Chapter 915 Rescue Ji Jing! (1)
"Okay, you'd better find someone to sign the equity transfer agreement now! Lest some people be afraid of long nights and dreams!" Du Haoyang cast a contemptuous glance at Cao Xinru, who was about to be dazzled by the good news.

"You don't need to worry about this!" Mr. Du said in a deep voice.

"It's over? What else do you need to explain clearly?" Du Haoyang looked at Mr. Du with a chuckle, he didn't take his so-called threat to heart at all, as if he was waiting for Mr. Du to confess his last words, Du Haoyang was so angry The old man can't wait to step forward and slap his head off!

"You do it for yourself!" The lie was exposed, after all, this is not a place to stay for a long time, Mr. Du flicked his sleeves angrily before all his true thoughts were fully uncovered, and left angrily.

"Dad!" Seeing Mr. Du leave, Cao Xinru wanted to chase him and flee this place together, but he was blocked by someone.

Cao Xin raised her head in horror, and met Du Haoze's gloomy eyes.

"Give it to me!" Du Haoze stared into Cao Xinru's eyes and said.His voice was low and deep, making it hard to hear joy or sorrow, but anyone who knew him well knew that he was on the verge of breaking out at this moment.

Cao Xinru took a step back in fear, even childishly put the hand tightly holding the USB drive behind her back, and looked at Du Haoze defensively, for fear of being snatched away by him.

"Ozawa, let's go home, what's the matter, let's talk about it when we go home! Huh?"

"Give it to me!" Du Haoze repeated his words, his eyes filled with the darkness before the storm again.

"I—ah!" Cao Xinru still wanted to refuse, but Du Haoze pulled her arm in front of her suddenly, then separated her tightly knit fingers one by one, and took the USB flash drive.

"Ozawa! Don't! Give it back to me! Give it to me!" Cao Xinru was frightened and wanted to snatch the thing from Du Haoze's hand, but Du Haoze raised his hand and pushed her away, and then walked away without looking back. Go to the door!

"Ozawa! Don't! Don't go! Mom is wrong! Mom is wrong! Don't leave mom behind! Mom is for your own good! Ozawa!" Cao Xinru looked at Du Haoze's resolute back, panicked like never before, and stepped forward She rushed a few steps to grab Du Haoze, but unexpectedly fell to the ground. She didn't care about getting up, so she hugged Du Haoze's leg, apologized and cried bitterly, not letting him leave.

"You killed my child, and you successfully killed me this time. I won't be soft-hearted in the future!" Du Haoze didn't look back, shook off Cao Xinru's hands, and left without looking back.

"No——no! Ozawa! Ozawa—" Cao Xinru got up, stumbled and chased outside.

Seeing that the play was about to end, and the people who were supposed to leave were almost cleared, Wang Yueshan glanced at the only person who hadn't found a chance to escape, with a look of disgust flashing across her eyes, she walked up to Zhao Jie, her round pair of Almond eyes, after looking up and down on Zhao Jie's belly for a few times, he frowned and said: "Miss Zhao, I know that a typical tall, rich and handsome man like Haoyang is the dream of many women Xiao Xiang. People, but spring dreams are dreams after all, right? You can’t do what adults do, and your IQ has been stagnant at the kindergarten level, don’t you think so?”

"..." Zhao Jie looked at the imposing Wang Yueshan in front of him, and was maddened with jealousy, but he didn't dare to show his face. He looked like a lost lamb waiting to be slaughtered with a low eyebrow.

"Forget it, seeing you have a big belly, I won't make it difficult for you, but you have to be more careful in what you say and do in the future. I will keep the transcript you made. If you are obsessed with it then Regret, I don't mind sending the things to the police station, let you go to the police station to visit your father's old colleagues, I believe some of them would like to see you very much!" Wang Yueshan patted her pocket , said.

"I see!" Zhao Jie said in a low voice, her fingers pinching the hem of the pregnant woman's skirt were almost convulsed, she had to admit that Wang Yueshan's words hurt the wound deep in her heart.Ever since his father passed away, everyone pushed the wall down, and those people in the police station were all scum who climbed high and trampled low.

"Let's go! One more look at you makes my eyesight plummet, and I'm in shock!" Wang Yueshan waved her hand impatiently and said.

"Young Madam, I'll take her out, so that Miss Zhao won't be inconvenient and something will go wrong at our door!" The servant who was in charge of monitoring Zhao Jie suggested.

"Oh! What should I do? I feel more and more why all of you are so cute!" Wang Yueshan said with a beaming smile that she didn't expect the servant to be so thoughtful.

These servants gave her enough face today.

"This is our duty!" The servant replied calmly, and then led Zhao Jie away.

"Finally sent away these gods of plague!" Wang Yueshan took a peek at Du Haoyang who was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and a face that made me very unhappy, and sighed with a laugh.

"My dear grandson, it's time for us to clear the venue. Grandpa will take you back to your room to play with toys!" Du Sheng carried Du Heng up the stairs wisely.

"Dad, you've been watching the baby all day and you're tired. I'll just take care of him." Seeing that Du Sheng was about to leave, Wang Yueshan followed immediately, wanting to hold the life-saving talisman in her arms.

"No need, you don't need to coax the younger ones, you'd better put more effort into coaxing the older ones! Otherwise, the whole family will have a restless life!" Du Sheng broke it with a word, and left with Du Hengyu in his arms.

Du Haoyang looked at Du Sheng's back and gritted his teeth angrily. Is there anyone who doesn't like his son so much?It's fine if you didn't help him just now, but now you're here to bury him again!Is he as naive as they say?
Facts speak louder than words. Du Haoyang is really naive, even more difficult to coax than Du Hengyu. Wang Yueshan finally turned this matter over with a lot of effort. Of course, the price she paid was also painful. I didn't get out of bed at noon for two days!

After returning to City B, Wang Yueshan's life became more and more comfortable.

Du Sheng took the initiative to move to live with them in the villa. When he was at home, he completely monopolized Du Hengyu, and moved the baby room downstairs to his own bedroom. Not fake the hands of others, so meticulous and thoughtful that even Wang Yueshan felt ashamed, often making Wang Yueshan feel redundant as a mommy.

"Hao Yang, if Dad continues like this, the baby will not know me anymore!" After taking a bath at night, Wang Yueshan complained while drying her hair.

At the beginning, Wang Yueshan was very thankful that she had a good father-in-law who could take care of the children, but as the days went by, Wang Yueshan began to feel that this was not the case!This father-in-law's desire to monopolize Du Hengyu is too strong, she is completely useless as a mother, and now she clearly feels that her son is closer to her father-in-law than to her mother, which makes Wang Yueshan's heart ache, and she is getting worse taste!

(End of this chapter)

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