Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 933 Cao Xinru and dogs are not allowed to enter!

Chapter 933 Cao Xinru and dogs are not allowed to enter! (1)
Two servants stepped forward and pulled Cao Xinru up from the ground, and carried her out.

Cao Xinru struggled and said, "Let go of me! I won't go! I won't go! This is my home! I won't go!"

"This is Du's house! You have divorced our master! This is no longer your home!" A servant said to Cao Xinru impatiently.

"Xiaolan!" Cao Xinru stared at the servant who was yelling at her, then turned around and grabbed another servant's arm and said, "Xiaolan, go in and tell the old man, the old man will definitely not will drive me away!"

"The old man is not at home at all!" The servant named Xiaolan said with a cold face.

"Aren't you at home?" Cao Xinru felt as if all the strength in her body had been sucked out after hearing Xiaolan's words!
Too!She just made such a big commotion at the door, if the old man was at home, how could she not hear it?Du Sheng must have expected that she would come back a long time ago, so he sent the old man away first!
So cruel!Du Sheng, you are so ruthless!

The two servants didn't care about Cao Xinru's face, they dragged her and left her outside Du's house.

Cao Xinru didn't expect that she had intimate contact with the ground three times in less than half a day. She watched the two servants turn back and enter the Du house, closed the door, got up angrily from the ground, and patted the dust off her body. Then he took a deep look at the Du's mansion, and secretly swore in his heart: She must make those who treated her harshly today regret it!She swears!

Cao Xinru is a woman who is unwilling to accept her fate, unable to enter the Du family mansion, and cannot find the support of Mr. Du, so she took a taxi and went straight to the Du family!
She also has a son!
Cao Xin rushed into Du's, the only thing she can rely on now is her son Du Haoze, she doesn't believe that Du Haoze can remain indifferent after hearing what happened to her!
Du's people did not stop her. After all, Cao Xinru used to have shares in Du's. A few days ago, she transferred all the shares in Du Haoze's name. Du Haoze is now the second largest shareholder of Du's, and Cao Xinru is Du Haoze. Therefore, she can basically be regarded as unimpeded in Du Shi.It's just that since Cao Xinru entered Du's, she clearly felt the surprised eyes around her, and many people began to whisper. Normally, she would definitely scold these people, but now she is anxious to find Du Haoze, so she doesn't care at all. on these.

However, when people are unlucky, drinking cold water will stuff their teeth. Just when Cao Xinru pinned her last hope on Du Haoze, Du Haoze's secretary told her that Director Du was on a business trip to investigate the market!

How could Cao Xinru believe it, she thought that Du Haoze was still angry with her and was avoiding her, so she rushed into Du Haoze's office, only to find that Du Haoze was really not there.

"Call me your director's number!" Cao Xinru ordered to Du Haoze's secretary.

The secretary then dialed Du Haoze's number to Cao Xinru, and then silently stepped aside.

Du Haoze was really on a business trip, but this time he was on a business trip after reading the newspaper in the morning. The air in City B was so oppressive that he could hardly breathe. He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would suffocate to death.

When Cao Xinru's call came, Du Haoze had just checked into the hotel in City G, and saw that the caller ID was the company's number, so he quickly connected, but Cao Xinru's crying came from inside.

"..." Du Haoze frowned in annoyance, he didn't even have the desire to ask.

Cao Xinru cried into the phone, and after venting for a while, she suddenly felt that the other side was too quiet, so she asked sadly, "Xiao Ze, did you hear what Mom said? Mom has been kicked out now, and I can only count on you!" You must avenge your mother, I can't swallow this breath! Woooo..."

"You are to blame for this!" Du Haoze's emotionless voice reached Cao Xinru's ears through the phone.

"Ozawa! Why did you treat your mother like this? How could you? I worked so hard to bring you up, suffered a lot, suffered a lot of grievances, now that your wings are hardened, you actually spoiled your mother with outsiders! Woohoo... why am I so miserable!" Cao Xinru angrily scolded Du Haoze on the phone.

"He doesn't love you, it's because you've been forcing, demanding things that don't belong to you, you're too self-righteous! It's fine as it is now!" Du Haoze ignored Cao Xinru's accusation, Du Sheng and Cao Xinru divorced, that's fine!Anyway, it was a marriage in name only, with two people bound by force, there was no happiness at all, so why bother?

This can be regarded as a relief!

Cao Xinru didn't expect Du Haoze to say such a thing, she almost fainted out of anger, she yelled at the phone, but Du Haoze hung up the phone directly, when she called again, it reminded the other party that the phone had been turned off !
Cao Xin angrily swept all the things on Du Haoze's desk to the ground. After going crazy for a while, she sat on the chair in a daze and only panted heavily, her eyes were as lifeless as a puppet who was absent-minded.

After talking on the phone with Cao Xinru, Du Haoze lay on his back on the big hotel bed with an indescribable expression on his face. After a long time, he took a deep breath, with a look of grief on his face. This hotel room is Wang Yueshan lived in City G before, and he chose this place on purpose, but he can't find even a trace of their past.He tried his best to imagine how Wang Yueshan lived here every day when she was pregnant, but the scene of her lying in a pool of blood in pain always appeared in front of his eyes, as if a big hole had been poked in his heart, Du Haoze powerlessly raised his hand to cover his eyes, Let the warm liquid wash over his fragility wantonly.

Several hours passed, and the day turned into night. Du Haoze was still lying motionless on the bed, like a fish struggling powerlessly on the shore waiting to die.

He just wanted to find a place to put his fragility to rest, but just like this, his mother still refused to let him go!

As soon as Cao Xinru entered the Du family, someone reported it to Du Haoyang. The corners of Du Haoyang's mouth curled up evilly, and his eyes shone like glass.

Since the other party has come to your door, why should he be polite?Du Haoyang has never been a hypocritical person!
Therefore, when Cao Xinru finished venting in Du Haoze's office and hadn't calmed down his anger yet, Du Haoyang walked in slowly with his hands in his pockets.

"Mr. Du!" The little secretary immediately shouted respectfully after seeing the wicked smile on Du Haoyang's face, his scalp tingling.He came to the Du Group not long ago, but as a secretary, understanding the preferences of the bosses is a compulsory course. He knows that this President Du, despite his famous name, is definitely vigorous and resolute in the company, with a rigorous attitude and a murderous attitude. A decisive, unsmiling master, therefore, if you see Mr. Du's smile in the Du family, it means that someone is going to be unlucky, especially the brighter his smile, the more heroic it means that the other party will die!

(End of this chapter)

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