Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 934 Cao Xinru and dogs are not allowed to enter!

Chapter 934 Cao Xinru and dogs are not allowed to enter! (2)
"Huh! Did I go to the wrong door?" Du Haoyang took a step towards Du Haoze's office, then took two steps back, and looked at the door plate with a pretentious gesture.

"Du Haoyang, this is the time, you don't need to be hypocritical!" Cao Xinru completely removed the false mask, and when he saw Du Haoyang, he was like a fighting cock that had been stimulant, and immediately fought with all his strength.

"Tsk tsk! The marketing director's office is as dilapidated as a vegetable market!" Du Haoyang didn't look at Cao Xinru, walked into Du Haoze's office unhurriedly, then glanced at the secretary, and said coldly: " What do you think I am, Du Shi? Do you collect junk? Put all the junk in the office!"

"Du Haoyang, don't bully me too much!" Du Haoze's secretary had already turned pale with fright, and Cao Xinru pointed at Du Haoyang angrily and yelled.

"Where did the mad dog come from? Don't you know that dogs are not allowed in the Du family?" Du Haoyang seemed to have noticed that there were other people in the office besides Du Haoze's secretary. After looking at it all over, Cao Xinru felt uncomfortable, as if there were several bugs crawling on her body!
"You—what do you see me doing?" Cao Xinru looked at the well-dressed Du Haoyang, recalled his messy attire, pulled the hem of his clothes unnaturally, and then tried his best to straighten his back, forcing himself to face him without flinching. Du Haoyang's malicious eyes were full of mockery.

"Cao Xinru?" Du Haoyang asked tentatively, as if he was not sure that the person in front of him was really Cao Xinru.

"Du Haoyang, what kind of tricks are you going to play?" Cao Xinru asked defensively with a slanted eyebrow.She was [-]% sure that Du Haoyang came to add insult to injury.

"Cao Xinru, now you, what qualifications do you have to be worthy of my tricks? You are just a lost dog!" Du Haoyang's face was full of light, looking at Cao Xinru and said bluntly.

"Du Haoyang, it's too early for you to be complacent!" Cao Xinru's blood surged with anger from Du Haoyang's words, but she tried her best not to let it out.

She always believed that she just had bad luck for a while, and this little dark cloud would soon float away from her head!
"Is it too early for me to be complacent? You will know soon!" Du Haoyang raised his eyelids lazily, and looked at Cao Xinru with disdain. Slowly added: "Cao Xinru, your death, I have already planned it for you, young master, and it will definitely satisfy you!"

"Du Haoyang, who laughed and said that it might not be the end!" Although Cao Xinru was already gnashing her teeth angrily, she still stood in front of Du Haoyang without losing. At this moment, she felt extremely regretful, why did she spare no effort to kill this little beast back then!
"That's right!" Du Haoyang uncharacteristically agreed with Cao Xinru's words, making Cao Xinru stunned for a moment, but only for a moment, because Du Haoyang's next words made Cao Xinru scream hysterically.

"However, I have the ability to make you stop laughing from now on! Go and make me a sign and hang it on the door. It says, Cao Xinru and dogs are not allowed to enter!"

"Du Haoyang, how dare you!" Cao Xin's eyes were about to pop out of anger, and she rushed towards Du Haoyang. Everyone could tell that she wanted to find Du Haoyang desperately.

What kind of person is Du Haoyang?Ten or eight of Cao Xinru couldn't get close to him!When Cao Xinru was about to bump into him, he swayed slightly, and then Cao Xinru and the secretary didn't see how he made the move, so he threw Cao Xinru to the ground. On the ground, face down.

"Cao Xinru, calling you a dog is an insult to all the dogs!" After Du Haoyang finished speaking, he clapped his hands lazily, and two burly security guards rushed in from outside the door, and they came up without saying a word. He grabbed Cao Xinru and dragged her out like a cargo!

"Du Haoyang! You bastard! You bastard! You will die badly! You are bold! Let me go! Let me go!" Cao Xin's sharp voice resounded throughout the Du's Building.

"It's so noisy!" Du Haoyang frowned and picked his ears.

"Master, I understand!" Another security guard immediately took out a white plastic bag from his pocket, and then took out a pair of limited edition stinky socks that he changed and didn't wash last week. Immediately, a strong smell The smell filled the entire office, and it continued to spread out arrogantly.

"What are you going to do? Get out!" Seeing the security guard handing her stinky socks in front of her, Cao Xinru couldn't help but look back in fright, but her body was restrained by another security guard. I can't use my strength, I can't avoid it, my eyes are full of panic.

"What do you think?" The security guard showed a smug and expectant smile on his face, and gave away his stinky socks.I really appreciate Cao Xin's expression at this moment.

"Du Haoyang, you are not well..." Die!Before Cao Xinru finished cursing, she immediately felt that the stinky sock was brought to her mouth, and she shut her mouth quickly in fright.

But how could the security guard do what she wanted?He saw Cao Xinru tightly shut her mouth, so he pinched Cao Xinru's nose and forced her to open her mouth.

Cao Xinru struggled in pain and let out a groaning sound, her face was flushed red, as soon as she opened her mouth, she felt a pain in her chin, followed by a very strange, disgusting smell that filled Cao Xinru She frowned and shook her head from side to side vigorously, trying to get rid of the control of the two security guards, but she was powerless, so anxious and angry, she almost fainted.

When did she, Cao Xin, suffer such a great humiliation?
"It stinks!" Du Haoyang glanced at Cao Xinru, who was stuffed with stinky socks, and pinched his nose pretentiously, then glanced approvingly at the security guard who had prepared the stinky socks, and ordered, "Give me the man." Throw it out, don't dirty the company's land!"

"Yes!" The two security guards answered loudly in unison, dragging Cao Xinru out like dragging a cloth bag, and then ruthlessly threw it outside the Du's gate.

It was the rush hour for getting off work. In front of the Du's Building, people were coming and going, and there was a lot of traffic. Everyone saw that Cao Xin was thrown like a dog in a mess, and they immediately gathered around to watch.

As soon as Cao Xinru landed and freed, instead of getting up first, she lay on her stomach and pressed her mouth tightly with her fingers, took out the pair of stinky socks, threw them aside, and lay down on the ground, I vomited so darkly that I didn't even know there was vomit on my clothes.

"Ugh..." Cao Xin was vomiting like she was going to die, and when the onlookers saw her take out the stinky socks, they all held their noses and took a few steps back quickly!

(End of this chapter)

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