Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 931 Cao Xinru who hit a wall in 4 places!

Chapter 931 Cao Xinru who hits the wall everywhere! (1)
"If you weren't my mother, how wonderful it would be!" Du Haoze sighed, and hung up the phone angrily.

Repeatedly taught, he was talking about a woman like Cao Xinru. He was really disappointed in her and gave up any hope.

"Du Haoze! Du Haoze!" Cao Xinru yelled into the phone like a lunatic, and then threw the phone out angrily.

What sin did she do to raise such a white-eyed wolf!
However, this is not the end.

In the afternoon, Du Sheng's secretary came to Du's house and took Cao Xinru out.

Cao Xinru didn't want to go at first, but now her hands are injured and her buttocks are also injured. Although she has been smeared with medicine and bandaged, she still feels very uncomfortable when she sits.However, when Du Sheng rarely summoned her, she guessed that Du Sheng wanted to show her to eliminate the bad influence because of the newspaper, and finally had such an opportunity to be with Du Sheng, even though she knew it was acting , she was also very excited and didn't want to miss it.

However, Cao Xinru made a big mistake this time!

"Xiao Liu, where are we going?" Cao Xinru looked at Du Sheng's secretary, Xiao Liu, driving the car to the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, unable to keep calm anymore, and asked in panic.

"Ms. Cao, we have arrived, please get out of the car!" Xiao Liu stopped the car, opened the door in a gentlemanly manner, and said to Cao Xinru politely, but he had already changed the usual address of Mrs. Du to Ms. Cao, with an official smile on her face, showed a trace of contempt for Cao Xinru in her eyes.

"What do you mean?!" Cao Xinru was flustered like a mess, her voice was uncontrollably high-pitched and high-pitched.

"Ms. Cao, I'm just Director Du's secretary. I'm just following orders. What's the point?" Xiao Liu still had a smile on his face, but the smile was a little sarcastic, which made Cao Xinru's eyes turn red.

"I won't go down! Drive! Take me back! Take me back!" Cao Xinru couldn't hold back at last, and yelled hysterically.

Looking at Cao Xinru's appearance, Xiao Liu completely lost the usual dignified mask, sneered in his heart, and said unhurriedly: "Our Director Du has explained that whether you can enter or not to sign today, the divorce certificate will be issued. It was sent to you, but our director said that if you don’t sign it in person, then tomorrow’s newspaper will probably continue to follow up and report some old events, and I believe this will not be what you would like to see.”

Xiao Liu's words were like five thunderbolts, and Cao Xinru's face instantly turned ashen-white!
She knew what Du Sheng was talking about. If those things were announced to the world, the result would be more terrifying than standing naked on the street. She couldn't imagine.

The mobile phone was dumped by herself. At this time, Cao Xinru even called Mr. Du for help. It was an extravagant hope. Under Xiao Liu's impatient urging, Cao Xinru got out of the car with difficulty, and under Xiao Liu's surveillance, she moved into the car step by step. Civil Affairs Bureau.

"Ms. Cao, hurry up! It's useless to procrastinate. Our bureau chief is very busy, so we can't waste too much time on such trivial matters." Xiao Liu saw through his worrying thoughts at a glance, and said mockingly.

Cao Xin looked at Xiao Liu with ferocious eyes, and scolded this villain in her heart. Although Xiao Liu is not very respectful to her, at least she has done all the courtesy she should have on the surface. Know what it means to be bullied by dogs when a tiger falls in Pingyang!
Divorce, but just a few minutes, seems to have exhausted Cao Xinru's life's strength.

Cao Xin wrote her name slowly and heavily like a stroke, but her heart was full of tension and anticipation. At this time, how much she wanted someone to appear suddenly to interrupt all this, preferably Mr. Du , At this time, only this father-in-law can prevent all this from happening.

However, when she made the last stroke, the little hope in her heart gradually became cold and shattered.

There was no one to stop it, and everything went smoothly. Cao Xinru, who had been procrastinating for a long time, couldn't believe that she just divorced Du Sheng!This man who has lived under the same roof as her for more than [-] years has nothing to do with her since then!

No!There is still a little relationship, at least, they once gave birth to a child, which is an eternal relationship.

Du Sheng finished signing indifferently, and then sat on the sidelines without looking at Cao Xinru, waiting for Cao Xinru to finish signing. Looking at Cao Xinru, who was as fast as a turtle, he couldn't help showing a slight mockery at the corner of his mouth. He knew Cao Xinru's heart Thinking about something, but—that's impossible!
Seeing the little red book replaced by the green book, Du Sheng felt a sense of relief from the shackles, and felt refreshed all over.

The people in the Civil Affairs Bureau obviously knew Du Sheng, and with today's newspaper gossip, there was no surprise that Du Sheng and Cao Xinru appeared here, and everything went smoothly beyond imagination.

"Boss Du, uh! Your divorce certificate!" When the clerk handed Du Sheng the small green book that belonged to Du Sheng with both hands, he originally wanted to say something according to the procedure of divorce surgery in the past, but he just wanted to say something. When it rolled out of the throat, it suddenly felt uncomfortable, and stopped immediately, with a slightly cramped expression on his face.

"Thank you! Thank you for your hard work!" Du Sheng smiled at the clerk in a gracious manner, then got up and left. Secretary Liu gave a disdainful look at Cao Xinru who was holding a small green book in a daze, and followed Du Sheng's footsteps to leave.

Their family finally got rid of this woman!

Cao Xinru sat on the chair blankly, her thoughts drifted far away, and she remembered the scene when she and Du Sheng got married.

The weather was fine that day, and it was an auspicious day chosen by Mrs. Du himself. She was dressed neatly and came to the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau to wait. When she saw Du Sheng get off the car, she felt as excited as if As soon as he broke his throat, this god-like man would finally be hers.

She knew Du Sheng's reluctance, he wrote that disgust on his face nakedly, even if it was difficult for her to pretend not to see it, from getting off the car to entering the Civil Affairs Bureau, it was a short distance, he walked It's a bit tragic, like a death row prisoner who is about to be beheaded on the guillotine!
yes!It's death row!

But so what?As long as she enters Du's house openly, she believes that with her means and charm, sooner or later, she will conquer this man, and then the two of them will live a harmonious life!

However, in the past twenty years, she has never realized what Qin Se He Ming is. Her life is worse than that of nuns and priests. That man would rather hurt himself than take another look at her!The two of them are in the same house, but they are not even as good as strangers!

(End of this chapter)

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