Chapter 916 Rescue Ji Jing! (3)
It was Ji Jing who called for help!

Originally, her hope was almost shattered after hearing Du Haoyang's voice of rejecting people thousands of miles away, but after hearing Wang Yueshan's words, her hope was rekindled.

"Where are you? I'll be there right away!" Without saying a word, Wang Yueshan put one hand on Du Haoyang's chest, sat up from Du Haoyang's body, and asked.


"Did I disturb you? I—" Ji Jing heard the unusual voice on the phone, and thought of Du Haoyang's unfriendly attitude just now, and immediately realized that it was a good thing to disturb others.

"What time are you talking about these irrelevant things!" Wang Yueshan glared at Du Haoyang bitterly, and then asked anxiously, "Tell me quickly, where are you?"

"I, I don't know where I am? I, I escaped!" Ji Jing looked at the dark night around her in fear, her tone full of helplessness.

"Tell me the buildings around you! I'll pick you up right away!" While talking to Ji Jing, Wang Yueshan signaled Du Haoyang to get dressed and drive with his eyes.

Du Haoyang stood up on the bed indifferently, expressing his anger. This woman actually treated him as an unimportant matter. He is very injured now, and he can't exert any strength at all!

dying!Wang Yueshan glared fiercely at Du Haoyang, who was in a mood at the critical moment, and their eyes were entangled for a long time. In the end, Wang Yueshan used her trump card. She covered her mobile phone and yelled at Du Haoyang: "If you don't hurry up, you will be on your own in the future." Let's become a monk!"

This trick really worked. Du Haoyang got up from the bed like a carp, gritted his teeth and said two words, "You are ruthless!" Then he put on his clothes neatly, grabbed the mobile phone from Wang Yueshan's hand, and said to Ji Jing, "You said I know that place, about 500 meters to the west there is a small park, you hide in the bell and crabapple over there, we will go there right away. Can you tell the difference between east, west, north and south?"

"Yes!" Ji Jing heard Du Haoyang's voice, and the fear in her heart dissipated, and she replied in a low voice.

"That's good! Don't hang up the phone. If you hear me tap the screen, just meow twice, and I'll know you haven't been caught yet." Du Haoyang said the password.

"Meow! Meow!" Ji Jing meowed twice like a kitten into her phone.

Wang Yueshan was already fully dressed, listening to the cat meowing on her phone, thinking that Du Haoyang was deliberately teasing Ji Jing, she couldn't help complaining, "I'm sorry you are making fun of people!"

"Stupid woman! I'm not making fun of you. You don't know who you're fighting against, do you?" Du Haoyang glared at Wang Yueshan angrily, and then told her, "Bring more clothes and bring them with you." , I also bring two sets of clothes!"

"It's like being a spy!" Wang Yueshan pouted dissatisfiedly, but still listened to Du Haoyang's words, quickly took a few sets of clothes, and hurried out with Du Haoyang.

The two drove the car all the way to the small garden that Du Haoyang mentioned, and found Ji Jing who was already shivering from the cold in the bushes of Diaozhong Begonia.

Wang Yueshan looked at Ji Jing who was only wearing pajamas and was barefoot, and felt that Du Haoyang was very considerate. While helping Ji Jing get dressed, she gave Du Haoyang a thumbs up.

"Thank you!" Ji Jing put on her clothes and felt a little heat on her body, so she looked at Wang Yueshan gratefully and said to Du Haoyang.

"It's too early to thank you! We don't have to avoid Tang Yu's pursuit yet!" Du Haoyang looked at Ji Jing with a serious face and said, his brows twitched when he saw the red and swollen palm print on her left cheek.

"How come? It's not far from where we parked!" Wang Yueshan said with a puzzled look at Du Haoyang.

"You'll find out soon!" Du Haoyang's face showed no sign of joking. Tang Yu's methods and influence were unfathomable, and he was not sure if he could successfully take Ji Jing to a safe place to hide.

However, since it is the person Xiao Shanshan wants to help with all his strength, he will naturally spare no effort to help her. As for the result, it can only depend on Ji Jing's fortune!
"Then what should we do now?" Ji Jing knew Tang Yu well. Hearing Du Haoyang's words, she asked tremblingly. She never wanted to go back to that demon again.

"Give me your mobile phone!" Du Haoyang looked at the mobile phone in Ji Jing's hand and the nightdress she had just changed, and had an idea.

Hearing this, Ji Jing quickly handed the phone to Du Haoyang.

Du Haoyang didn't directly pick it up with his hands, but wrapped Ji Jing's nightdress around his hands. After taking the phone, he slammed it on the ground and tore Ji Jing's nightdress from the neckline with all his strength. After one piece, she squatted at Ji Jing's feet and said, "Wipe the blood on your feet, don't leave footprints." Ji Jing stretched out her feet in embarrassment, and according to Du Haoyang's instructions, smashed the soles of her feet. The blood from the stone cut was wiped on the rag.

"Are you ready?" Looking at the horrible nightdress, Ji Jing asked softly.

"I still need to borrow some blood from you!" Du Haoyang looked at Ji Jing's finger pointingly!

"Okay!" Ji Jing bit her finger without hesitation, and asked, "What should I do?"

"Write an incomplete 'Tang' character! As long as it can be seen that it is a Tang character, write as few strokes as possible, and make it scribbled, so that he will think you left it in a hurry!" Du Haoyang pointed out. Pointing to a relatively secret place not far from the broken case of the mobile phone, he said.

"Okay!" Ji Jing followed Du Haoyang's words without thinking, and Wang Yueshan asked in confusion, "Why did you write Tang?"

"I'll explain to you when I get back!" Du Haoyang squeezed Wang Yueshan's palm, and after seeing that Ji Jing finished writing, he raised the scrap of cloth again, and then carefully looked around for a while, feeling that there was nothing missing That's it, and asked Ji Jing to wrap her feet with clothes again, and after making sure that no footprints would be left, she said to Wang Yueshan, "Ji Jing and I will go back from the way we just came. You can go around the small park." Go to the side door on the north side, if you meet someone, don't panic, I will pick you up after I settle her down."

"En!" Wang Yueshan quickly agreed, and then said to Du Haoyang, "Be careful!"

"En!" Du Haoyang dialed Wang Yueshan's number with his mobile phone, and said again: "If someone interrogates you, don't panic, I will come to you soon!"

"I know, don't worry!" Wang Yueshan picked up the phone, and then quickly walked towards the side door at the back of the park. She had already heard a lot of voices around the small park, and she understood why Du Haoyang did all this in her heart.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Yueshan ran towards the side door on the north side of the small park at her fastest speed. She had to stay away from the place where Ji Jing was just hiding when those who came to arrest Ji Jing entered the small park.

(End of this chapter)

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