Chapter 922 Wang Yueshan, Miss (2)
Wang Yueshan did not expect to see such a bloody scene as soon as she looked up. She stared blankly at the blood on Cao Xinru's hand falling on the ground, and felt that the sound was harsher than Cao Xinru's ghostly screams, and her little heart was out of control. All of a sudden it shrank.

Really violent!It's fucking enjoyable!

Seeing the blood, Wang Yueshan became excited, and it was even more enjoyable than being beaten with chicken blood.

"Old witch! You deserve it! Let's see if you dare to show your claws at me in the future!" Wang Yueshan raised her chin arrogantly, and said proudly looking at Cao Xin who was terrified and lost her soul.

"You... hurry up and arrest this stinky girl!" Cao Xinru ordered to the four bodyguards around her with a distorted expression as she almost fainted from Wang Yueshan's anger.

The four bodyguards were wary of Cao Xinru's injury, and cautiously approached Wang Yueshan and Liang Yue step by step.

"Hurry up! You bastards! Arrest them for me! I must teach this bitch a lesson today!" Cao Xinru had already lost her mind due to the pain, and yelled furiously at the four bodyguards!

"I advise you not to act rashly! My bodyguards have a bad temper. If this throwing knife accidentally flies to the wrong place and sticks in your foreheads, it will be no fun!" Wang Yueshan looked at the four cautious bodyguards , eyes contemptuous.

The few people hiding in the dark looked at each other tacitly, they had a good temper!
The four bodyguards paused, obviously more defensive.

"Hurry up! Don't listen to her alarmist words, give me... um..." Before Cao Xinru could finish shouting, her mouth hurt, something blocked her mouth, and it was still buzzing in her mouth Go, she was so frightened that she began to scream "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu".

Wang Yueshan looked at Cao Xinru and couldn't help laughing so hard she couldn't help but laugh!Even Liang Yue, who has always been calm and prudent, couldn't help laughing when she saw Cao Xin in such a state, because the thing blocking Cao Xinru's mouth was nothing but a vibrating egg.

The person who protects Wang Yueshan behind his back is really wicked. Seeing the vibrating egg buzzing in Cao Xinru's mouth, Liang Yue has to admit that Cao Xin's appearance at this time made her feel very relieved. .

After Cao Xinru got the vibrating egg out of her mouth, she looked at the thing shaking in her hand, and her face turned pale and purple with anger, and her eyes were full of scarlet blood when she looked at Wang Yueshan!
"Wang Yueshan! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!" Cao Xin yelled frantically.

"Who doesn't know how to talk big?" Wang Yueshan looked at Cao Xinru who was completely mad and revealed her true nature, and said with an angry face.

"Kill her! Kill her!" Cao Xinru yelled frantically, pointing at her bodyguard.

"Cao Xinru, look at these things you bought! Tsk tsk! Who is the slut? Let everyone take a good look! You shameless slut!" Wang Yueshan was flexible and easily dodged the four of Cao Xinru who were slower than turtles. Tun Tun's bodyguard then picked up the shopping cart's sex toys one by one and threw them towards Cao Xinru. While throwing them back, he looked sad, contemptuous, and said pitifully: "Cao Xinru, you shameless and obscene woman, Today I will expose you in front of the big guys! Look, how much love do you have for the things you bought? Huh?"

"Look! What is this? A dog chain! Not to mention, it's quite suitable for you bitch!" Wang Yueshan clattered and threw a chain on Cao Xinru.

"Is this clothes? You are so old and have wrinkled skin. How dare you wear it so revealingly? Do you still have any sense of shame? Ah? Isn't this a disgusting person?" Wang Yueshan automatically filled her brain with Cao Xinru Putting on this sexy lingerie, she retched a few times with nausea.

"Small umbrellas are bought in boxes. How many times do you make them a day to use up so much? I'm surprised. My father-in-law has never touched you. Who do you buy so many things for?" Wang Yueshan squinted Cao Xinru's cheeks were already inflated with anger, and her little eyes were full of embarrassment!
"Ah! What is this? It's scary! Cao Xinru, such a big size, you dare to buy it back!" Wang Yueshan said, throwing the extra-large XX towards Cao Xinru. The target hit Cao Xinru's forehead, and Wang Yueshan proudly made a scissors-like gesture with her fingers, showing her white teeth in a smile.

"Kill her! Kill her!" Cao Xinru completely lost her mind, her mind was buzzing, and there was only one thought. Today, she must fight Wang Yueshan to the death!

The bodyguard looked at the arrogant Wang Yueshan, and once again gathered towards Wang Yueshan.

Wang Yueshan cast a disdainful glance at the four bodyguards, then grabbed a bottle of sexy perfume, weighed it in her hand, wrinkled her nose, and said, "No wonder you smell like a fox every time I ask you. I have been using this perfume designed to seduce men!"

After Wang Yueshan finished speaking, she threw the bottle of perfume towards Cao Xinru mercilessly.

The sound of crystal shattering rang out, and the people around took a deep breath subconsciously, and then looked at Cao Xinru with strange eyes.

"Go to hell!" Cao Xinru angrily grabbed an object with her uninjured left hand, and was about to throw it at Wang Yueshan.

"Stop!" Wang Yueshan suddenly yelled with a grin. Her voice was already loud, but this time she yelled with all her strength, and the sound shook the roof tiles.

"Wang Yueshan, it's useless to say anything now! I won't let you go today!" Cao Xin looked like an imageless shrew at this moment, and she was really driven mad by Wang Yueshan.

"Cut! You think I'm afraid of you! I just think your look is quite classic, and I just want to take a picture of it as a souvenir for you!" Wang Yueshan gave Cao Xinru a white look, and then took out her phone passionately.

Only then did Cao Xinru realize that the thing she grabbed in a hurry turned out to be that extra-large XX, and immediately threw that thing aside angrily, as if she accidentally touched something dirty!
"I knew you were reluctant!" Wang Yueshan gave Cao Xinru a look she expected, and then said in a naughty way: "If you give it to me, it would be a waste! My husband is much more powerful than that thing!"

Liang Yue on the side looked at Wang Yueshan's unchanging face, turned her head away in embarrassment, and said in her heart countless times: I don't know her!I do not know her!
What a careless friendship!Inadvertently making friends!This guy Wang Yueshan dared to say anything.

Just as Cao Xin was about to get angry, she saw Wang Yueshan clapping her hands boredly, and said, "Okay, you guys come out and clean up the battlefield, this woman who looks disgusting is not fun at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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