Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 928 Two awkward brothers and sisters

Chapter 928 The Awkward Two Brothers and Sisters (2)
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Du Haoyang replied repeatedly, then changed the topic and said: "After all, he is your brother, you should save him some face in the future, he also cared about you just now!"

"I see! I just can't bear him treating Ji Jing like that!" Wang Yueshan pouted and muttered in a low voice.

"He may have a difficult reason!" According to Du Haoyang's understanding of Tang Yu, he felt that Tang Yu was not a man who was always chaotic and flirtatious, so this sentence was very to the point.

"Young Master is right! Young Master does have his own difficulties!" Tang Butler, who had been silent beside the two for a long time, felt that he had to explain Tang Yu's attitude after hearing Du Haoyang's words. He didn't want Wang Yueshan to misunderstand Tang Yu.

"What are your reasons?" Wang Yueshan had already pretended to be listening attentively, but her mouth was still relentless.

"This matter, alas! My young master is suffering!" Tang Butler sighed with emotion, and then told Wang Yueshan the exact grievances between Tang Yu and Ji Jing.

Simply put, Tang Yu and Ji Jing are really natural enemies!Ji Jing's father was involved in the conspiracy to kill Tang Yu's family. After Tang Yu made a comeback, he naturally demanded his life from Ji's family, so Ji Jing was sent to Tang Yu's bed as a gift like a flattering tribute. , Tang Yu naturally does not refuse anyone, who gave her surname Ji?As a result, he humiliated her and tortured her a lot, but Ji Jing is a woman that people really can't hate. Tang Yu accidentally lost one of his hearts while taking revenge, so he always took revenge. Suffering and struggling with love, when he wanted to let go of the shackles in his heart, he found that the distance between the two had gradually drifted away. Naturally, Tang Yu would not allow such a result, so he wanted to use marriage Come to lock Ji Jing, but Ji Jing, a woman, also has rebellious moments. After the two experienced entanglement, noise, suspicion, and hurt each other, this marriage also came to an end.

"Ah!" After Tang Butler finished speaking, he let out a long sigh.

After listening to the stories of Tang Yu and Ji Jing, Wang Yueshan fell silent.She didn't expect that her brother and Ji Jing would be separated by so many things, no wonder his attitude towards Ji Jing is unpredictable!
A man who bears a bloody feud, and a daughter of a feud, they are clearly in love, but thousands of mountains and rivers are blocked between them!No wonder they made such a fuss today!

"Oh! It's hard for them!" Wang Yueshan sighed deeply, and said, "Brother is a good man, Ji Jing is a good woman, they should be together!"

"Miss, don't you hate Ji Jing?" Tang Butler didn't expect Wang Yueshan to have such an expression after hearing the story between Tang Yu and Ji Jing, and asked tentatively.

"What happened to Guan Jijing? The person who killed my parents was her father. How old was she at that time? She can't carry a knife or shoot a gun. It has nothing to do with her! Besides, who can choose their parents? "Wang Yueshan looked back into Tang Butler's eyes frankly, and said: "Besides, Ji Jing is nothing more than a victim to her father. What right does such a father have for Ji Jing to bear the crime for her and pay off his debts?" ?”

"Miss, you see clearly!" Tang Butler didn't expect Wang Yueshan to say such a thing, and he fell in love with Wang Yueshan even more.

"It's not that I see it clearly, it's that I don't have the experience of my brother, and I don't bear the burden of my brother, so it doesn't hurt my back to stand up and talk!" Wang Yueshan felt a little embarrassed when Tang Butler praised her, but she still told the truth My inner thoughts, at the end, I added a sentence: "I will persuade him when I have time, life is so short, don't do stupid things that make loved ones hurt and enemies happy for some unworthy people!"

After Wang Yueshan finished speaking, she looked at the figure upstairs with unabashed eyes.

snort!Don't think you're eavesdropping there, I didn't see it!

Tang Yu had the thought of hiding for a moment, but then he thought that this is his home, and he is the owner of this place, so he just listened, and there was no need to avoid anyone!
However, after hearing what Wang Yueshan said just now, Tang Yu remembered that one night when Ji Jing had a high fever, she kept muttering, if she could, she would not be his daughter or a father like him, and his heart skipped a beat. Pain, looking at Wang Yueshan's eyes, complicated and inexplicable.

The feeling of having a sister is really not bad!

Although Tang Steward tried his best to persuade Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang to stay in the Tang residence for a night before going back, but Wang Yueshan missed the child and politely refused.

Seeing that Wang Yueshan was determined to leave, Tang Butler looked a little disappointed, while Tang Yu even put on a cold face, as if someone owed him 200 million.

"Uncle Tang, I have to go home at night. I can't leave my father-in-law and the child at home. Next time I will bring the baby over to play!" If it didn't work, he also called him Uncle Tang affectionately like Tang Yu.

Although, Tang is not their true nature, and Tang Yu followed Tang Butler's surname, but who cares about these emptiness?

"You already have children?" Tang Butler didn't expect that there was such a huge surprise waiting for him, and he was busy talking happily for a while, and stopped talking about keeping people.

"Hmm!" When Du Hengyu was mentioned, Wang Yueshan's brows and eyes were full of gentle smiles. When her eyes glanced at Tang Yu's tense face, she deliberately cleared her throat and said, "Next time I bring the child over, some people Don't forget to prepare the meeting ceremony!"

"You don't need to remind me about this!" Tang Yu glared at Wang Yueshan angrily, but there was a soft light in his eyes, which made the cold and hard lines on his face a lot warmer.

After Wang Yueshan came home, she finally remembered that she had done a major event today, so she happily told about how she met Cao Xinru in the shopping mall, and then teased and repaired Cao Xinru.

Du Haoyang listened to Wang Yueshan's typical words of announcing good news but not worrying, so he poked Wang Yueshan's forehead angrily, and said, "Silly girl!"

He knew very well about Wang Yueshan being bullied by Cao Xinru and the clerk. Moreover, he had already contacted the manager of the shopping center and fired the clerk who neglected Wang Yueshan. As for Cao Xinru, Du Haoyang had a ruthless look in his eyes Wait!
"How stupid? You don't know. At that time, Cao Xinru looked like that, holding such a big and thick XX, puff! The more I think about it now, the more ridiculous it is!" Wang Yueshan gestured for the size of the thing with her hands, and she laughed. , I don't know what the image is at all!

"You like it very much?" Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan's red face and curved eyebrows, and asked with great interest.

"Cut! It's enough for me to have you, how can I like those things! Let's leave it to Cao Xinru!" Wang Yueshan hooked Du Haoyang's neck with both hands, and said flatteringly.

(End of this chapter)

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