Chapter 921 Wang Yueshan, Miss (1)
"Cao Xinru, who should hold their weight? I advise you to be a little self-aware!" Wang Yueshan sarcastically said disdainfully.

This woman finally stopped pretending today and showed her true colors!
"Hmph! Fight with me? Overestimate yourself!" Cao Xinru cast a contemptuous glance at Wang Yueshan, and then said to a bodyguard behind her, "Today, buy me whatever they fancy!"

The implication is that Wang Yueshan and Liang Yue will return empty-handed!
"Cao Xinru, you—you're ruthless!" Wang Yueshan was about to have a fit, but Liang Yue pulled her arm in time, so she threw the tie on the clerk's face and said, "I remember You!" Then he said to Cao Xinru: "I don't believe I can't buy anything here today!"

"Then wait and see!" Cao Xinru sneered.

"Let's go shopping elsewhere!" After Wang Yueshan finished speaking, she pulled Liang Yue away.Today, that woman Cao Xinru brought four bodyguards to go out. She and Liang Yue, two powerless women, can't go head-to-head, otherwise they will suffer!

So Wang Yueshan endured it!

Watching Wang Yueshan and Liang Yue leave, Cao Xinru ordered the two bodyguards to follow, even if she wanted Wang Yueshan to have money today, she would not be able to spend it!
What Wang Yueshan and Cao Xinru didn't know was that someone watched this scene from beginning to end, and then made a call to Du Haoyang. Du Haoyang, who was in a meeting, received the call with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. He glanced at Du Haoze, who had already been airborne as Du's marketing director, and then replied lightly: "I see!" After hanging up the phone, he announced the end of the meeting.

Because of Du Haoyang's stare, Du Haoze had a bad feeling in his heart. After everyone left, he stayed and watched Du Haoyang sitting in a large leather chair with his feet on the conference table, making several consecutive phone calls .

After Du Haoyang made the phone call, he glanced at Du Haoze, raised his eyebrows, and smiled thoughtfully.

Seeing the smile on Du Haoyang's face, Du Haoze turned around and left the conference room without saying anything.

Wherever Wang Yueshan and Liang Yue went, two annoying tails followed them like a shadow. After shopping for more than an hour, the two of them found nothing, and they couldn't buy anything they liked.

Seeing more and more people around them pay attention to them, Wang Yueshan was so angry that her lungs were about to explode!The angry little universe was about to explode, she looked around, and suddenly her eyes lit up!
His grandma's!She doesn't believe in this evil!Cao Xinru, you old woman, you want to buy it, right?Auntie, I will let you buy enough!

Wang Yueshan was like a holy fighter, getting more courageous as she got frustrated, she dragged Liang Yue into a high-end sex toy store.

Looking at the dizzying number of new gadgets inside, Wang Yueshan opened her almond eyes in surprise, damn it!After coming here, she no longer dared to boast that Wang Yueshan was a vulgar spokesperson!Compared with the professional islanders, she is just a country bumpkin and bumpkin!
"This one! Wrap it up for me!" Wang Yueshan raised her hand and pointed at a huge imitation rubber naha, her small face was stained with excitement.

"Our wife bought this!" Although the bodyguard felt a little weird, but because of Cao Xinru's order, he dutifully bought that big, somewhat outrageous thing first.

Wang Yueshan gritted her teeth angrily at the bodyguard, but Cao Xin felt as if she was holding that thing, feeling a chill in her heart.

"This sexy lingerie is not bad!" Wang Yueshan shouted excitedly when she found Xin Dalu holding a small rag.

"Our wife bought this!" The bodyguard said again first.

"This sensual perfume smells so good. I've wanted it for a long time. I heard that a man who has been chaste and strong will become a woman's servant if he smells it." Cao Xinru, that old woman who doesn't have a man to moisturize, needs this most. !Look how kind she is!Wang Yueshan thought helplessly in her heart.

"Our wife bought this!" The voice of the bodyguard sounded.

"Wow, there is a whole set of 'XingJu' here! Great, I've been looking for it for a long time!" Wang Yueshan shouted exaggeratedly looking at a set of SM equipment.Especially that bitch's chain, which suits Cao Xinru the most!Thinking of Cao Xin lying at her feet like a dog on a leash, Wang Yueshan unconsciously showed a very wretched and rippling smile on her face.

"Our wife wants this!" The bodyguard said blankly.

Wang Yueshan stared angrily at the bodyguard again, and finally said through gritted teeth, "I don't believe in this evil anymore!"

The bodyguard gave Wang Yueshan a contemptuous look.

Unconvinced, Wang Yueshan ordered more than a dozen sex toys in the store, and the most exaggerated thing was to buy a whole box of Durex!
"Hey! At least let me buy a box! Your wife has used it so much!" Wang Yueshan seemed to have lost her temper, and discussed with the bodyguard in a compromised tone.

The bodyguard looked at Wang Yueshan with an extremely arrogant look.

Wang Yueshan cursed inwardly while enjoying herself, as expected, there is such a kind of master as there is such a kind of dog!

The muscles on Liang Yue's face were already stretched to the point of stiffness!She kept holding back, for fear that it wouldn't be fun if she laughed.

"Forget it! I won't buy it!" Wang Yueshan hooked Liang Yue's arm in frustration, and buried her head on Liang Yue's shoulder weakly, actually couldn't help but snicker again.

She could already imagine Cao Xinru's face when she saw the sex toys in the shopping cart.

Better piss off that old hag!
When Wang Yueshan and Liang Yue walked to the round hall to rest, Cao Xinru led two bodyguards and walked over brazenly. Looking at Wang Yueshan and Liang Yue's empty hands, there was a sneer on his face.

"Very good, this is the best shopping day I've had today!" Cao Xinru said proudly without looking at the booty that the bodyguards gave her.

"Cao Xinru, there is a saying that family ugliness should not be publicized. Although my father-in-law doesn't want to look at you, you are still her nominal wife. No one cares about what you love in private, but I advise you to do it in public. Restrain yourself! After all, my father-in-law is a respectable person, and he was tricked by you back then and forced to marry you. He is already unlucky and aggrieved, you should take care of yourself!" Wang Yueshan looked at Cao Xinru coldly, not politely Said.

She just received a text message and knew that she was protected by someone, so she was full of confidence.

"Bitch! Shut up!" Cao Xinru didn't expect that Wang Yueshan would be uncharacteristically poked at her dead point, and angrily stepped forward to hit Wang Yueshan.

However, when she stretched out her hand in mid-air, she suddenly screamed, "Ah—"

Wang Yueshan's eardrums felt unwell from the irritation, and when she looked up, she saw a gleaming knife stuck in Cao Xinru's hand, piercing the entire palm of her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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