Chapter 914 Hao Ze’s Death (2)
Several pairs of eyes were fixed on the small notebook on the coffee table, and the air tensed up instantly.

"It's eight o'clock sharp on Friday night. Welcome everyone to watch "Celebrity Finance and Economics". Today, our column team is honored to invite Mr. Du Haoyang, the president of our Dushi Enterprise. Everyone applauds and welcomes!"

There was a burst of warm applause.

"What's the matter? Why is this?" Wang Yueshan didn't expect that the video file that Du Haoyang asked to open turned out to be a recording of his interview with a TV station. She immediately felt that she was being tricked, and she yelled in dissatisfaction.

"Haoyang, is this your so-called evidence?" Cao Xinru's original heart was completely realized, and she looked at Du Haoyang with a sigh and said, "Haoyang, you are not like this, at least you are a daring person. Since when have you become so irresponsible?"

When Cao Xinru said this, the expression on her face was not without pain, but her eyes seemed to sweep over Wang Yueshan, revealing a trace of uncontrollable disdain. Anyone could see that she was so simple and easy. I understand the hint.

This is clearly accusing Wang Yueshan of leading Du Haoyang to the wrong place!

"What are you talking about! From today on, Xiaojie will live in Du's house and wait for her childbirth! It is impossible for the Du family to let their children and grandchildren live outside!" Mr. Du's voice was loud, with a sense of finality, "Haoyang, since the child It is yours, so you must take due responsibility!"

"Dad, did you see that? This scene is so similar to [-] years ago, the lines haven't changed!" Du Haoyang raised his brows indifferently after hearing what Old Master Du said, and said to Du Sheng.

"It's useless to ask your father to help!" Mr. Du fully showed his domineering side, before Du Sheng could speak, he said in a low voice, with a very strong attitude.

"Haoyang, don't blame your grandfather, who made you so careless, alas! This is all evil!" Cao Xin exclaimed pretendingly.

Cao Xinru looked at Du Sheng, who was calm and calm, and her heart was bubbling with pride. After all these years, she had a good time today, and finally trampled on the father and son, leaving them with nothing to argue about and nothing to say!
"It's indeed a crime! It's the Du family's fault, but it's not my Du Haoyang's fault!" Du Haoyang's expression was stern, his eyes swept across Cao Xinru, Mr. Du, Zhao Jie, and finally fell on Du Haoze's face, with a deep focus.

"At this point, do you still want to argue?" Du Haoze looked at Du Haoyang holding Wang Yueshan's arm, and said bitterly, "Du Haoyang, if you are still a man, take your due responsibilities!"

"Okay! I'm waiting for your words! I hope you will act like a man soon!" Du Haoyang laughed out loud after hearing Du Haoze's words, and then took out another small USB flash drive from his pocket and inserted it into the On the computer, open the folder and click on a video.

"Ah - Haoyang!"

"Yueshan—hmm! Yueshan, don't leave me! Yueshan..." A deep male voice followed with a drunken hoarse voice.

Wang Yueshan's body froze, and when she saw the two balls of entangled white flesh inside, she staggered and almost couldn't stand still.

Du Haoyang hugged Wang Yueshan tightly, noticing the trembling of Wang Yueshan's body, and whispered in her ear: "Look!"

Wang Yueshan looked up at Du Haoyang suddenly, and saw that he had a calm expression on his face, a pair of small hands firmly grasping Du Haoyang's shirt, and nodded with difficulty.

There are men and women in the picture, but only the woman riding on the man can be seen. That face belongs to Zhao Jie. Under the flickering lights, it will be clear for a while, and blurred for a while, but the man cannot be seen Who exactly.

"Haoyang, what are you arguing about this time! The evidence is as solid as a mountain!" Cao Xinru stepped forward and pulled out the USB flash drive, holding it in his hand and said sharply.

"It's not over yet, Cao Xinru, why are you so anxious? Could it be that you are afraid?" Du Haoyang looked at Cao Xinru with a half-smile and asked.

"What a joke! I have nothing to be afraid of! You are the one to be afraid of! You are so flirtatious, you flirt with Qin Muchu!" Cao Xin said bitterly.

How could this be?How could Du Haoyang have this in his hand?Cao Xinru's heart was in a mess all of a sudden!Looking at Du Haoyang like a monster!Could it be that this guy really has all-hands and eyes?

"I'm not afraid, why are you trembling? Hmm? Could it be that the man in the video will turn into someone unexpected?" Du Haoyang glanced sideways at Du Haoze who was standing stiffly by the side, and the corners of his mouth drew endless mockery .

The man in the video is Du Haoze.Du Haoyang just went upstairs to call Jun Haodong, asking Jun Haodong to find out the monitoring of his trip to Jinfen, and wanted to prove his innocence to Wang Yueshan, but he didn't expect that Boss Jun was too good at things, after listening to Du Haoyang's rough After talking about the general situation, I found out the monitoring of the suspicious person who went to the gold powder that day, and discovered such a little-known secret.

"You're talking nonsense! The man over there is obviously you!" Cao Xinru retorted sharply.

"Then why didn't the broadcast end? I don't mind being surrounded by everyone, let everyone be a witness!" Du Haoyang put away the smile on his face, showing murderous intent.

"Is there anyone here who doesn't understand, Xiaojie's yell just now is clear enough, can she even admit who the man she slept with is wrong?" Cao Xinru said and winked at Zhao Jie.

Zhao Jie's body froze, she looked up at Du Haoyang timidly, and said in a low voice, "Haoyang, you were drunk that night, I, I..." Zhao Jie choked up, unable to cry.

"Zhao Jie, are you sure you have to go all the way to the dark? I have more than one copy of this video file. Before you speak, you'd better think clearly about what will happen if you offend me." Du Haoyang coldly interrupted Zhao As far as Jie is concerned, he now feels disgusted just by looking at this woman, especially when he thinks that he is the one who is obsessed in her mind when she is doing business with others, he feels as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly!

After hearing Du Haoyang's words, Zhao Jie's body was trembling. If the servant beside her hadn't supported her quickly, she would have almost fallen to the ground.

"What else is unclear? We can all see and hear clearly!" Mr. Du roared angrily: "Hao Yang, you are so irresponsible, which makes me very sad, so I decided to Leave 30.00% of the shares in Du's Enterprise to Ozawa!"

"You little coffin book at the bottom of the box, would you be rare when I, Du Haoyang?" Du Haoyang snorted coldly. He had foreseen that Mr. Du would make such a decision, so he didn't take it to heart at all.

Not to mention this small amount of shares, even Du Haoyang didn't pay attention to the entire Du Corporation!
"You—don't be stubborn! Next Monday, Ozawa will return to Du's work as a shareholder of Du's Enterprise. At that time, a shareholders' meeting will be held to re-elect the president of Du's Enterprise." Mr. Du told himself that he had planned for a long time. The idea was spoken.

(End of this chapter)

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