Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 937 Give the father-in-law the kidney-tonifying pill? !

Chapter 937 Give the father-in-law the kidney-tonifying pill? ! (3)
"Okay! Okay! I was about to say this too!" Tang Butler happily answered.Hearing that Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan just got a certificate and didn't have a wedding, Steward Tang was already unhappy. Du Sheng offered to hold a make-up wedding, which was exactly what he wanted.

So a group of people began to discuss the wedding happily again.

Tang Butler meant to hold a Chinese-style wedding according to their customs, so he explained the details of the wedding one by one. Wang Yueshan was a little interested at first, but after hearing the tedious details that Tang Butler said After that, my scalp felt numb, and before Steward Tang could finish speaking, he interrupted him and said, "Uncle Tang, I think it's better to have a Western-style wedding!"

Tang Butler looked at Wang Yueshan in embarrassment, and then at Tang Yu.

"Listen to Butler Tang!" Tang Yu glared at Wang Yueshan again, thinking that his wedding with Ji Jing, although very simple and only a few people knew about it, followed the steps of a Chinese wedding. It was done according to the specifications of the concubine, and the man was picked up in a car, and the red hijab was covered, and he was sent to his room.

"This is my own wedding! It's not your wedding!" Wang Yueshan argued hard. Hearing Tang Butler say that a Chinese wedding requires wearing heavy clothes and a headgear weighing 8 catties, Wang Yueshan was very worried about her neck.

"How about I ask someone to simplify the process as appropriate?" Tang Steward patiently discussed with Wang Yueshan. He remembered that his wife didn't like the red tape of Chinese weddings back then.

"It's better to have a Western-style wedding!" Wang Yueshan refused to let go.

"We'll discuss this later. Whether it's a Western style or a Chinese style, the betrothal gift is a must!" Seeing Tang Butler's embarrassment, Du Sheng smartly diverted the topic away.

"What dowry is not a dowry, we should prepare a generous dowry for the eldest lady!" Tang Butler talked with Du Sheng again with a smile.

Wang Yueshan couldn't help frowning frequently when she heard Du Sheng and Tang Butler's words. The more she listened, the more she felt that one of these two people wanted to buy a wife for her son, and the other wanted to make a lot of dowry for her as if no one wanted her. !


Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoyang with a bitter face, and sighed silently, it's just getting married, why is it so troublesome!

Du Haoyang had no choice but to pat Wang Yueshan's hand reassuringly.

After sending Tang Butler and Tang Yu away, Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang returned to the room and vomited bitterness again. Seeing Wang Yueshan's miserable appearance, Du Haoyang was really angry and distressed.

"Honey, come and take a look, it's prepared for you!" Wang Yueshan immediately revived on the spot after vomited her bitterness, and handed a beautifully packaged box to Du Haoyang as if nothing had happened.

"You have a conscience!" Seeing that Wang Yueshan had a gift for him, Du Haoyang happily took it and opened it impatiently.

"What's this?" Du Haoyang took the two small porcelain bottles in his hand after unpacking them twice with great effort, looked at them carefully for a while, and couldn't help asking curiously.

Give Mao two bottles of traditional Chinese medicine for Ufa health care?His hair is so black and thick, can't he use it?

"I asked Shishi to ask for this. She learned it from Aunt Yun's old recipes. The effect is so good that money can't buy it! And it was transported here by helicopter today!" Wang Yueshan didn't see the doubt in Du Haoyang's eyes, and said proudly.

"That's really troublesome!" Du Haoyang felt warm in his heart, not to mention what's going on, but his affection for his little girl is enough to melt his heart, "However, my hair is so black, I don't need it. !"

"What?" After hearing Du Haoyang's words, Wang Yueshan was shocked, grabbed a small porcelain bottle in Du Haoyang's hand, looked at it carefully, and then didn't understand why Du Haoyang realized it, Wang Yueshan suddenly slapped Head, said loudly: "It's over! This is a bad thing!"

"What's going on?" Du Haoyang asked quickly seeing that Wang Yueshan's face looked uglier than bitter gourd juice.

"Mistake! Mistake! This one is for Dad, and yours is at Dad's place!" Wang Yueshan said with her mouth flattened, "Hurry up! Maybe Dad hasn't opened it yet, hurry up and change it back!"

"What's the rush? It's so late. Maybe Dad has already fallen asleep. It's just a confusion. It's the same if I change it tomorrow!" Du Haoyang said nonchalantly.

"No, no, no! Can't wait for a moment! Can't wait for a second! Otherwise, it will be over when Dad disassembles it! You go! Go!" Wang Yueshan urged like an ant on a hot pot.

"What exactly is the gift you prepared for me?" Du Haoyang smelled something unusual from Wang Yueshan's excitement, so he asked.

"You'll know when you change back!" Wang Yueshan said with some embarrassment.

"No! You tell me first, and I'll change it back!" Du Haoyang insisted.

"Oh! It's just...it's just..." Wang Yueshan bit her lip and whispered a few words in Du Haoyang's ear.

"Daughter-in-law, are you worried about me? Huh? Blame me for not feeding you recently?" Du Haoyang didn't listen to that name, but when he heard that Wang Yueshan asked Tang Shishi to get him two bottles of kidney-tonifying and qi-tonifying pills, he suddenly felt His self-esteem suffered a serious blow, and he was gearing up to prove his power to Wang Yueshan and show off his masculinity.

"Oh, what are you talking about!" Wang Yueshan punched Du Haoyang a little angrily, and then explained: "It is because we are too frequent that you need tonic, haven't you heard that a drop of essence ten Blood, do you calculate how much blood you have to bleed in one night? Now I can’t feel it when I’m young, but when I get older, I can’t do what I want. I’m thinking about my long-term sexual happiness in the future!”

"It's really not because I didn't satisfy you?" Du Haoyang couldn't help but pretend to be serious when he saw Wang Yueshan's little face with two red clouds.

"Of course it's true! Hurry up! Otherwise, if Dad sees what's inside, I'll be ashamed of you!" Wang Yueshan pushed Du Haoyang impatiently.

My father-in-law has been abstinent for more than [-] years, and she is getting divorced today, and she will give her a tonic to invigorate the kidney and qi. What does this make people think?
The more Wang Yueshan thought about it, the more she felt that her oolong was a bit too big, and she was so annoyed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in. How could she give in to such a low-level mistake!
When Du Haoyang took the gift for Du Sheng and knocked on the door of Du Sheng's room, Du Sheng was sitting on the bed after taking a shower.

Du Haoyang saw the red gift box in front of Du Sheng at a glance. When he saw that Du Sheng hadn't opened the two small gift boxes inside, he was relieved. Return the red gift box and go upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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