Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 932 Cao Xinru who hit a wall in 4 places!

Chapter 932 Cao Xinru who hits the wall everywhere! (2)
On the surface, she is living a magnificent and distinguished Mrs. Du, but in private, only she knows.

Just, so be it!As long as she can be by his side and bear Madam Du's surname when she dies, she will be content!If she can't get it, other women can't get it either, at least she can appear in front of him openly, even if she can't compete with that dead man for the rest of her life, she accepts her fate!

But what about now?Her youth, even under the meticulous care of countless high-end cosmetics, is still no match for time.But that man, although he has also withstood the baptism of the years, is even more charming. She is old, but she was abandoned!

Cao Xin held onto the small green notebook tightly, and the more she thought about it, the more ferocious the look on her face became, why? !

The clerk saw Cao Xinru sitting there motionless with an ugly face, so he kindly reminded: "Mrs. Du——no! Ms. Cao, are you okay?"

After the clerk finished speaking, he was very annoyed, and he didn't know what happened to his tongue today!
Cao Xin raised her head sharply, looked at the clerk viciously, narrowed her eyes, and said, "Even you dare to laugh at me? What are you? Get out!"

The clerk was choked by Cao Xinru, his face turned red and white, and he cursed Cao Xinru as an old witch in his heart, but he said with a businesslike attitude: "Ms. Cao, if there is nothing else, please give up your seat." For the next couple, we are working now, and we still have to work!"

Cao Xinru glanced at the clerk angrily, obviously dissatisfied with her contradictory, since she married Du Sheng, when has she ever been so angry?Even an unknown little girl dared to ride on her head!
"Liu Can, right? I remember you! You bastard with blind eyes! Just wait for me!" Cao Xin stood up from the chair in a jerk, and yelled at the clerk furiously.

The little girl was a little dazed with fright, her eyes turned red when she saw Cao Xinru, who looked like she was about to eat people.

"Crazy, are you? Are you done? Hurry up and make room when you're done, don't stand around in the latrine!" Cao Xinru shouted impatiently from a young man who was waiting for the certificate.

"Don't be as knowledgeable as an old woman. If you look at her like that, she must be abandoned!" The young girlfriend looked at the haggard Cao Xinru with disdain, and snorted.

"You—presumptuous!" Cao Xinru didn't expect that someone would dare to provoke and insult her so openly, turned around angrily, pointed at the young couple, and trembled angrily.

"Crazy!" The young man was also ruthless. Seeing Cao Xinru's appearance, a strange light suddenly appeared in his eyes. Just when Cao Xinru was about to speak harshly, the young man suddenly said loudly: "I remembered, you are the slut in today's newspaper! Bah! Shameless old woman!"

As soon as Xiaonian's words fell, the people behind him began to point and point at Cao Xinru.

"You——I'll kill you!" Cao Xinru was embarrassed and ashamed for a moment, and raised her hand to slap that young man!

"Get out! Shameless bitch! You deserve to be abandoned!" The young man was too young and too aggressive, grabbed Cao Xinru's wrist, and with a strong flick, Cao Xinru fell to the ground beside him. He was still cursing.

"Go away! Mad dog!"

Cao Xinru was used to being pampered, and she was a woman, so she couldn't resist the toss, she sat down on the ground in embarrassment, and just touched the wound on her buttocks, she yelled out in pain.

"Shameless! Look at her slutty face!" The young man spat at Cao Xinru again in frustration.

Cao Xin's painful forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and she sat on the ground weakly, looking at the white eyes and gloating of the people around her, and felt that everyone in the world was against her. After a while, she got up and took a vicious look at it. The young man, after remembering his appearance, left with an awkward posture.

The young girlfriend noticed the dark red color on Cao Xinru's skirt with keen eyes, and couldn't help screaming: "Her ass is bleeding!"

"Tsk tsk, you couldn't be fucked by my fall, right?" The young man laughed loudly after finishing his most vicious words.

Cao Xinru didn't expect that a yellow-haired boy would dare to bully her. She was so angry that she almost fainted. Unfortunately, she didn't bring a mobile phone with her when she went out this time, and she didn't have any bodyguards with her, so she could only swallow the food temporarily. Tone!

After taking a taxi back to Du's house, what Cao Xinru didn't expect was that she was turned away by someone!

"Presumptuous! What are you doing? Get out!" All the grievances accumulated in the Civil Affairs Bureau erupted, and Cao Xinru yelled at the housekeeper who stopped her, wishing to tear him apart!

"This is Du's residence, may I ask who are you looking for?" This person is Du Huaichuan, who belongs to Du Sheng, and obviously received Du Sheng's instruction.

"Butler Du, what is your identity? How dare you talk to me like this? You're really against me!" Cao Xinru's voice was as sharp as a needle piercing her eardrum.

"I'm one of the housekeepers of Du's house. May I ask who are you? We can't enter Du's house with cats and dogs. If you keep messing around like this, I'll call the police!" Du Huaichuan has always regarded Cao Xin as disliked. Well, a woman like Cao Xinru is not worthy of Du Sheng at all, not even one of his fingernails!But she happened to be the woman Mr. Du fell in love with, and she had occupied the position of mistress of the Du family for more than [-] years. Now, he finally didn't have to look at this woman's face anymore!

Du Huaichuan suddenly felt elated.

"Du Huai Chuan!" Cao Xinru didn't expect Du Huai Chuan to treat her like this, and angrily squeezed out three words from between his teeth, angrily wishing he could tear this ostentatious thing in front of him.

"Cao Xinru, today is different from the past, I advise you to be self-aware! Stop humiliating yourself here!" Du Huaichuan did not take Cao Xinru's bad temper into consideration at all, and sneered coldly.

"You daring bastard!" Cao Xinru couldn't bear the cynicism any longer, and rushed towards Du Huaichuan like crazy, trying to rush in and find Mr. Du to decide!
The only person she can rely on now is Mr. Du!

It's just that Cao Xinru overestimated herself too much, she was too overconfident!Du Huaichuan didn't stop her, on the contrary, when she rushed over, she took the initiative to move her body away. Just when Cao Xinru's eyes flashed with pride, she suddenly slipped, and her whole body fell heavily on the ground, falling A dog gnawed shit!

"Ah—who is it! Who framed me! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!" Cao Xinru lay on the ground, her whole body seemed to be falling apart, and she gasped hysterically while inhaling the pain. call out.

"Throw this lunatic out quickly! It's not easy to make trouble, but he ran to the Du's mansion to make trouble, blind!" Du Huaichuan didn't even bother to look at the hysterical Cao Xinru, and ordered the servants around him.

(End of this chapter)

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