Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 927 Two awkward brothers and sisters

Chapter 927 The Awkward Two Brothers and Sisters (1)
"How is it possible?! What did I lie to you for?" Du Haoyang looked at Tang Yu displeased and asked.

"You—" Tang Yu was so angry that he couldn't speak!

"When our people went to Jinxiu Villa to search for them, they were already gone!" Leng Ye realized that Du Haoyang was not lying at all, so before Tang Yu lost his temper, he interrupted and explained.

"What?!" Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan screamed in unison!

"How long are you two going to pretend?!" Tang Yu looked at Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan, thinking that these two were deliberately trying to hide Ji Jing's whereabouts, so he roared angrily!

These two people, one is his sister and the other is his brother-in-law, they are still elbowing out after all this, and they refuse to tell him the truth!

"Where are we pretending?!" Wang Yueshan was also anxious, and couldn't help shouting after Tang Yu.

Although Wang Yueshan refused to let go of Tang Yu's brother, she actually recognized him in her heart and regarded him as her own relative. Although she felt wronged for Ji Jing, she still hoped that Tang Yu and Ji Jing would be together Together, because she could see that Ji Jing also had a lot of affection for her brother, but there was some conflict between the two that had not been resolved, so they kept being awkward.

That being the case, why would she deliberately help Ji Jing hide it at this time?Let the ending that should have been a happy reunion leave regrets!

"If you hadn't transferred her, how could my people not be found?" Tang Yu still didn't quite believe that Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang were innocent, because after all, according to Wang Yueshan's temperament, she would definitely help others to the end.

But seeing Wang Yueshan's confident expression, he suddenly felt very uncertain. If it really wasn't these two people who hid her, then where did she go?A fear of losing Ji Jing completely gripped Tang Yu's heart.

Do not!Will not!
"Where's Linda?" Wang Yueshan ignored Tang Yu's words, looked around the living room suddenly, and asked.Before that woman was planning to help Tang Yu deal with him, when did she disappear?
"When is this, you still care about those insignificant people!" Tang Yu looked at Wang Yueshan impatiently, his eyes were full of worry and blame.

"Maybe it's someone who doesn't matter?" Wang Yueshan gave Tang Yu a blank look, and said angrily.It seems that the two of them are undoubtedly brothers and sisters. This impatience and IQ are enough to prove it.

If Tang Yu knew what Wang Yueshan was thinking at this moment, he would vomit blood. If his brain structure was on the same level as Wang Yueshan's, he would have died countless times!
"You mean that Ji Jing's disappearance is related to her?" Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan and asked.

"I'm not sure if it's related to her, but I can be sure that she's lying!" Wang Yueshan said with certainty.

When she was caught here before because of a guilty conscience, when Linda was fanning the flames, she only remembered to deny it, and ignored the loopholes in her words. Now that I think about it, this Linda is not simple!

"What's going on? Tell me quickly!" Tang Yu immediately became vigilant when he heard that Linda was lying, and asked Wang Yueshan eagerly.

"Do you remember that Linda said that she saw Ji Jing and I entered Haoyang's apartment arm in arm, and I called Ji Jing's name?" Wang Yueshan looked at the anxious look on Tang Yu's face, asked.

"I remember, but what's wrong with that?" Tang Yu asked indifferently.

"Of course it's not right!" If you really care about it, you will be confused. Wang Yueshan can't wait to wake up Tang Yu's brain. Since he cares about Ji Jing so much, what did he do long ago?It's an afterthought only when someone loses it!

"Say it quickly!" Tang Yu no longer cared what Wang Yueshan thought of him, he had already been slapped by this woman, and his image was like a cloud!

"Think about it, Ji Jing hid in Haoyang's apartment. She rarely even stayed in the living room, and stayed in her bedroom with peace of mind. How could she be seen entering the apartment arm in arm with me? , and happened to be seen by this woman Linda? The number of times I went to see Ji Jing is one of the few. Every time, the servant opened the door for me, and then I went to Ji Jing's room to find her. Could it be that Lin Da has clairvoyant eyes?" Wang Yueshan gnawed with hatred when she thought of Linda's attempt to kill someone with a knife and frame her!
After listening to Wang Yueshan's words, Tang Yu was silent for a moment, and immediately ordered to his subordinates: "Catch Linda back to me, as long as you have a breath, at any cost!" With a chill.

"Hmph! I knew why I had to do it today!" Wang Yueshan was worried for Tang Yu and Ji Jing, but she still hummed unforgivingly.

"You have the nerve to say it!" Tang Yu resented when he remembered that Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang had taken Ji Jing away from under his nose.

"A man who makes things difficult for women is the most despised!" Du Haoyang squeezed Wang Yueshan into his arms, and threw Tang Yu a slap in the face in displeasure. He hadn't forgotten Ji Jing's embarrassment that night, if it wasn't for him and Yueshan , with her appearance, I don't know what else will happen to her!
"Damn, you deserve a beating! Think you are such a good bird!" Tang Yu did not forget that Du Haoyang was famous in the early years, and looked at Wang Yueshan, who was in Du Haoyang's arms, with a worried look, and frowned and said: "Although the two of you are arguing, I'm not satisfied with this marriage!" Wanting to be his brother-in-law so easily, it's a dream!
Both parents are gone, and they all say that the eldest brother is like a father. As an older brother, he should take good care of his younger sister and test Du Haoyang for ten years or so!
"What's the matter with you?" Wang Yueshan choked Tang Yu bluntly, and rolled her eyes at him.

"Why is it nothing to do with me? I'm your own brother!" Tang Yu blew his beard and stared at Wang Yueshan!If only there was a beard!

"So what? I chose the man myself, and I believe in my own eyesight! It was you who forced me away as a good sister-in-law. I seriously suspect that there is something wrong with your eyesight, so you should take care of yourself first." Let's go!" Wang Yueshan roared angrily at Tang Yu, she would not allow anyone to get involved in her relationship with Du Haoyang, not even her own brother!

"You—you are an extroverted girl! Hmph! I don't need you to dictate my affairs!" After Tang Yu finished speaking, she left Wang Yueshan and the others with a cold and desolate back, and went upstairs angrily.

"Every other!" Wang Yueshan shouted behind Tang Yu, and stuck out her tongue mischievously!
"Oh! You!" Du Haoyang poked Wang Yueshan's forehead again, and sighed.

"Come on! Don't pretend! I know you're looking good! Can you stop being so hypocritical?" Wang Yueshan rolled her eyes at Du Haoyang angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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