She couldn't wait to see the contents inside.She had a premonition that the documents inside would definitely hit Cao Xinru and Mr. Du severely. Thinking of this, Wang Yueshan couldn't restrain her excitement.

"As you wish!" Du Haoyang smacked Wang Yueshan's face, making his voice loud on purpose.

Mr. Du and Cao Xinru were very annoyed when they saw Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang flirting with no one else, but seeing Du Haoyang's confident appearance, they couldn't tell whether he was just pretending or really mastering it. What evidence, so they all waited silently.

(End of this chapter)

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