Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 930 Father-in-law asks for a divorce gift!

Chapter 930 Father-in-law asks for a divorce gift! (2)
Du Haoyang nodded cooperatively, thinking that the chief photographer of the most famous weekly entertainment gossip magazine in city B, can he take good pictures?

"Look at the title, "You don't have to worry about the rich and powerful, XX will help you relieve your worries!", haha! I laughed so hard!" Wang Yueshan laughed tremblingly, her little finger poked the newspaper brush and rattled, her face All red.

"And this, look at how righteous I am! I didn't expect me to be so photogenic, I am indeed a natural beauty!" Wang Yueshan pointed to a title of "Genuine PK Counterfeit". Below is a group of photos of her and Cao Xinru, In the photo, her eyes were shining brightly, and she was smiling all over her face, while Cao Xinru had a ferocious face, and she was in a panic. The contrast was strong and obvious. Wang Yueshan was very satisfied!

"That's right! I don't even know who's attracted to the woman!" Du Haoyang boasted that he didn't forget to take him with him.

Du Sheng glanced helplessly at the two people chattering together in the living room, went to the bedroom, dressed Du Hengyu and carried him out, then put a card on the coffee table in front of Wang Yueshan, and said, "Remember to give me more gifts." , to celebrate my divorce!"

Wang Yueshan looked at the bank card, confused for a while, and said, "Dad, I have money!" Where can I use my father-in-law to give gifts?How insincere that seems!

Du Haoyang put the card in Wang Yueshan's pocket with a smile on his face, and said, "Just accept it, as a gift in return!"

"You just keep it. It contains my dividends from Du's. My salary is enough for me alone. I don't need them at all. You take it. You can buy whatever you like in the future. If the mall doesn't sell it anymore If I buy something for you, I will buy the shopping mall!" Du Shengyun said calmly.

Wang Yueshan was stunned, then clicked her tongue, touched the cards in her pocket, and saw a mountain of pink bills in front of her, how much money would it take to buy a shopping mall?

"Stupid! Look at how promising you are!" Du Haoyang probably knew what Wang Yueshan was thinking, so he flicked her forehead helplessly.

Wang Yueshan was not annoyed either, she grinned happily.She didn't fancy the money, but was moved by her father-in-law's intention to protect her!

The one who forms two extremes with Wang Yueshan is Cao Xinru!

Cao Xinru was pierced by a knife yesterday, went to the hospital to bandage her and received an injection and returned to Du's house. Mr. Du was shocked when he saw her embarrassed appearance. Naturally, Cao Xinru took the opportunity to fan the flames of Mr. Du and confuse black and white. She knew that Mr. Du cherished his reputation very much. She lost her composure in the shopping mall and made such a big noise. If she didn't push it to Wang Yueshan, she would be reprimanded by Mr. Du.

Fortunately, Mr. Du also saw that Wang Yueshan was wrong, even if he was a little suspicious, but because of the wound on her hand, he chose to believe her words.

Early this morning, before Cao Xinru woke up, she heard Mr. Du explode into a fire in the living room, and things fell loudly. She was so frightened that she got up quickly, walked up to Mr. Du, and asked in a trembling voice, "Dad, What's wrong with you? Who made you angry?"

"Are you still ashamed to ask me? Look at the good deeds you have done!" Mr. Du was about to calm down, but after hearing Cao Xinru's voice, he rushed forward again, and threw the newspaper in his hand at Cao Xinru. face.

Cao Xinru had never seen Mr. Du get so angry. She was so frightened that her legs gave way and she sat on the ground. Coincidentally, a piece of broken glass stuck on her buttocks. She couldn't help crying out in pain. With a sound, his face turned pale.

Mr. Du, who was furious, didn't notice what was wrong with Cao Xinru. He thought she was pretending to be coquettish, and he became even more angry, and shouted at her: "The Du family has raised you with delicious food and drink all these years, but they raised you How hypocritical! Have you forgotten the time when you picked up rotten vegetables and leaves in the poor district? Who brought you this wealth and wealth, and who gave you the identity of Mrs. Du? How dare you do such a shameless thing Come on, you are damned!"

"Dad, I didn't!" Cao Xinru endured the pain in her buttocks, got up from the ground in fright, and stood respectfully in front of Mr. Du.

"Stop talking! Take a good look!" Old Man Du yelled at Cao Xinru again.

Cao Xin tremblingly opened the newspaper, just one glance, the blood in her whole body began to flow backwards, rushing to her brain, and she stood there in disbelief.

how could this be? !
Cao Xinru never expected that what she did would be photographed and made headlines. Several colors on one face instantly changed, blue, red, white, black, intertwined and chaotic.

"What other explanation do you have? Huh? You impatient slut!" Mr. Du looked at Cao Xinru without opening his mouth for a long time, thinking that she had acquiesced, which was irrefutable. The speculation among the bodyguards and Cao Xinru's words of sexual desire and impatience came to fruition, looking at Cao Xinru, she wished she could pluck her skin!
"Dad! I didn't! I didn't! I didn't do anything!" At this point, Cao Xinru had no choice but to tell the truth about how she met Wang Yueshan in the shopping mall yesterday, and never dared to smear Wang Yueshan again. .

"Dad, I just couldn't bear to look at her and wanted to make things difficult for her. I didn't know that little vixen would be so cunning and bought a lot of that kind of thing. I—" Cao Xinru said about the grievance, and started to cry.

Mr. Du frowned, looked at Cao Xinru and asked, "Are you really not confused with other men?"

"Dad! I'm under your nose every day. Don't you know this? Besides, Du Sheng and I have been in the guest room since I entered the door. It's only once in total!" Cao Xinru cried aggrievedly to Mr. Du Say.

"Let's just trust you! If you really dare to make any style problems, don't blame me for not thinking of love!" Mr. Du warned sharply.

"I know!" Cao Xinru peeked at him, seeing that Mr. Du's face softened a little, he finally let go of his heart.

However, Cao Xinru was too happy!
First, Du Haoze read the newspaper reports when he was at work, and for the first time in so many days, he took the initiative to call Cao Xinru to warn her, telling her not to think about Wang Yueshan in the future!
"Du Haoze! I'm your mother! I'm your mother!" Cao Xinru's joy at the moment when she saw the caller ID was crushed by Du Haoze's cold, hard and ruthless voice, and she couldn't help shouting at Du Haoze .

Du Haoze on the other side of the phone was silent for a while.

Cao Xinru thought that her words had made a difference, and began to ignite hope again, and complained aggrievedly: "Xiao Ze, don't be fooled by that woman's hypocrisy, you don't know that she made someone stab my hand with a knife yesterday After wearing it, the doctor said, I won’t even be able to hold a handbag with this hand in the future!” After Cao Xinru finished speaking, she began to cry into the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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