Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 939 Cao Xinru’s Road to Destruction

Chapter 939 Cao Xinru’s Road to Destruction (2)
"I don't want to do anything!" Fan Yuexiang put her hands on her hips, looked at Cao Xinru contemptuously, and said sarcastically, "Cao Xinru, what did I say a long time ago? A mistress is a mistress after all, so it doesn't matter how charming she is and how clever she is." ? Sooner or later, you will end up like this!"

Fan Yuexiang only fights the Junior Three Association, and she will definitely not let go of this opportunity to educate Cao Xinru in public. In addition, her voice is always "loud and clear", so people with a radius of more than ten meters can hear it clearly.

"Cao Xinru, that big and bold thing, is it comfortable to use? It really is a vile vixen, playing with some flirty things!" Fan Yuexiang yelled even louder when she saw someone noticed her here.

"Fan Yuexiang, you - don't bully people too much!" Fan Yuexiang's words were more unbearable for Cao Xinru than Zhao Jie who slapped her in the face in public, but now she has no strength to challenge this fat woman in front of her at all!

"Too much deception? You're serious, I'm just telling the truth!" Fan Yuexiang said, looked Cao Xinru up and down, and said nonsensically, "Your clothes are really an eyesore!"

After finishing speaking, Fan Yuexiang walked past Cao Xinru and swaggered away.

Cao Xin stared at Fan Yuexiang's back with hatred, she remembered all the humiliation of today!
However, Cao Xinru thought everything was too simple, just when she was stopped by two strangers, thinking that she was going to suffer another meal of flesh and blood, those two people stepped forward and began to tear Cao Xinru's clothes vigorously without saying a word!
"Ah——what are you doing? Let me go! Don't touch me! Don't touch me!" Cao Xinru was so frightened that she tightly covered her clothes and screamed.

It's just that those two people didn't pay attention to Cao Xinru at all, and they tore up the obtrusive clothes on Cao Xinru's body, and then tore off Cao Xinru's bra and underwear, and stripped Cao Xinru naked.

"Ah—don't touch me! Don't touch me!" Cao Xinru was so frightened that her liver and gallbladder were torn apart, she yelled mournfully while protecting her important parts.

"It's noisy! Don't be so sentimental, you think you, an old cucumber, can still arouse our interest? You really feel good about yourself!" The two people who picked up Cao Xinru's clothes contemptuously pushed Cao Xinru aside, and walked away .

"Ah—— woo...you beasts! Bastards! Ah——" Cao Xinru yelled frantically, curling up.

The weather outside was already very cold, and now she was naked, and she was pointed at by everyone on the street. The shame in her heart was as uncontrollable as a volcanic eruption, and her emotions completely collapsed!
"Go away! Go away! Huh... ah..." Cao Xinru never dreamed that there would be a day when she curled up on the ground like a wild beast and kept roaring.

Fan Yuexiang on the side glanced at Cao Xinru disdainfully, then took out his mobile phone to take a photo, sent it, and then went to a secluded place to call the other party. As soon as the call was connected, Fan Yuexiang couldn't wait to say: "Mr. , I have done everything according to your orders, please give me some kind words, so that my family Minghui will suffer less in prison!" There was obvious flattery in that voice.

"Good job! I'll take care of your business!" Du Haoyang's lazy voice came from the phone.

That's right, everything about Cao Xinru is under his nose, and the encounter between Fan Yuexiang and Cao Xinru was also planned by him.

"Thank you, Young Master Du! Thank you, Young Master Du!" Fan Yuexiang thanked repeatedly.

Du Haoyang hung up the phone, then glanced at the photo of Cao Xinru naked on the street with disgust, a strange flash of light flashed in his eyes, and forwarded the photo to Mr. Du.

Mr. Du was placed under house arrest under the design of Du Sheng and Du Haoyang. Cao Xinru couldn't get through to Mr. Du because of their tricks, and Mr. Du couldn't get in touch with Cao Xinru these days because he didn't know that Cao Xinru had changed his number. , Every time I call her cell phone is turned off.

After all, Mr. Du is not an ordinary person. He expected that something might happen to Cao Xinru. The news of Du Sheng and Cao Xinru's divorce was published in the newspaper. Mr. Du also saw it. It's inconvenient, so naturally he can't say anything, but after seeing the photo sent by Du Haoyang, he can no longer pretend to be calm!

Under Du Haoyang's instruction, the people who put Mr. Du under house arrest did not make things too difficult, and let Mr. Du leave. After Cao Xinru blew the cold wind on the street for four hours, Mr. Du finally led someone to find Cao Xinru. , with high fever and intense mental stimulation, his sanity is already a little unconscious.

"These bastards!" When Mr. Du saw Cao Xinru, he couldn't help scolding, and was so angry that he almost fainted.

Du's house couldn't go back, Mr. Du took Cao Xinru back to his private house in City B, and found a doctor to diagnose Cao Xinru.

"The situation is not optimistic, Mr. Du, I suggest that it is best to take her to the hospital for an examination!" The doctor suggested with a serious face after diagnosing Cao Xinru's body.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Du asked eagerly, sensing that the meaning was unusual.

"I'm not sure about this right now, I'll have to go to the hospital for an examination to confirm the diagnosis!" The doctor looked a little embarrassed, Cao Xinru's pulse was very disordered, and he couldn't be sure.

"Then go to the hospital right away!" Mr. Du didn't care much at the moment, and immediately arranged for someone to take Cao Xinru to the hospital.

After sitting down for a series of examinations, Mr. Du was dumbfounded the moment he saw the results.

"It's impossible! How could this be?!" Mr. Du yelled at the doctor.

"Old Du, this is the result of a scientific test!" The doctor pushed his glasses, said with a meticulous expression and a very serious attitude.

"Impossible! She has a full body checkup every year, and it's normal every time. How could it be an advanced stage of liver cancer?!" Mr. Du still refused to believe it, looking at the doctor and questioning.

"Old Du, what this lady does is an ordinary routine examination every time. It's normal for some diseases to be undetectable by the routine examination!" The doctor calmly recited the lines he had prepared long ago to Mr. Du. , but my heart kept beating drums.

Although what he said was correct, when Cao Xinru came to check her last time, he had already noticed that something was wrong with her body, but this matter was suppressed by Young Master Du, and he was strictly ordered to keep it secret, so he didn't dare to say anything.

However, remembering that Cao Xinru once asked him to issue a false report of terminal cancer, the doctor couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart. Could it be that Cao Xinru cursed himself to death?

"Bastard! What's the reason for this? Don't tell me your hospital is full of wine bags and rice bags?" Mr. Du lost control and went into a rage on the spot. He didn't expect that Cao Xinru had an incurable disease!
(End of this chapter)

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