Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 938 Cao Xinru’s Road to Destruction

Chapter 938 Cao Xinru’s Road to Destruction (1)
Du Sheng looked at Du Haoyang's relieved back with a smile, moved his lips, and finally gave up. He actually wanted to say that he had already seen what was in the gift box, and guessed that Wang Yueshan made a mistake. Du Haoyang came in just now. At that time, he had just unwrapped and rewrapped the gift!
However, Du Sheng thinks about it and forgets it, his daughter-in-law can't hide things on her face, if they are embarrassed when they meet tomorrow, how awkward it will be!Ha ha!
Cao Xinru lived in the hotel for a few days, feeling more and more worried every day. Seeing that the 3 yuan in her hand was about to be spent, there was no news from anyone she wanted to contact.

Du Haoze keeps turning off his cell phone, so there is no hope at all, while Mr. Du seems to have suddenly disappeared out of thin air. She tried all kinds of methods, even went to the nursing home where he often went to find someone, but she couldn't find anyone. Seeing a comeback, Cao Xinru, who had been humiliated before, was not in a hurry.

The most important thing is that her food, clothing, housing and transportation have been severely restricted these days due to money problems, and she has already reached the limit of what she can bear. If she doesn't change, she will really go crazy!
Especially now, when she was shopping, she happened to pass by a boutique she loved, and when she saw that the clothes in it were new, and they were still the styles she liked very much, Cao Xinru felt depressed like bamboo shoots after the rain Yes, they all popped out.

"Mrs. Du, I haven't seen you for a long time. There is a new model in the store. I was thinking of calling you. I didn't expect you to come!" The manager of the boutique saw Cao Xinru's outfit, his eyes flickered slightly. Next, still stepped forward to greet warmly.

"Oh! I just happened to pass by today, so come and have a look!" Cao Xinru's eyes lingered on those new products, but she pretended not to care and said, naturally, her attitude was still noble and proud!

"Mrs. Du, take a look at these styles, they are all very suitable for your temperament!" The manager has been observing Cao Xinru, seeing her eyes fixed on those clothes, so he enthusiastically stepped forward to sell them .

"Well, but now I don't like this kind of style very much. It's always the same and nothing new! Let me see for myself, and you can go and do your work!" Cao Xinru suppressed the desire and impulse in her heart, and said with airs.

"Okay! Then take a look!" The manager also noticed that something was wrong, and wisely kept silent, leaving space for Cao Xinru.


"Ha! It's really pretending like that!" Who knew that when Cao Xinru secretly breathed a sigh of relief, an extremely sarcastic voice came from beside her ear!

Cao Xin turned her head suddenly, and when she saw the woman in front of her again, her expression changed suddenly, "Why is it you?!"

"Why can't it be me?" Zhao Jie looked at Cao Xinru with a sinister and mocking face, and asked back.

"Where's your child? Where's your child!" Cao Xinru asked angrily when her eyes fell on Zhao Jieping's flat stomach.

"Cao Xinru, it's disgusting that you're still acting pretentious at this moment!" Zhao Jie looked at Cao Xinru with a sneer of contempt.

"Shut up!" In Cao Xinru's eyes, Zhao Jie has always been like an ant. When will it be her turn to blame herself?

"What should I do? This old woman is killing me? I'm so scared!" Zhao Jie was yelled at by Cao Xinru, and immediately pretended to be cute and pitiful.

Clap clap!Cao Xinru only felt a figure flash in front of her eyes, and before she could react, she felt a sharp pain on her face, and was slapped three times in a row. Get up, the fire is burning.

"You—you—!" Cao Xinru realized that Zhao Jie was followed by two men who looked like bodyguards. They covered their faces for a long time without saying anything, but looked at Zhao Jie with resentment. I couldn't figure out how Zhao Jie had such a big backer in such a short period of time, and he was accompanied by bodyguards when he went out!
"Why, you're not convinced?" Zhao Jie frowned, looked at Cao Xinru who had changed beyond recognition with a haughty attitude, and then said to the bodyguard beside her: "She is not convinced, what should I do?"

"Miss, leave it to us!" A bodyguard beside Zhao Jie said flatteringly, grabbed Cao Xinru's clothes, and then kicked Cao Xinru's leg, Cao Xinru's body knelt uncontrollably He got down, and with a bang, he knelt at Zhao Jie's feet.

"Zhao Jie! Why are you doing this to me?!" Cao Xinru asked loudly while struggling to get up.Although she has been used to being arrogant and domineering over the years, the bumps into walls these days made her clearly aware of her current situation, and she knew that now was not the time to confront Zhao Jie head-on.

"Cao Xinru, pretending to be innocent again, aren't you? The grievances between the two of us are obvious. Don't you ask knowingly?" Zhao Jie looked at Cao Xinru who was kneeling at her feet in relief, and Cao Xinru's various expressions kept changing in her mind. When she was in power, Cao Xinru’s hypocrisy and warmth in her intentional marriage, Cao Xinru’s bright disgust and avoidance when their mother and daughter were in trouble, and her charitable face when she let her be a surrogate, " Cao Xinru, you have today too! Haha!"

"Zhao Jie! Have you misunderstood something?" Forced to kneel on the ground, Cao Xinru forced herself to hide her unwillingness and anger, and looked up at Zhao Jie with difficulty and asked.

"Get this bitch out of here, don't affect my shopping mood!" Zhao Jie didn't even bother to listen to Cao Xinru's excuses. She wouldn't believe what Cao Xinru said now!
"Zhao Jie..." Cao Xinru looked at the hatred on Zhao Jie's face, trembled in her heart, and tried to say something.

"Bah! Our eldest lady's name can be called by you, a slut? Be careful, I will slap you!" The bodyguard grabbed Cao Xinru's clothes rudely, and threatened Cao Xinru with raised eyebrows.

Cao Xinru was so frightened that she quickly shut her mouth, and then inevitably had another close contact with the ground, but this time she quickly got up and left. This place is a favorite place for famous and rich wives, and she looks like this now , I'm really afraid of running into an acquaintance!
But things are often like this, what to be afraid of!
"Isn't this Mrs. Du?" Just as Cao Xinru was about to leave the arena with her tail between her legs, the road was blocked by a fat figure. Why have all the unlucky things come together recently?Even her enemies appeared in front of her one by one like queuing up?

The woman in front of her was none other than Liu Minghui's wife, Fan Yuexiang, who was known as a tigress.Fan Yuexiang and Cao Xinru have never been on the same page, this is something that everyone in the upper class knows!

Cao Xinru didn't say a word, she is like this today, it's not appropriate to talk too much, it's better to leave this place of right and wrong quickly.Thinking of this, Cao Xinru lowered her head and tried to go around. Who knew that she turned to the left, Fan Yuexiang also turned to the left, and she turned to the right and Fan Yuexiang also turned to the right. Cao Xinru gave Fan Yuexiang a deadly look, and said, "What do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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