Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 929 Father-in-law asks for a divorce gift!

Chapter 929 Father-in-law asks for a divorce gift! (1)
"That's sound! It's such a rationale!" Du Haoyang lowered his head and pecked at Wang Yueshan's little mouth, and said with a smile, "Good boy! I'll reward you!"

"However, there were so many people watching in the shopping center at that time, and I was so noisy, would it have a bad influence on Dad?" After Wang Yueshan joked, she began to worry again.In fact, after she got angry, she had already started to review her irrationality!

"I'm only worried now, don't you think it's too late?" Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan's tangled face with a funny face, then tugged at her two eyebrows, and his voice suddenly became cold: "That woman, it's too late to occupy my mother's place." It's been a long time, it's time to let her go!"

"That's right! She's not worthy of Dad at all!" Wang Yueshan began to complain for Du Sheng when she thought of the scene of the gentle, humble and polite father-in-law standing with Cao Xinru, a woman full of vicious scheming and vicious heart.

"Don't worry, this day will come soon!" Du Haoyang said with his arms around Wang Yueshan, as if swearing.

"What did you do?" Wang Yueshan got out of Du Haoyang's arms, her almond eyes sparkled with excitement and asked.

"You'll know tomorrow!" Du Haoyang made a fool of himself.

"Hurry up! Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep at night!" Wang Yueshan urged, shaking Du Haoyang's arm anxiously.

"Why can't you fall asleep? I have ten thousand ways to keep your tired eyes from opening. You can sleep soundly like a pig!" After Du Haoyang finished speaking, he began to raise his arms against Wang Yueshan.

"Stinky rascal! Tell me?!"

"Don't tell! Keep it secret!"

"Damn! Don't tell me?"

"Well! Let's talk when we're done!"

Did you say it or not?Probably only the moon who is eavesdropping knows!
Early the next morning, after Wang Yueshan woke up, she didn't even care about washing up, so she dragged her sore body and ran downstairs.

A servant was taking a newspaper from the outside and came in. Wang Yueshan rushed to the servant, grabbed the newspaper from the servant's hand, and eagerly flipped through it.

The servant did not expect that Wang Yueshan, who had always disliked paying attention to the media, would suddenly become keen on reading newspapers. She was in a daze when Wang Yueshan's refreshing voice hit her eardrums.

"Ha ha……"

"What's wrong? What's so happy about it?" Du Sheng pushed open the door in confusion, looked at Wang Yueshan in surprise and asked.

"No, it's okay!" Seeing Du Sheng, Wang Yueshan subconsciously hid the newspaper in her hand behind her back, and her lips didn't slip away.

The picture of the newspaper in her hand was too clear and the visual impact was too strong. She wasn't sure what her father-in-law would look like after reading it, so she felt a little guilty.

"Is there any good news that you can't share with me?" Du Sheng looked at Wang Yueshan's tangled look, and asked amusedly, with a slightly disappointed tone.

"No! Dad. It's really nothing. I just saw a joke and couldn't hold it in for a moment. I laughed too much!" Wang Yueshan was embarrassed like a child who made a mistake and tried to tell a lie to excuse herself.

"What joke is so funny? Let me see it too, be happy!" Du Sheng's eyes flashed with shrewd light, and he stretched out his hand towards Wang Yueshan.

"Dad, there's nothing funny about this joke. It's just me. It's a bit of a joke, but it's really not funny!" Wang Yueshan looked at Du Sheng's big hand, and unconsciously took a step back, frowning Here comes the knot.

"How can Cao Xinru's jokes not be funny? Are you sure you don't want to show them to me?" Du Sheng couldn't bear to tease Wang Yueshan anymore, so he asked amusedly.

"Dad! You know everything?" Wang Yueshan looked up at Du Sheng's smiling face, and said resentfully, "Then you're still kidding me!" After speaking, with a little apprehension, she handed the newspaper to Du Sheng.

Du Sheng took the newspaper handed over by Wang Yueshan, and at a glance saw the clear enlarged version of Cao Xinru's photo on the headline. After the fierce light, he frowned slightly.

How could he not know about Wang Yueshan being bullied by Cao Xinru in the shopping mall yesterday?One of the four bodyguards that Cao Xinru brought was his eyeliner, so the moment Wang Yueshan laughed while holding the newspaper, he knew what was in the newspaper, but he didn't see the photos after hearing the report from the bodyguards yesterday It's true, seeing Cao Xinru's vicious and vicious appearance, his heart suddenly blazed!
"Dad, um, you, are you okay?" Wang Yueshan asked cautiously when she saw that Du Sheng's expression was not right, and she was a little uncertain about his thoughts.

"What do you think?" Du Sheng raised his eyebrows and asked instead of answering.

"Dad, it's my fault. I took the manuscript fee yesterday and wanted to buy gifts for you and Haoyang, but Cao Xin was too deceitful and didn't let me buy anything. When I got hotheaded, I became impulsive! I'm sorry!" Wang Yueshan I know that Du Sheng is in such a position, even though he has no feelings for Cao Xinru, Cao Xinru still occupies this Mrs. Du's seat so much. After such a commotion, Du Sheng will inevitably be gossiped behind his back, and the influence on him is really not good. .

"Huh? Buy a gift?" Du Sheng picked out key words to listen, and his frowning brows relaxed.

"It's true! If you don't believe me, you can call and ask my friend Liang Yue, I'm looking for her staff!" Wang Yueshan thought that Du Sheng didn't believe it, so she quickly explained.

"Buying a gift is great! I haven't received a gift for many years!" Du Sheng sighed, looked at Wang Yueshan kindly, and said, "Remember to make it up for me!" Du Sheng said seriously.

"It will definitely!" Wang Yueshan replied as if promising, then looked at Du Sheng strangely and asked, "Dad, are you not angry?"

"Why are you angry?" Du Sheng poked Wang Yueshan's forehead lovingly, and then said seriously to Wang Yueshan, "Next time she dares to provoke you, don't be polite, don't hesitate, kill her with one move!"

"Hey! I got it! Dad, you are so wise!" Wang Yueshan said with a doggy smile, showing her white teeth.

"I don't even know who I am? Haven't you heard of it? My son is a hero!" Du Haoyang's lazy and proud voice came from the stairs.

"Narcissist!" Wang Yueshan gave Du Haoyang a blank look, then took the newspaper from Du Sheng, raised her hand at Du Haoyang and said, "Come down and have a look, I don't know who this editor is, Emma! You are so talented." Already!"

In fact, Du Haoyang already knew the contents of the newspaper. After Wang Yueshan went to bed last night, he got up and read the electronic version. Going down the stairs, he said, "Really? Show me?"

"Haha! Look! This is the one I told you about!" Wang Yueshan pointed to the photo of Cao Xinru holding a long and bold XX on the front page, smiling so hard that she couldn't see her teeth, "I still regret that time I didn't have time to take out my phone to take a picture, but I don't know which brother or sister took the picture, and the angle is so damn good! It's really admirable!"

(End of this chapter)

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